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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,328 Results. Searched 196,956 documents.
Geology of Jonah Field, a Major Gas Accumulation in the Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation, Sublette County, Wyoming
Edward M. Warner
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... could be drilled with an underbalanced mud system in tight reservoirs without great risk of blowouts if a rotating head was utilized. This second...
Significance of Texture and Density of Alluvial Deposits in the Middle Rio Grande Valley
Stafford C. Happ
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... effect on the average sizes determined for the entire accumulation. For convenient comparison, the texture of each major subdivision of the overbank...
Discharge-Sediment Dynamics of the Lower Mississippi River
Joann Mossa
GCAGS Transactions
... (mile 76.0), and the Head of Passes (mile 0.0). Stage and discharge variations generally decrease downstream because of the lower gradients...
The Origin of Dissolved Gas in Shallow Aquifers Overlying the San Juan Basin's Ignacio Blanco Gas Field Near Bayfield, La Plata County, Colorado
Anthony W. Gorody
Wyoming Geological Association
... head testing of jurisdictional wells in the Ignacio Blanco Field under Notice to Lessees MDO-91-1. Their primary concern was to determine whether...
The Performance of Oil and Gas Lifting Operation and The Stock Draining in Achieving The National Production Target
Afriandi Eka Prasetya, Adi Nugroho, Mochamad Rizqon
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... This paper provides a fairly complete picture of how lifting operations are carried out and how much lifting supervision has an effect on increasing...
Composition of Modern Stream Sand in a Humid Climate Derived from a Low-Grade Metamorphic and Sedimentary Foreland Fold-Thrust Belt of North Georgia
Greg H. Mack
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... The streams head in a high-relief phyllite, schist, and metasandstone terrain and flow westward across a bounding fault into lower relief Paleozoic...
Petroleum Developments in Middle East and Adjacent Countries in 1956
Henry Hotchkiss
AAPG Bulletin
... the Garzan field on production in October, 1956. A summary of licenses in effect at the end of 1956 is given in Table II. A summary of exploratory...
Experimental Turbidity Currents on the Sea Floor
Edwin C. Buffington
AAPG Bulletin
... greater depths usually have reduced visibility. SITE Suitable natural slopes at shallow depths were found at the head of La Jolla submarine canyon, just...
Comprehensive Characterization of a Potential Site for CO2 Geological Storage in Central Alberta, Canada
Karsten Michael, Stefan Bachu, Beate E. Buschkuehle, Kristine Haug, Stephen Talman
AAPG Special Volumes
... in representation and analysis when using hydraulic head distributions: Journal of Hydrology, v. 259, p. 4965.Bachu, S., and J. C. Shaw, 2005, CO2 storage...
Integrated reservoir characterization and simulation of a shallow, light-oil, low-temperature reservoir: Umiat field, National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska
Catherine L. Hanks, Grant Shimer, Iman Oraki Kohshour, Mohabbat Ahmadi, Paul J. McCarthy, Abhijit Dandekar, Joanna Mongrain, Raelene Wentz
AAPG Bulletin
...]), with small quantities of solution gas. No active aquifer support exists because of small peizometric head in the area, and no gas cap exists. Production...
Sequence Stratigraphy Applied to Permian Basin Reservoirs: Outcrop Analogs in the Caballo and Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico
Robert F. Lindsay, Christy L. Reed
West Texas Geological Society
.... 0.3 332.6 Enter Interstate 10 and head north toward Las Cruces. 2.9 335.5 Westway-Vinton Exit (2). At 12:00 are the Organ Mountains, at 3:00...
Application of Centrifugal Compressors for High Pressure Gas Cycling, Arun Field
Cathal Ahern
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... approximates a constant head – variable volume machine which is different to a reciprocating compressor which approximates a constant volume – variable head...
