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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,323 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Regional Stratigraphy of Frontier Formation and Relation to Salt Creek Field, Wyoming
James A. Barlow, Jr. , John D. Haun
AAPG Bulletin
... of waves to transport. In summary, the probable source, direction of movement, and size of the cobbles indicate that there was strong wave and current...
Heritage of the Petroleum Geologist
Michel T. Halbouty
AAPG Bulletin
... and John Clarence Karcher of the use of seismic waves to determine subsurface structures, and the confiscation of all private oil properties...
Sea Level, Synsedimentary Tectonics, and Reefs: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Silurian-Lowermost Devonian Gaspe Belt, Quebec Appalachians
Pierre-Andre Bourque
CSPG Bulletin
... to Tide Head, Chaleur Bay area, New Brunswick. In: Geology of New Brunswick. N. Rast (ed.). New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, Field...
Tectonic and Hydrologic Controls on Cyclic Alluvial Fan, Fluvial, and Lacustrine Rift-Basin Sedimentation, Jurassic-Lowermost Cretaceous Todos Santos Formation, Chiapas, Mexico
Terence C. Blair
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of alluvial fans (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Abst. w. Progr., v. 16, p. 688. WEAVER, W., AND SCHUMM, S. A., 1974, Fan-head trenching: an example...
Road Log, Day Six: Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Torrivio and Tocito Sandstones Near Beautiful Mountain, Four Corners Platform, Northwestern New Mexico.
Clive R. Jones, John C. Van Wagoner, David C. Jennette, Dag Nummedal, Greg W. Riley
AAPG Special Volumes
.... 29.0 We have entered the town of Shiprock, intersection of US 64 (east) and US 666 north (which carries on to Cortez, Colorado). Head south on US 64...
Indonesian Oil: The Economics of Supply and Price Under Current Government Policy
E. Anthony Copp
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., indirectly, through redistributive policies and the inter-regional multiplier effect of the domestic oil workers propensity to consume greater local goods...
Mg/Ca Ratio and Salinity: Two Controls over Crystallization of Dolomite
Robert L. Folk , Lynton S. Land
AAPG Bulletin
... and the interfering effect of foreign ions is reduced. Back, W., and B. B. Hanshaw, 1970, Comparison of chemical hydrogeology of the carbonate peninsulas of Florida...
Geology and Offshore Resource Potential of the New Ireland - Manus Region--A Synthesis
N. F. Exon, M. S. Marlow
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... and Tiffin, 1984). Canyons are cut in the slopes to the trench and to the deep south of Feni, and head between the volcanic islands. Seismic-reflection...
Summary of the Geology of the San Antonio Area
Thomas E. Ewing
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
...: Journal of Hydrology, v.24, no 3/4, p. 251–269. Abbott, P.L., 1977, Effect of Balcones faults on groundwater movement, south-central Texas: Texas Journal...
The Meguma Zone of Nova Scotia — A Remnant of Western Europe, South America, or Africa?
P.E. Schenk
CSPG Special Publications
... evolution. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. Liew, M. Y. C., 1979. Geochemical studies of the Goldenville Formation at Taylor Head, Nova Scotia...
Synthesis and Applications to Petroleum Geology
C.H. Nelson, T.H. Nilsen
Special Publications of SEPM
...). The turbidity-current mechanism, combined with the Coriolis effect, may influence deep-sea-fan shape, since major channel development...
Origin and Depositional Environments of Turonian Maastrichtian Organic-Rich and Phosphatic Sediments of Western Venezuela
R. N. Erlich, A. J. Nederbragt, M. Antonieta Lorente
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... concentrations of the poison (Anderson, 1994). 488 When upwelling events or excessive runoff overload the surface water layer with nutrients...
Preservation and distribution of detrital clay coats in a modern estuarine heterolithic point bar in the Gironde estuary (Bordeaux, France)
Maxime Virolle, Benjamin Brigaud, Hugues Féniès, Raphaël Bourillot, Eric Portier, Patricia Patrier, Hervé Derriennic, Daniel Beaufort
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., Rigault, C., Billon, S., Billault, V., Inoue, A., Inoue, S., and Patrier, P., 2015, Chlorite and chloritization processes through mixed-layer mineral series...
