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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Geological Literature on the San Joaquin Valley of California
J. C. Maher, W. M. Trollman, J. M. Denman
Pacific Section of AAPG
...; abs., 1967, in Geol. Soc. America Program, Ann. Mtg., New Orleans 1967, p. 4. Allenby, R. J., 1961, The importance of reflected refractions...
Guide to the Glacial Geology of Glacier Bay, Southeastern Alaska Glacial History, Glacial Sedimentology, Glacial Geomorphology and Glaciomarine Sedimentation
Ross D. Powell
Alaska Geological Society
..., but eventually the flow is destroyed by mixing with sea water by wind and waves. Net flow of warmer saline water beneath the surface layer is up-fjord...
Ordovician Chazyan Series of Champlain Valley, New York and Vermont, and Its Reefs
Philip Oxley , Marshall Kay
AAPG Bulletin
...). The lithic subdivisions, of the Day Point formation, are defined from the continuous exposures at The Head and nearby on southern Isle La Motte...
Platforms for Deep Water: Gulf of Mexico Development
B. E. Cox
New Orleans Geological Society
... is dominated by the lateral wave forces imposed by hurricanes. In water depths more than about 450 feet, these hurricane waves begin to interact...
Ridge and Runnel Systems in the Magdalen Islands, Quebec
E. H. Owens , D. H. Frobel
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: in Meyer, R. E., (ed.), Waves on Beaches, Academic Press, N.Y., p. 297-356. HAYES, M. O., AND J. C. BOOTHROYD, 1969, Storms as modifying agents...
S&D, Vol. 1, #97021, © 1997 Datapages, Inc.
Search and Discovery.com
S&D, Vol. 1, #97021, © 1997 Datapages, Inc.
Search and Discovery.com
Holocene Stratigraphy in the Paranagua Bay Estuary, Southern Brazil
Guilherme C. Lessa , Stephen R. Meyers , Eduardo Marone
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... restricted, moderately to poorly sorted sand layer is observed close to the head of the estuary, upstream from Antonina (Fig. 6). Average mean and sorting...
Submarine Geology of Ranger Bank, Mexico
K. O. Emery
AAPG Bulletin
... to the coast. It separates the low terraced areas bordering the Pacific Ocean on the west from the broad flat lowland at the head of Vizcaino Bay. At the coast...
Paleogeographic Reconstruction of the Lower Devonian Helderberg Group in the Appalachian Basin
R. Smosna
CSPG Special Publications
... Geological Society. Dennison, J. M. and Head, J. W., 1975. Sea level variations interpreted from the Appalachian basin Silurian and Devonian. American...
Bristol Bay: Model Contemporary Graded Shelf
G. D. Sharma , A. S. Naidu , D. W. Hood
AAPG Bulletin
... by storm-generated waves. These waves may be as great as 200 m long and are believed to elutriate the silts and clays from sediments up to a depth of 80 m...
Lenticular Shale Fabrics Resulting from Intermittent Erosion of Water-Rich Muds—Interpreting the Rock Record in the Light of Recent Flume Experiments
Juergen Schieber, John B. Southard, Arndt Schimmelmann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., 1991, Effect of bed shear stresses on the deposition and strength of deposited cohesive muds, in Bennett, R.H., Bryant, W.R., and Hulbert, M.H., eds...
Mudstone diversity: Origin and implications for source, seal, and reservoir properties in petroleum systems
Andrew C. Aplin, Joe H. S. Macquaker
AAPG Bulletin
... analyses reveal that it is commonly dispersed by a combination of waves, gravity-driven processes, and unidirectional currents driven variously by storms...
Accretion of the South Florida Platform, Late Quaternary Development
Charles W. Holmes
AAPG Bulletin
... section of the northernmost profile demonstrates that a layer of sediment has broken and moved to the lower slope (Figure 6). Other sections in this area...
A Quick, Inexpensive, Self-contained Sediment Coring System for Use Underwater: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Brian Jones, Kenton F. Phimester, Ian G. Hunter, Paul Blanchon
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...) and the circular head must be strong, because this is where most stress will occur due to the hammering effect of the air chisel. Alternatively...
Development of Parabolic Dunes and Interdunal Wetlands in the Provincelands Cape Cod National Seashore
Marjorie G. Winkler
Special Publications of SEPM
... The middle peat layer was formed at t65 675 1979 The core taken nearest yrs Leatherman the High Head dune site described in this study had a 1 5...
Piercement Structures in Deep Oceans
Y. Lancelot , R. W. Embley
AAPG Bulletin
... in some areas close to the continental margins, they also are present in some areas where DSDP drilling has shown the absence of a salt layer. High...
Transverse Ribs: Their Characteristics, Origin and Paleohydraulic Significance
Emlyn H. Koster
Dallas Geological Society
... of rib-forming flows are sub-critical, and it is suggested that the development of kinematic waves assists rib formation. The preservation potential...
Transverse Ribs: Their Characteristics, Origin and Paleohydraulic Significance
Emlyn H. Koster
CSPG Special Publications
... of rib-forming flows are sub-critical, and it is suggested that the development of kinematic waves assists rib formation. The preservation potential...
Memoir 70, Chapter 2: Mechanisms that Generate Abnormal Pressures: an Overview
Richard E. Swarbrick and Mark J. Osborne
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and (3) hydraulic head and hydrocarbon buoyancy. The principal mechanisms which result in large magnitude overpressure are disequilibrium compaction...
ABSTRACT: Classification of the Tectonic Setting of the World's Giant Oil Fields, by Paul Mann, Lisa Gahagan, and Mark B. Gordon; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Inferring Spatial Variation of Transmissibility of Faults in an Aquifer Using Spatial and Temporal Pressure Data From Westbay Multilevel Monitoring Wells; #90007 (2002)
Brann Johnson, Elena N. Zhurina
Search and Discovery.com
... distributed in a region 40m by 20m by 70m encompassing the faults. The quasi-steady state, 3-D distribution of hydraulic head in the vicinity of the fault...
Abstract: Defining an OWC Controlled by Combined Structural, Hydrodynamic and Stratigraphic Effects A Case Study; #90319 (2018)
Yunlai Yang, Qiang Li, Mahdi AbuAli, Khalid Mahmoud
Search and Discovery.com
... causes the oil-water contact (OWC) to be tilted. This hydrodynamic effect has been observed in reservoirs worldwide. A hydrodynamically tilted OWC can...
5 Years Application of Acoustic Sand Detection Tool in Sandy Wells Environment
Trimaharika Widarena, I-Gde Permana, Dadik Hendra Kusuma, Rahmad Wahyudi, Dedi Sinuraya
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... head choke). All cases occurred on wells with shallow/upper layer reservoir (top perforation < 2,500 mSS) and large pressure ratio across well head...