Gravel Counterpoint Bars: Examples from the River TYWI, South Wales
Simon A. Smith
Special Publications of SEPM
... the bar head, which is the lowest part of the bar. There are several chutes at this point. In some examples, the bar head is joined to the floodplain...
Formal definition of the Lower Jurassic McCoy Brook Formation, Fundy Rift Basin, eastern Canada
Lawrence H. Tanner
Atlantic Geology
... sedimentary strata outcropping in the Minas Subbasin, with the type section west of McKay Head on the north shore of the geographic Minas Basin; (2...
Uba Deep-1: Pre-Jurassic Petroleum System in Bintuni Basin, Papua, Indonesia
Moektianto Soeryowibowo, Leonardus Tjahjadi, Albertus Pradipta, Yanto Kambu
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of this system which was not available before. Our analysis suggests that the onshore Bird’s Head is probably the right area to find better quality Permian...
Silurian Rocks of West White Bay Area, Newfoundland: Chapter 33: Central Orogenic Belt
Brian E. Lock
AAPG Special Volumes
... of Hampden at the head of White Bay to Cobbler Head, about 35 mi farther north (Fig. 1). The lower Paleozoic belt reaches a maximum width...
Methods For Restoring and Describing Ancient Clinoform Surfaces
Tore Grane Klausen, William Helland-Hansen
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... that goes into this qualitative approach. Decompaction and Backstripping The effect of postdepositional compaction on the investigated clinoform...
Facies Relationships, Alluvial Architecture, and Paleohydrology of a Paleogene, Humid-tropical Alluvial-fan System: Chumstick Formation, Washington State, U.S.A.
James E. Evans
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 10, p. 109-122. KUENZI, W.D., HORST, O.H., AND MCGEHEE, R.V., 1979, Effect of volcanic activity on fluvial-deltaic...
Toward a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Frasnian of the Western Canada Basin
Ken Potma, Pak K. Wong, John A.W. Weissenberger, Murray G. Gilhooly
CSPG Bulletin
..., J. E. 1964. Facies analysis of the Redwater Reef Complex, Alberta, Canada. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 12, p. 171-189. Layer, D.B. 1948...
Sedimentological, Petrophysical, and Seismic Characterization of an Upper Jurassic Shoreface-Dominated Shelf Margin (the Boulonnais, Northern France)
H. Braaksma, J.N. Proust, J.A.M. Kenter, G.G. Drijkoningen, N. Filippidou
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... For locations farther offshore, the maximum flooding surface is separated from the LFS by a thin layer of mid-cycle condensed sediment (e.g., Carter...
Reef Environment: Chapter 8: PART 4
Noel P. James
AAPG Special Volumes
...., and N. P. James, 1980, Small Lithistid sponge bioherms, Early Middle Ordovician Table Head Group, western Newfoundland: Bull. Canadian Petroleum Geology...
Sediments of the Modern Niger Delta: A Summary and Review
J. R. L. Allen
Special Publications of SEPM
... a n area of approximately 1 X 10" kilometres? The aqueous discharge, measured a t the head of the delta, is in the region of 2 x 1011 metres3 per...
Environmental Setting and Quaternary History of the San Francisco Estuary
Lisa Esquivel Wells
Pacific Section SEPM
... increased precipitation and fresh water flow from upstream - increasing the river head and local water levels. During droughts when the salinity...
Outcrop Analogs to Source and Reservoir Rocks of the Uinta Basin: UGA/RMAG Field Trip
Donna Anderson, Rex Cole, David Keighley, Robert Ressetar
Utah Geological Association
.... 0.1 11.8 Stop sign at intersection with Colorado Highway 340. Enter roundabout and head south. 1.0 12.8 Bridge over Colorado River...
The Eureka Sound Group (Upper Cretaceous - Oligocene), Canadian Arctic Islands
Andrew D. Miall
CSPG Bulletin
... facies model. The predominance of fine sand with small-scale ripple marks suggests a low-energy environment lacking strong waves or tidal currents, yet...