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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,382 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.

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Abstracts: Microseismic Source Inversion in Anisotropic Media; #90173 (2015)

Scott Leaney, Chris Chapman, and Tadeusz Ulrych

Search and

.... While the sum over rays may include mode conversions, reflections and head waves in a future version, presently only the three direct arrival types...


Viking Deposition: DISCUSSION

H. Llewellyn Jones

CSPG Bulletin

... the checking effect of subsequently tsunamic waves travelling shorewards. A similar opinion has been expressed by Ph. H. Kuenen and C. I. Migliorini (1950, p...


Application of Sonic Waveform Attributes in Reservoir Studies

R. Gir

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... receivers and recording and processing the complete sonic waveform. This trend is driven by the use of shear waves for determining mechanical...


Factors That Influence Sediment Transport at the Shelfbreak

Herman K. Karl, Paul R. Carlson, David A. Cacchione

Special Publications of SEPM

... frequency internal waves gen erated at the shelfbreak around the head of Hudson Canyon by the semi diurnal and diurnal tides Apel aI 1975 Submarine canyons...


Comparison of Machine Learning and Statistical Predictive Models for Production Time Series Forecasting in Tight Oil Reservoirs

Hamid Rahmanifard, Ian Gates, Abdolmohsen Shabib-Asl

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... (ML) methods especially Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Cao et al. (2016) proposed an ANN (a hidden layer containing 15 neurons) model using 2...


Envelope full-waveform inversion of marine seismic data

Kai Xiong, David Lumley, Wei Zhou

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... is only approximate for body wave reflections, and is even less accurate for other wave types such as head waves, diving waves, and multiples). Considering...


Processes of Sediment-Wave Construction Along the Present Zaire Deep-Sea Meandering Channel: Role of Meanders and Flow Stripping

Sebastien Migeon,, Bruno Savoye, Nathalie Babonneau, France-Lucy Spy Andersson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of lithofacies suggests that construction of migrating sediment waves is closely linked to repeated successive spillovers from the head and body of a single...


"Mud-Line": Modeling its Position Relative to Shelf Break: ABSTRACT

Daniel Jean Stanley, Sunit K. Addy, E. W. Behrens

AAPG Bulletin

... are the intersection of density fronts separating shelf and slope waters, and the channelizing effect of the canyon head cut deeply into the outermost shelf...


Large Sand Waves in Navarinsky Canyon Head: Products of Density Underflows?: REPLY

H. A. Karl, D. A. Cacchione, P. R. Carlson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Large Sand Waves in Navarinsky Canyon Head: Products of Density Underflows?: REPLY H. A. Karl, D. A. Cacchione, P. R. Carlson 1988 Vol. 58 No. 4...


On the Stabilizing Influence of Silt on Sand Beds

Gerhard Bartzke, Karin R. Bryan, Conrad A. Pilditch, Katrin Huhn

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... treatment effect (homogeneity of slopes p  =  0.35; treatment p  =  0.88) on boundary-layer flow characteristics. Consequently data from all three...


Modern internal waves and internal tides along oceanic pycnoclines: Challenges and implications for ancient deep-marine baroclinic sands

G. Shanmugam

AAPG Bulletin

...)00005-7.Karl, H. A., D. A. Cacchione, and P. R. Carlson, 1986, Internal-wave currents as a mechanism to account for large sand waves in Navarinsky Canyon Head...


Kinematics of Sand Avalanches Using Particle-Image Velocimetry

Michael Tischer , Marcus I. Bursik , E. Bruce Pitman

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... flowing over the sand layer. In the corresponding pictures for this compressing flow (Fig. 3B), a small blurred region at the tip of the head...


Full phase-velocity spectrum inversion of multimode Rayleigh waves

Yanlong Niu, Yunyue Elita Li, Siau Chen Chian

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... INTRODUCTION MASW is a cost-effective and non-destructive method to resolve soil layer stratification based on the analysis of Rayleigh or Love waves (Park et...


Crustal Structure and Seismotectonics of Northern Baja California: Chapter 15: Part III. Regional Geophysics and Geology

J. Frez, J. J. Gonzalez

AAPG Special Volumes

... with our simple model. In any case, the effect of the increase in thickness of the seismogenic layer on our estimate would be almost compensated...


Surge Propagation in Debris Flows; #51540 (2018)

Paul Allen, Oliver Harlen, Robert Dorrell, Robert Thomas, William McCaffrey

Search and

.... Numerical simulations were undertaken with single-layer and two-layer Lagrangian finite-difference schemes based on the depth-averaged, shallow water...


Swell-Dominated Carbonates On A Mississippian Ramp In the Canadian Rocky Mountain Front Ranges

Edward J. Matheson,, Robert W. Dalrymple, Noel P. James

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... will just rework the same layer repeatedly. Swell waves do not provide a mechanism to transport large amounts of sediment into deeper water (i.e....


Groundwater Quality Implications of Bank-Storage in a Crystalline-Rock Setting

James R. Mayer, Jonathan Brinson, Barry George

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... is primarily a pressure effect and requires only minor infiltration of surface water to produce the same observed change in hydraulic head...


Cow Head Breccia Sedimentology of the Cambro-Ordovician Continental Margin Newfoundland

J. F. Hubert, R. K. Suchecki, R. K. M. Callahan

Special Publications of SEPM

... on the Schmidt nets. 143 CAMBRO ORDOVICIAN MARGIN Calcarenite layer on mass flow breccia The ripples 17 Calcarenite beds in the Cow Head Breccia A Cross...


Dynamics of Nearshore Sediment Movement

J. W. Johnson

AAPG Bulletin

... in the following paragraphs. EFFECT OF WAVE EXPOSURE ON BEACH TYPE Beaches adjust themselves to absorb the energy of the attacking waves. Beaches which...


Sediment transfer from shelf to deepwater slope: How does it happen?

Yuqian Gan, Flavio N. de Almeida, Júnior, Valentina M. Rossi, Ron J. Steel, Cornel Olariu

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... linkage or canyon capture), surface mud plumes (hypopycnal flow), dilute-suspension bottom-boundary-layer dispersal sometimes enhanced by waves or tide...


Concentration-Dependent Flow Stratification In Experimental High-Density Turbidity Currents and Their Relevance To Turbidite Facies Models

Matthieu J.B. Cartigny,, Joris T. Eggenhuisen, Ernst W.M. Hansen, George Postma

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... by relatively small flow depth and low overall sediment concentration (Fig. 4A). Below and just behind the head of these pulses, a thin type IIa layer...


Offshore Tidal and Non-Tidal Sand Ridges and Sheets: Differences in Morphology and Hydrodynamic Setting

R. H. Belderson

CSPG Special Publications

... due to the obstruction of the headland. This effect can develop asymmetric sand waves along the inshore slope of the sand bank. These sand waves...


Characterization and simulation of transverse noise waves of a multisensor solid streamer

Viktor Smirnov, A. Sourice, J. Ribette, J. Mars, P. Herrmann

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... model explains the velocity difference observed in the field data between waves moving toward the streamer head and those moving toward the streamer...


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