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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,300 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Sedimentary Belts in Lagoon of Kapingamarangi Atoll
Edwin D. McKee , John Chronic , Estella B. Leopold
AAPG Bulletin
... water, sediments are progressively finer with depth and a gradation lagoonward occurs from foraminiferal sand into shell sand, the effect of waves...
Geology of Hudson Bay Basin
Samuel J. Nelson, Ronald D. Johnson
CSPG Bulletin
..., with Portage Chute and Surprise Creek Formations; the Churchill River Group, with Caution Creek and Chasm Creek Formations; and Red Head Rapids Formation...
Influence of Lithology and Neogene Uplift on Seismic Velocities in Denmark: Implications for Depth Conversion of Maps
Peter Japsen
AAPG Bulletin
... as the combined effect of three types of uplift movements, and the magnitude of these are estimated. It is concluded that the pre-Quaternary surface in northern...
Dune Migration on Macrotidal Flats Under Symmetrical Tidal Flows: Garolim Bay, Korea
Hee J. Lee, Hyung R. Jo, Yong S. Chu
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... with waves less than 0.1 m high (Fig. 3). The effect of relatively rough waves appears to be hardly measurable in all parameters except for the SSC...
Hydrology of South Bonaire, N.A.--A Rock Selective Dolomitization Model
R. C. Murray
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... by the total pressure of the brine exerted at the level of an impermeable clay layer within the Recent sediments being greater than the pressure exerted...
Problem of Comparing Ancient with Recent Sedimentary Deposit: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
R. Passega
AAPG Bulletin
... sands in a non-depositional area by recent agents and particularly by storm waves. The Oligocene sands of Venezuela were considered by the writer...
Carbonate Borers--Their Role in Reef Ecology and Preservation: Reef Biota
John E. Warme
AAPG Special Volumes
... Sci., v. 16, p. 485-555. Evans, J. W., 1968, The effect of rock hardness and other factors on the shape of the burrow of the rock-boring clam...
Review of Surficial Geology and Engineering Hazards in the Canadian Offshore
Bernard R. Pelletier
Atlantic Geology
... marine operations, environmental information is required on winds, storms, waves, currents, tides and sea ice. This background is complemented...
Uncertainty Analysis of the Vertical Aquitard Hydraulic Conductivity in a Leaky Aquifer System
Xun-Hong Chen
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... solution accounts for the effect of aquifer anisotropy (Kr ≠ Kz) on drawdowns and is able to provide more reliable K′ values. Beck, J. W., and Arnold, K...
The Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Characterizing Sediments Under Transient Flow Conditions
Michael B. Kowalsky, Yoram Rubin, Peter Dietrich
Special Publications of SEPM
.... The Maxwell equations govern the propagation of GPR waves and depend on parameters including the permittivity (or, as defined below, the dielectric...
Depositional Environments and Sediment Characteristics of the Colville and Adjacent Deltas, Northern Arctic Alaska
A.S. Naidu, T.C. Mowatt
Houston Geological Society
... of illites and mixed-layer illite-montmorillonites: Am. Mineralogist, v. 51, p. 825-854. HUFFORD, G.L., in press, Dissolved oxygen and nutrients along...
Geomorphology of the Fundy National Park, New Brunswick
Hugo Greiner
Atlantic Geology
... Building, for example, a cross-bedded layer of coarse sand 2 feet thick lying between unsorted gravel beds with boulders up to 0.5 foot in diameter...
Reservoir Characterization of the Wilcze Field, Fore-Sudetic Monocline, Western Poland
K. Head, J. Twyman
CSPG Special Publications
...Reservoir Characterization of the Wilcze Field, Fore-Sudetic Monocline, Western Poland K. Head, J. Twyman 1994 280 281...
Hydrocarbon Effects on Hydraulic Head - Exploration Implications
Henning K. Lies
CSPG Special Publications
...Hydrocarbon Effects on Hydraulic Head - Exploration Implications Henning K. Lies 1995 71 71...
Five Myths & Myth-conceptions of the northern Perth Basin
Darren Ferninando
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... environments and allows us to be much more predictive in the facies we expect to see up dip and along strike. How does Layer Cake Lithostratigraphy Hold Up...
Compaction as a Cause of the Migration of Petroleum
R. C. Beckstrom , F. M. Van Tuyl
AAPG Bulletin
...Compaction as a Cause of the Migration of Petroleum R. C. Beckstrom , F. M. Van Tuyl 1928 1049 1055 12 11. (November) The effect of generating CO2...
Depositional History of Carboniferous (Middle Visean) Limestones from Bristol and Parts of South Wales
W. C. MacQuown, Jr. , T. W. Bloxam
AAPG Bulletin
... be subdivided into informal lithologic units with dominant microfacies that reflect both minor cyclic deposition and the effect of terrigenous influx toward...
Guide to Coastal Outcrops of the Monterey Formation of Western Santa Barbara County, California
John B. Dunham
Pacific Section SEPM
... Head section. At the 245' level, a one to three foot thick layer of conglomerate and pebbly mudstone is present. A scoured base and irregular top...
Surficial Sediments of the Great Australian Bight: Facies Dynamics and Oceanography on a Vast Cool-Water Carbonate Shelf
Noel P. James , Yvonne Bone , Lindsay B. Collins , T. Kurtis Kyser
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... at either end off the cratons, to 260 km wide at the Head of Bight. For descriptive purposes the shelf proper is areally separated into the Ceduna...
Vertebrate Ichnofossils from the Upper Jurassic Stump to Morrison Transition—Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah
Sue Ann Bilbey, Debra L. Mickelson, James Evan Hall, James I. Kirkland, Scott K. Madsen, Barbara Blackshear, Chauncie Todd
Utah Geological Association
... and the Green River south to the confluence with the White River. The effect of annually raising and lowering lake levels was predicted by the state...
Electrical Well Logging
Houston Geological Society Study Group
AAPG Bulletin
..., occur (Fig. 1). 1. If the formation pressure is higher than the hydrostatic head, the formation discharges fluid into the hole, and the diagram...
Collectors' Guide to Carbonate Cement Types, Northeastern Yucatan Peninsula
William C. Ward
New Orleans Geological Society
.... Paleontologists and and Mineralogists, Spec. Pub. 14, p. 14-48. Folk, R. L., 1974, Natural history of crystalline calcium carbonate: Effect...
Early Vadose Silt in Townsend Mound (Reef), New Mexico
Robert J. Dunham
Special Publications of SEPM
... floor the difference in head between crests and troughs of passing waves produces revers sca ing hydraulic gradients which may cause surg ing flow...
Triggering and Evolution of a Giant Submarine Landslide, Offshore Angola, Revealed by 3D Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology
M.J.R. Gee, R.L. Gawthorpe, S.J. Friedmann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... previously hidden from more traditional survey methods. Previous work on the Saharan Debris Flow (Masson et al. 1993; Gee et al. 1999; Gee et al. 2001...
Fracturing Fluid Loss in Unconventional Reservoirs: Evaluating the Impact of Osmotic Pressure and Surfactant and Methods to Upscale Results
Bin Pan, Christopher R. Clarkson, Adnan Younis, Chengyao Song, Chris Debuhr, Amin Ghanizadeh, Viola I. Birss
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of the pore throats are covered with quartz. For the first adsorbed layer, due to electrostatic attractions, the DTAB head tends to adsorb onto...