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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,300 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Abstract: Source to Sink (S2S) Control on the Deepwater Depositional Systems in Gulf of Papua: Insights from Seafloor Morphology, Acoustic Facies and Turbidite Sand Provenance; #90172 (2014)

Erlangga Septama, Samuel J. Bentley

Search and

... by eustatic sea level fall in MIS-3 (57-29 Ka). The relict morphology of the pressure ridge at the depositional head of the mass transport deposit created...


Identification of Fluid Movement in the Formation and Behind Casing Through the Use of Thermal and Acoustic Energy from Production Logs

Jose González, Alejandro Linares, Jairo Pérez, Alexander Castro, Virginia Mayorga, Danelys Bernal Correa, Juan Marin, Mario Ardila Moreno, Diego Rodriguez, Jose Vasquez

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... in waves. The methodology involves acquiring spectral noise logs (both in low and high frequency), fiber optic logs (including DTS - distributed...


Carbonate Bank and Wave-Built Platform Sedimentation, Edel Province, Shark Bay, Western Australia

James F. Read

AAPG Special Volumes

... benthos. Small percentages of matrix in bank sediments reflect the sparse seagrass cover and the limited effect of the leaf baffle. Sediments beneath...


Transport and Deposition of Clay Minerals Southeastern United States

James Neiheisel, Charles E. Weaver

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... The diminishing values or dispersal of these natural tracers, in effect, delineate the circulation patterns. During flood tide the higher head of marine...


Continental Slopes

Arnold H. Bouma

Special Publications of SEPM

... start near the top of the slope or even on the continental shelf Where they head depends primarily on the width of the shelf and secondarily...


The Gravel-Sand Transition Along River Channels

Gregory H. Sambrook Smith , Robert I. Ferguson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... 423------------------------ infiltrate and that finer sand particles can remain in the surface layer, probably hidden behind larger clasts. The study...


Sediments and Sedimentary Processes of Eastern Mississippi Cone, Gulf of Mexico

Ter-Chien Huang , H. G. Goodell

AAPG Bulletin

... with a few layers of fine sand and topped by a 20-50-cm layer of yellowish-brown foraminiferal clay. Disequilibrium age determinations indicate...


Paleo-Hydrogeologic Conditions of Formation and Preservation of Oil Pools in the Middle and Upper Devonian Sediments of the Pripyat Depression

Ye. F. Bolgarina, G. P. Yakobson

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... - the subsurface waters acquired a pressure head. The subsidence of the oil source rocks to depths greater than 800-1500 m led to generation...


Field Trip Guidebook: Hidden Cretaceous Basins in Nova Scotia

R. R. Stea, S. E. Pullan, J-P. Gobeil, H. V. Donohoe

Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications

...Field Trip Guidebook: Hidden Cretaceous Basins in Nova Scotia R. R. Stea, S. E. Pullan, J-P. Gobeil, H. V. Donohoe Field Trip 405, Halifax '&3...


Stratigraphic Versus Structural Accumulation

A. I. Levorsen

AAPG Bulletin

... in their history, which has, in effect, been a strong controlling factor in the oil accumulation in the region ever since the reservoir rock was buried...


Shelf Sheet-Sand Reservoir of the Lower Cretaceous Greensand, North Celtic Sea Basin, Offshore Ireland

Robert D. Winn, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... interval at Kinsale Head and Ballycotton gas fields. The reservoir sandstone is bioturbated, variably glauconitic, shell rich, and least muddy toward its...


Groundwater Modeling in Support of Remediation of Chloroform Contaminated Groundwater at a Former Landfill

A.C. Stringer, K.B. Clark

Montana Geological Society

... and transient conditions to a preselected set of head, flux, vertical gradient and contaminant concentration values. A sensitivity analysis...


Silica Cement Source and Porosity Preservation for Ohio's Lower Silurian Sandstones: ABSTRACT

Mark Smiraldo, Arthur E. Burford

AAPG Bulletin

... have been correlated by others, respectively, as the Cabot Head Shale, the Grimsby Sandstone, and the Thorold Sandstone of western New York...


The Rounding of Sand Grains

W. H. Twenhofel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and also a wide back beach. The sands on the fore beach are washed back and forth by the waves, at times moving south, at other times north. At low...


Particle-Size Distribution in Nearshore Sediments

D. L. Inman, T. K. Chamberlain

Special Publications of SEPM

... Contribution from the Scripps Institution such as waves and currents which sort of Oceanography, New Series No. 786. This and transport the sediments...


Surficial sediments and post-glacial relative sea-level history, Hamilton Sound, Newfoundland

J. Shaw, K. A. Edwardson

Atlantic Geology

.... Farther west the physiography is dominated by the Gander River valley which maintains less than 50 m relief from 25 km upstream to the head of Gander...


Mines and Geology of the Rocky and Beaver Lake Districts, Beaver County, Utah

William B. Wray

Utah Geological Association

... as the newly-discovered copper and magnetite-bearing skarn deposits of the Bawana, Maria and Hidden Treasure mines. The latter deposits were found using...


North Belut CPP Topside Installation … The Heaviest Floatover in Indonesia

Yetty Yustiati, Wayan Mega Budiartha

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... contact and load transfer) and post mating (separation and exit) at three sea states. LMU is a layer of elastomers which were installed to ease load...


Natural-Membrane Phenomena and Subsurface Waste Emplacement

Bruce B. Hanshaw

AAPG Special Volumes

... the pressure required for osmotic balance, ultrafiltration can result. The effect would be to cause flow across the shale and increase the chemical...


Impact of Clay Type and Water Composition on Low Salinity Water Injection „ Visualisation Approach

Tammy Amirian, Manouchehr Haghighi

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... through narrow throats to large bodies, displacing the wetting phase (oil phase). In the presence of kaolinite, the effect of LSW injection was re...


Assessment of tsunami hazard in Sabah „ Level of threat, constraints and future work

Felix Tongkul, Rodeano Roslee, Ahmad Khairut Termizi Mohd Daud

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... Cowie Bay between Tawau City and Sebatik Island will have the effect by concentrating the tsunami wave power and may result in waves much higher than...


Longshore Drift: Trapped in an Expected Universe

J.A.G. Cooper, O.H. Pilkey

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... by large scale instabilities induced by high angle waves: Nature, v. 414, p. 296-299. End_Page 605------------------------ BODGE, K.R., AND KRAUS...


A novel and low-cost seismic acquisition system consisting of permanent controlled linear vibratory sources and new autonomous seismic sensors for CCS/CCUS site characterization, plume front mapping, and real-time seismicity monitoring

Siwei Li, Nicholas Brooks, Tianrun Chen, Xinding Fang, George Knapo, Howard Wilkinson

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... motor masses generate vertical compressional forces that are converted to seismic waves that emanate at depth through the base of the buried helical...


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