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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,323 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
2008 Annual AAPG Convention, April 20-23, 2008, San Antonio, Texas, #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Sedimentology and Depositional Setting of the Upper Proterozoic Scanlan Conglomerate, Central Arizona
Larry T. Middleton, Alan P. Trujillo
CSPG Special Publications
... of Scanlan. Two stacked sets are shown (contact at hammer head). Underlying bed consists of clast-supported conglomerate (Facies Gm). Hammer head is 19 cm...
Caprock integrity determination at the Christina Lake Thermal Recovery Project, Alberta
Gary L. Prost, James Newsome
CSPG Bulletin
...). The Wabiskaw member is the caprock at Christina Lake Field. Caprock is the layer of rock that overlies and seals a petroleum reservoir. Overburden...
Redesignation of the Upper Lithofacies in the Hensel Formation (Lower Cretaceous) on the Southwestern Flank of the Llano Uplift, Kimble County, Texas: A New Interpretation of the Depositional Environments
James O. Jones , John Aaron Kullman
GCAGS Transactions
... with the finer-grained bedding above it; flow in this horizon was in the direction of the hammer chisel or southwest. The hammer head is aligned...
Metal Distribution and Metal Site Partitioning, Mobile Bay Surface Sediments
J. Ashley Cordi, Maurice A. Meylan, Wayne C. Isphording
GCAGS Transactions
... feet (3-4 m). The Mobile River Delta, the largest inland delta in the United States, is located at the head of the bay, and Dauphin Island (a barrier...
Silurian Stratigraphy of Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec: DISCUSSION
Arthur J. Boucut
AAPG Bulletin
... peril. This is a region where "layer cake" geology is even more misleading than on the Canadian shield. Burk goes on to state (p. 449), discussing...
A geochemical context for stray gas investigations in the northern Appalachian Basin: Implications of analyses of natural gases from Neogene-through Devonian-age strata
Fred J. Baldassare, Mark A. McCaffrey, John A. Harper
AAPG Bulletin
... Series General Geology Report 39, 301 p.Shumaker, R. C., 1986, The effect of basement structure on the sedimentation and detached structural trends...
Escape traces associated with Rafinesquina alternata, an Upper Ordovician strophomenid brachiopod from the Cincinnati Arch region
Benjamin F. Dattilo, David L. Meyer, Keith Dewing, Matthew R. Gaynor
... in fiberglass cloth and embedded in a rectangular block of epoxy resin, leaving a 5-mm layer of resin around the entire specimen, before finally...
Hydrostratigraphic Characterization of Paleozoic Formations in Northwestern Colorado
A.L. Geldon
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... throughout most of the study area. 7986 SYMPOSIUM PALEOZOIC HYDROSTRATIGRAPHY 269 PRECAMBRIAN CONFINING LAYER The basement complex beneath...
Facies Heterogeneity in a Modern Ooid Sand Shoal - An Analog for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
R.P. Major, D.G. Bebout, and P.M. Harris
Search and Discovery.com
...) discontinuous layer of carbonate mud over this lens of well sorted ooids. This mud, although more likely to be preserved in tidal channels than...
Gelogical Occurence of Oil in United Kingdom with Reference to Present Exploratory Operations
H. R. Lovely
AAPG Bulletin
... on coal to the owners of th mineral rights. It required the stimulus of war to bring this matter to a head, and the demand for petroleum products near...
Petrography of Oriskany and Corniferous in West Virginia
James H.C. Martens
Appalachian Geological Society
..., which can be recognized by the presence • Head Department of Geology, West Virginia University. Pocahontas County Report, West Virginia Geological...
The Riggs Hill and Dinosaur Hill Sites, Mesa County, Colorado
William L. Chenoweth
Grand Junction Geological Society
... the fossils, Al Look and others covered the remaining bones with a thick layer of soil. According to Al Look (notes in the Museum of Western Colorado files...
Vanishing Tracks Along Alameda Parkway: Implications for Cretaceous Dinosaurian Paleobiology from the Dakota Group, Colorado
Martin G. Lockley
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
... of footprints made in a higher layer. Analysis of the footlength to stride ratio indicates a slow progression of about 1 meter per second, using the formula...
Quaternary sedimentation on the Inner Atlantic Shelf Between Cape Henry and Cape Hatteras: A Preliminary Report
Donald J.P. Swift, Gerald L. Shideler, Nicholas F. Avignone, Barry W. Holliday, Charles E. Dill Jr.
Atlantic Geology
..., with the percentage as the dependent variable, and grain size of the whole sample and distance from the head of the relevant littoral drift cell...
Greg Mason, NGO Development Corp., Granville Rd., Newark, OH
Ohio Geological Society
... rocks of Ohio have a basic monoclinic "layer cake" geologic makeup, it is suspected that this topographic expression...
Introduction to Petroleum Geochemistry
Douglas W. Waples
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
Mesa: Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental Analysis of Continental Margins
Donald Swift, George Freeland, David Drake, Patrick Hatcher, George Keller, William Lavelle, Terry Nelson, William Stubblefield, Anthony E. Cok, Thomas McKinney
Atlantic Geology
.... (Dr. W. Pierson, New York University); analysis Stubblefield of AOML); detailed mapping of the of the bottom boundary layer (Dr. R. Miller, dumpsites...
The Challenge of Applying New Technologies to Exploration in a Sub Andean Basins
Marcelo Benabentos, Pedro Muñoz, Juan Uribe, Francisco Ortigosa, Dewi Jones
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... showed that layer dips where much higher than expected. Seismic data for proper imaging of the events was not recorded and consequently the final...
The Right Idea, The Wrong Mineral or How Coalinga Got its Name
William Rintoul
Pacific Section of AAPG
... that it was an auspicious day when the head of the household gathered the family together, loaded down the wagon with empty buckets and a picnic...
The Zagros Uplift
Rasoul Sorkhabi
GEO ExPro Magazine
... at depth to a basal docollement (detachment) fault. In the case of Zagros, this basal decollement is often considered to be the ductile (low-friction) layer...
Underground Gas Storage in the Leyden Lignite Mine
Robert M. Meddles
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... in others. Beneath competent sandstone beds, the roof was strong enough to allow the removal of coal from relatively wide areas. Beneath a shale layer...
Table of Contents: 32nd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2008
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., Parada Devy Silitonga IPA08-G-009 Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Pre-Tertiary Interval in the Offshore Berau Area, Bird’s Head, Papua Edward...
Organic Remains in Meteorites--A Review of the Problem
F. L. Staplin
CSPG Bulletin
... to a synthesis via a reaction mechanism involving attack by methyl free radicals on to an adsorbed surface layer of organic compounds. In this manner little...
Basin-to-Prospect-Scale Subsurface Characterisation: New Insights into the Exmouth Sub-Basin, North West Shelf, Australia
Abdul Kholiq, Claire Jacob, Bee Jik Lim, Oliver Schenk, Anubrati Mukherjee, Alex Karvelas
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... intervals that correlate to low acoustic impedance and low Vp/ Vs layer are captured well by the seismic inversion, giving confidence in the results...