Comparison of National and Private Petroleum Company Exploration Techniques, Philosophy, and Success
A. A. Meyerhoff
CSPG Bulletin
... that their superior talents were inadequately recognized. They were what one of my practical friends called 'overeducated.' When Hal Fisk was head of Humble's...
The Role of Geology in Increasing Utah’s Ground-Water Resources from Faulted Terranes – Lessons from the Navajo Sandstone, Utah, and the Death Valley Flow System, Nevada-California
Peter D. Rowley, Gary L. Dixon
Utah Geological Association
... and little gouge has resulted. These damage zones (Caine and others, 1996) have an effect opposite to that of core zones: they increase secondary...
Geologic Evolution and Mineral Resources of the Marysvale Volcanic Field, West-Central Utah
Charles G. Cunningham, Peter D. Rowley, Thomas A. Steven, Robert O. Rye
Utah Geological Association
... Range; B, Beaver; BC, Bryce Canyon National Park; BH, Brian Head; BS, Bradshaw district; C, Cedar City; CB, Cedar Breaks National Monument; Ci...
Physical and geochemical controls on sedimentation along an ancient continental margin: The deep-marine Old Fort Point Formation (Ediacaran), southern Canadian Cordillera
M. D. Smith, R. W. C. Arnott, G. M. Ross
CSPG Bulletin
... with the oxygen front diffusing downward from the sediment-water interface. The relatively thicker oxidized purple-coloured layer in the upper part...
Geology and Water Resources of Southern Okinawa
D. J. Cederstrom
AAPG Bulletin
... and in only a few places does the Shimajiri formation occur between the limestone and the schists. One such place is in the canyon head northeast of Yontan...
Permian Basin of the United States: Chapter 16: PART II. PANHANDLE-HUGOTON GAS AND OIL FIELD
Edgar Wesley Owen
AAPG Special Volumes
.... FOOTNOTE 15. Strong and shifting winds spread a layer of soot over everything on the ranches in vast areas of the High Plains. An eerie sight was purple...
Morphologic and Mineralogic Transitions From Opal-A to Opal-CT in Low-Temperature Siliceous Sinter Diagenesis, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Bridget Y. Lynne, Kathleen A. Campbell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Iceland: Implications for Precambrian iron formations: Geology, v. 24, p. 323-326. KONHAUSER, K.O., PHOENIX, V.R., BOTTRELL, S.H., ADAMS, D.G., AND HEAD...
Stratigraphy, Sedimentation, Paleogeography, and Paleoclimates of Carboniferous ("Gondwana") and Permian of Bolivia
James Helwig
AAPG Bulletin
.... Within cross-stratified interval, each layer shows grain-size gradation normal to stratification and also from base to top of foreset. There is complete...
Late Carboniferous Tectonostratigraphy in the Avalon Terrane of Southern New Brunswick
R. Damian Nance
Atlantic Geology
... was fostered by the baffling effect of plant growth and resulted in more sinuous channels than those typical of braided river systems (Caudill and Nance...
East Texas Oil Field
H. E. Minor , Marcus A. Hanna
AAPG Bulletin
... the field falls below the effective hydrostatic head, unless a restricted flow is maintained throughout the field, thus maintaining an even advance...
Unconventional EOR: A Capillary Based Improved Oil Recovery Case Study for Shale Oil Scenarios in the Vaca Muerta Resource Play
Fernando R. Tuero, Marcelo Crotti, Ines Labayen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... injecting more than 9,400 bbl of water in a three-stage vertical well, oil was sampled at the well head after 12 days. In addition, downhole monitoring...
Stratigraphic and Combination Traps Within a Seismic Sequence Framework, Miocene Stevens urbidites, Bakersfield Arch, California: Chapter 6: Recent Applications of Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy
James S. Hewlett, Douglas W. Jordan
AAPG Special Volumes
... analysis and lithofacies interpretations. Note the Rosedale Canyon head containing Coulter lowstand canyon fill (strike view) below the highstand deltaic...