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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Hydrochemical Facies and Ground-Water Flow Patterns in Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT
William Back
AAPG Bulletin
... systems controls the distribution of the hydrochemical facies. By use of available head data, flow patterns of the fresh ground water are shown on maps...
Bar-Finger Sands of Mississippi Delta: ABSTRACT
Harold N. Fisk
AAPG Bulletin
... radiate from Head of Passes, and have formed in response to long continued distributary-mouth-bar deposition. These sand bodies attain a thickness...
Jack-up Pontoon Barge for Vibracoring in Shallow Water: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Gregory W. Stone, James P. Morgan
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... The tripod head and core cradle design was similar to that discussed by Lanesky et al. (1979). To retrieve cores after penetration, we found it much easier...
ABSTRACT: Westward Tilting of the Tejon Embayment, Southernmost San Joaquin Valley, CA, by Robert B. West; #91003 (1990).
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ABSTRACT: Tectonics of the Palau-Halmahera-Waigeo Triangle, Western Pacific, by John Milsom, Gary Nichols; #90097 (1990).
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ABSTRACT: Parameters Controlling Hydrocarbon Distribution at Tatums Camp Field, Lamar County, Mississippi, by Phillip Jackson; #90999 (1990).
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Henry Carter Rea
AAPG Bulletin
... but, these enigmas have to be met head on and pointed out for what they are. The investor wants as much of a yes or no answer as possible and only...
Abstract: Estuarine Sandstones in Lower Pennsylvanian Strata in the Indiana Portion of the Illinois Basin, by E. P. Kvale, D. A. Fishbaugh, and M. D. Ruark; #91004 (1991)
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Abstract: Theoretical Model of the Hydrogeology of a Pull-Apart Basin, by P. M. White; #91004 (1991)
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Palynology and its Use in Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
Henry L. Ott
AAPG Bulletin
... is of microscopic size, about 3,000 of them fitting side by side on the head of a pin. In spite of their extremely small size they are hardy little...
Sedimentation Rates on Continental Terrace off Columbia River: ABSTRACT
Paul R. Carlson
AAPG Bulletin
...). Deposition rates calculated from the first occurrence of Mazama ash to the modern surface are highest (78 cm/1,000 yr) on the floor near the head...
Rapid Changes in Head of Rio Balsas Submarine Canyon, Mexico: ABSTRACT
Erk Reimnitz
AAPG Bulletin
...Rapid Changes in Head of Rio Balsas Submarine Canyon, Mexico: ABSTRACT Erk Reimnitz 1969 459 460 53 2. (February) The Rio Balsas submarine canyon...
Abstract: Methodology for the In-Field Design of Monitoring Wells in Heterogeneous Fine-Grained Formations, by D. A. Zemo and S. D. Reynolds; #91016 (1992).
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Importance of Tidal-Inlet Sedimentation in Barrier-Island Systems: ABSTRACT
John B. Byrnes, Donald J. Colquhoun, Jack W. Pierce
AAPG Bulletin
... Beaufort and Nags Head. These 13 mi of inlets and inlet fill represent only 10.8% of the barrier-island system. Furthermore, geomorphic study...
Transition from Fluviatile to Marine Sediments in Coomhola Group (Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous) of West Cork, Ireland: ABSTRACT
P. R. R. Gardiner
AAPG Bulletin
.... Gardiner 1970 848 848 54 5. (May) At the head of Bantry Bay, southwest Ireland, the conformable transition between the nonmarine Old Red Sandstone facies...
Trends of Faunal Morphologic Variation and their Environmental Significance: Key to Paleoecologic Analysis: ABSTRACT
J. D. Harper
AAPG Bulletin
...), "amoeboid" stromatoporoids in wackestone matrix; Unit II (4 ft), thin, laminar stromatoporoids, "head-shaped" halysitids, encrusting algae, and small...
North Canada Rift System: ABSTRACT
J. William Kerr
AAPG Bulletin
... incipient branch of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It penetrates northwestward into the North American continent, splits into 2 branches at the head of Baffin Bay...
Stratification in Willow Creek Alluvial Fan, Eureka Valley, Inyo County, California: ABSTRACT
Robert Q. Oaks, Jr., Emily C. Oaks
AAPG Bulletin
... and sections spaced 2,000 ft apart. Average and maximum bed thicknesses decrease, respectively, from 1.7 and 6.0 ft near the fan head to 1.0 and 3.9...
Abstract: Economic Impact of Oil Geochemistry on West White Lake Field, Louisiana, by L. M. Ross, D. R. McConnell, K. A. Seilhan, and R. L. Ames; #90987 (1993).
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Hydrologic Systems: ABSTRACT
J. G. Ferris
AAPG Bulletin
... upon the injection of fluid into an aquifer is a consequent increase in hydraulic head which ultimately influences the hydrologic regime throughout...
Abstract: Prospecting With Pressures, Temperatures, and Velocities in the Northwest Gulf Of Mexico, by G. Enciso; #90990 (1993).
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Continental Intersections with Oceanic Rises and Petroleum Provinces of Pacific Slope of Americas: ABSTRACT
R. S. Yeats
AAPG Bulletin
... this hypothesis as an exploration tool, regions that warrant further prospecting include the head of the Gulf of California, Magdalena Bay in Baja California...
Abstract: Hydrogeologic Evaluation of the Kern River Alluvial Fan Area and the Importance of the Degree of Confinement of a Multi-Aquifer System, by K. H. Turner; #90992 (1993).
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Recent and Ancient Turbidites and Contourites: ABSTRACT
A. H. Bouma
AAPG Bulletin
... in which gradual filling followed by sudden emptying has occurred. The material in the canyon head moves downward slowly, comparable to glaciers. Besides...
Food Supply--Limiting Factor of Foraminiferal Populations: ABSTRACT
Alfred M. Hirsch, David Govoni
AAPG Bulletin
... or with differences in substrate textures. Foraminiferal populations at 7 stations were repeatedly examined from the head to the mouth of the bay. The substrate...