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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Quantifying Compaction, Pressure Solution And Quartz Cementation in Moderately-And Deeply-Buried Quartzose Sandstones from the Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming
W. Naylor Stone, Raymond Siever
Special Publications of SEPM
... suggests that the amount of dissolution along a stylolite is best measured by the as athin layer in the sandstone was deposited mechanical stylolite cones...
Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Coastal Depositional Systems and Regional Depositional Process Regimes: Campanian Western Interior Seaway, U.S.A.
Marijn Van Cappelle,, Gary J. Hampson, Howard D. Johnson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... by waves approaching the coastline at an oblique angle and possibly augmented by southward-directed, regional thermohaline currents (Erickson...
Transforming offshore field developments with PivotreeĀ: an innovative technology solution for fast, cost effective, and low footprint projects
Christopher Merrick
Australian Energy Producers Journal
... / Reinjection Turbines Water Injection ESP / HSP Artificial Lift Pressure Head, Utility Requirement, Reliability Separation Throughput, Fluid Spec...
Resource Development/Utilization: Development and Utilization of Geopressured Geothermal Resources in the South-Central United States
David B. Lombard
Houston Geological Society
... characteristics of Papadopolous' model. Note that "Pressure" is formation fluid pressure, and "Head" is in effect the wellhead static pressure. The very low...
Neogene Deformation of the North West Shelf, Australia
M. Keep, C. McA. Powell, P. W. Baillie
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... Group (1994), and Shuster et al. (1998). Auzende et al., 1994; Coleman, 1991, 1995) (Fig. 1). The overall effect of the oblique collision coupled...
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Lower Eocene Wind River Formation, Central Wyoming
David Seeland
Wyoming Geological Association
... by the Eocene Climate, but there are differences of opinion as to the type of climate and its effect on rock types. Childers (1974), on the basis of alternating...
The Paleogeothermal and Present Thermal Regimes of the Alberta Basin and their Significance for Petroleum Occurrences
J.A. Majorowicz, M. Rahman, F.W. Jones, N.J. McMillan
CSPG Bulletin
... Canada sedimentary basin. 1. Effect of topography. Water Resources Research, v. 5, p. 186-195. Hitchon, B. 1984. Geothermal gradients, hydrodynamics...
Deformation Band Control on Hydrocarbon Migration
John Parnell, Gordon R. Watt, David Middleton, Jason Kelly, Martin Baron
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... This effect on flow patterns has been confirmed by in-situ estimation of permeability in the Aztec Sandstone, Nevada, by Taylor and Pollard (2000), where...
Economics and the National Oil and Gas Assessment: The Case of Onshore Northern Alaska
E. D. Attanasi , K. J. Bird , R. F. Mast
AAPG Bulletin
..., severance tax, conservation tax, and the ad valorem tax on tangible property. The tax rates were based on the provisions in effect in 1986. Federal...
Geology of the Rose Canyon Area, Salt Lake County, Utah - the Exhumed Flank of the Bingham Volcanic Center
Robert F. Biek
Utah Geological Association
.... Constenius, K.N., Esser, R.P., and Layer, P.W., 2003, Extensional collapse of the Charleston-Nebo salient and its relationship to space-time variations...
Hydraulic Seals and Their Origin: Evidence from the Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Dolomites in the Middle Ordovician St. Peter Sandstone, Michigan Basin
Bryce L. Winter, John W. Valley, J. A. Toni Simo, Gregory C. Nadon, Clark M. Johnson
AAPG Bulletin
... and hydraulic head distributions indicate that the pressures within the St. Peter Sandstone and overlying Glenwood Formation are up to 650 psi above...
Sedimentary Features in the Lake Bonneville Group in the East Shore Area, Near Ogden, Utah
J. H. Feth
Utah Geological Association
... of the Weber Basin Project. The cut of the drain showed, at depths of 7 to 9 feet below the land surface, a widespread layer of sand about 1 to 2 feet...
Deep Crust and Basement Structure of the Peace River Arch region: Constraints on Mechanisms of Formation
G.M. Ross
CSPG Bulletin
... in Fig. 3. K-H refers to K-Ar hornblende age reported by Burwash et al., 1962 End_Page 27------------------------- BUFFALO HEAD TERRANE The Buffalo...
Mississippian Formations of Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
L. R. Laudon , A. L. Bowsher
AAPG Bulletin
.... A very short distance away in a tributary valley white quartz sandstone is in contact with the Mississippian beds. At the head of the same tributary...
Biological Remediation of Environmentally Contaminated Water
Ian Lerche, Walter Glaesser, Gerhard Strauch
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... is with the biological component alone. As we shall see, this biological effect has enough complicating factors in its own right without adding the extra complications...
Louisiana Stream Patterns
Richard Joel Russell
AAPG Bulletin
..., and hence is unable to effect any significant change in the nature of the material being carried in the main channel. In alluvial valleys as large as those...
Significance of Compositional and Textural Properties of South Canadian River Channel Sands, New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma
Jerome M. Pollack
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the low water channel of the river were collected over more or less regularly spaced intervals from near the head-waters in eastern New Mexico to near...
The General Nature of the Humber Arm Group in the Humber Arm Area: West Newfoundland
B. K. Stevens
Atlantic Geology
.... The general character of these rocks suggest a deltaic environment of deposition. Lime breccias of the Cow Head type mark the base of carbonateshale...
The Exploration Desk: Impressions of Mississippian Sediments in Little Rocky Mountains
D. G. Penner
CSPG Bulletin
... of their cliff-forming character, color and distribution. The most complete exposures of these formations are in a few deep gorges cut by streams which head...
Williston Basin Symposium
...: the Dog Head, Cat Head, Selkirk and Fort Garry. The Dog Head, Cat Head and Selkirk members correlate approximately in the subsurface...
Evidence of Oil Migration in Ordovician Time, Lucien Field
Robert M. Whiteside
Tulsa Geological Society
... live oil to head up 1000 feet in the hole. Lucien Consolidated, Schonwald No. 2, Section 20, had an initial production of 320 barrels per hour from...
Discussion of Data Indicating Processes of Vertical Migration
C. V. Millikan
Tulsa Geological Society
... sands are found which are reported to have pressures in excess of the hydrostatic head for their depths. These upper gas sands, however, have pressures...
Memorial: Jesse Elmore Simmons (1907-1941)
E. W. Kimball
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
..., and met his death on the morning of M a y 6, 1941, when his car struck a concrete bridge head near Ozona, Texas. A f t e r graduation from High School...
20. Identification and use of Conodonts from Meramecian Rocks (Upper Mississippian) Recovered from Well Cores from the Subsurface of Western Kansas [Abstract]
Thomas L. Thompson, Edwin D. Goebel
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... in 1951 from The State University of Iowa, and has been employed at the State Geological Survey of Kansas as Head of the Oil and Gas Division since 1951...
Trutch Creek, B.C., An Excellent Example of Stream Piracy
Robert H. Barton
CSPG Bulletin
... British Columbia (94G/10) captured the head-waters of Middle Fork Creek. This excellent example of stream piracy results from differing local base...