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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Sedimentation on Balearic Rise, a Foundered Block in Western Mediterranean: ABSTRACT
Yehezkiel Weiler, Daniel J. Stanley
AAPG Bulletin
...------------------------------ in its upper sector a major, pre-Pliocene, NNW-SSE-trending fault. Its floor is 3-4 km wide at the head and 25 km wide near...
Hydrogeologic Studies at a Subsurface Radioactive-Waste Management Site in West-Central Canada: ABSTRACT
J. A. Cherry, G. E. Grisak, R. E. Jackson
AAPG Bulletin
... head distributions using wells and piezometers, field permeability tests using single well response tests and long- and short-term pumping tests, mapping...
Determination of Flow Potential from Oil Reservoirs to Underground Sources of Drinking Water (USDW) in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico, by R. C. Laudon, D. L. Warner, L. F. Koederitz, and S. Dunn-Norman; #90986 (1994).
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Subsurface Disposal of Fluid Wastes in Saskatchewan: ABSTRACT
F. Simpson
AAPG Bulletin
... 3 to 1,100 US gpm and average well-head pressures vary from the sole influence of gravity to 1,750 psig. More than 44.13% of all industrial wastes...
Pore Space in Holocene Carbonate Sediments: ABSTRACT
Paul Enos, L. H. Sawatsky
AAPG Bulletin
... carbonate sediments from Florida and Great Bahama Bank, determined for 74 samples by water-flow rates in a falling-head permeameter, are related...
Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Shelf in Southeastern Arizona and Northeastern Sonora, Mexico: ABSTRACT
E. Robert Warzeski
AAPG Bulletin
... and head-forming algae. Thoroughly bound rudist-coral-algal frames dominate the southernmost reefs. Lagoonal limestones of the early regressive phase...
Abstract: Thermohaline Pore Water Trends of Southeastern Louisiana: Geologic Applications and Controls on Fluid Movement, by D. Marlin and B. Schramm; #90955 (1995).
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"Carrillo Puerto Formation" of Northeastern Quintana Roo, Mexico: ABSTRACT
R. W. Lauderdale, W. C. Ward, A. E. Weidie
AAPG Bulletin
..., and grainstones with coral boundstones. Still farther inland, the oldest unit exposed in Quintana Roo is a highly leached coral-head and mollusk...
Burrow Patterns of Ghost Crab Ocypode ceratophthalma (Pallas) as Possible Indicators of Foreshore Slopes: ABSTRACT
A. Chakrabarti
AAPG Bulletin
... with the streak line of water seepage caused by wave uprush and its successive movement of the saturated-unsaturated boundary under a pressure head due...
Abstract: Untitled, by E. Huggins, A. Buangan, J. Oberdorfer, and M. Yalom; #90958 (1995).
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Atchafalaya Delta--Louisiana's New Prograding Coast: ABSTRACT
Ivor Ll. Van Heerden, Harry H. Roberts
AAPG Bulletin
..., the distance from the river mouth to the head of the emerging bar decreases and the bifurcation angle increases. Retreat of this part of the Louisiana...
Field Study of Subaqueous Avalanching: ABSTRACT
John R. Dingler, Roberto J. Anima
AAPG Bulletin
... in situ. Such a study has been conducted in the head of Carmel submarine canyon, Carmel Bay, California. End_Page 918...
Holocene Tepees and Stromatolites from Southern Australia and Their Paleohydrologic Significance: ABSTRACT
John Warren
AAPG Bulletin
... by this ground water head seep into the boxwork beneath the crusts and are confined by this crust aquitard. The pressure causes the crust to expand and become...
Present Thermal State of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: ABSTRACT
Jacek Majorowicz, Alan M. Jessop
AAPG Bulletin
... geothermal gradient areas coincide with water recharge and high hydraulic head regions. The phenomenon of upward water movement in the deep strata...
Abstract: Preliminary Evaluation of a Proposed Injection Site in Mellones, by N. V. Ortiz and H. M. Rada; #90951 (1996).
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Formation of Secondary Porosity in Sandstones: How Important is It and What are Controlling Factors?: ABSTRACT
Knut O. Bjorlykke
AAPG Bulletin
...) meteoric water driven by a hydrostatic head; (2) subsurface pore water made acid by the release of CO2 from maturing kerogen; and (3) clay mineral reactions...
Present Thermal State of Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: ABSTRACT
Jacek Majorowicz, Alan M. Jessop
AAPG Bulletin
.... Low geothermal gradient areas coincide with water recharge and high hydraulic head regions. The phenomenon of upward water movement in the deep strata...
ABSTRACT: Identification of Deltaic Facies with 3-D Seismic Coherency, by J. A. Lopez, N. L. Haskell, S. E. Nissen, and M. S. Bahorich; #90941 (1997).
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Abstract: The Porcupine Basin: Ireland's Missed Oil Province?, by J. Chessell, C. Thomas, M. Norvack, and L. Mitchelmore; #90942 (1997).
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Paleotectonic, Stratigraphic, and Diagenetic History of Rangely Area, Colorado: ABSTRACT
Mark Koelmel
AAPG Bulletin
.... Saline solutions from the Eagle Valley Evaporites had sufficient head or diffusion drive to replace the Weber Formation fluid in the Piceance basin...
Abstract: Advanced Coring and Well-site Handling Add Pizazz to B. V. Hills Core!, by D. Fargo; #90945 (1997).
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Algal Origin of Peloids, Peloidal Intraclasts, and Structure Grumeleuse in Paleozoic Limestones: Evidence from Cow Head Group, Western Newfoundland: ABSTRACT
M. Coniglio, N. P. James
AAPG Bulletin
...Algal Origin of Peloids, Peloidal Intraclasts, and Structure Grumeleuse in Paleozoic Limestones: Evidence from Cow Head Group, Western Newfoundland...
Accretionary Styles in Shelf-Edge Reefs, St. Croix, Virgin Islands: ABSTRACT
Dennis K. Hubbard, R. Burke, I. Gill
AAPG Bulletin
... years B.P. (at a water depth of 5 m or 16 ft). A subsequent 3,000-year hiatus in reef accretion was ended by recolonization of head corals (at a water...
Eustatic and Structural Control of Submarine-Fan Sedimentation, Conception Fan, Santa Barbara Basin, California: ABSTRACT
Devin R. Thor
AAPG Bulletin
..., underlying depositional sequences. The fan surface is characterized by 4 main channels, 2 of which head into submarine canyons incised into the shelf...