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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,300 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Structural Evolution of Ubadari Field, Bird's Head, Papua

Erick V. Yudhanto, Dumex Pasaribu

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Structural Evolution of Ubadari Field, Bird's Head, Papua Erick V. Yudhanto, Dumex Pasaribu IPA12-G-187 PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM...


Sediments of Great Salt Lake, Utah

A. J. Eardley

AAPG Bulletin

.... The organic content of the clays averages about 1 per cent. Bacteria are very active and emit sulphurous fumes. The diagenic effect of the bacteria...


Sediments of the North Sea: Part 4. Near-Shore Sediments--Hemipelagic Deposits

K. Luders

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the sediments. The waves also probably have little influence on the sediments, because even during heavy storms their effect presumably does not reach...


Architectural-Element Analysis: A New Method of Facies Analysis Applied to Fluvial Deposits

Andrew D. Miall

Special Publications of SEPM

... ripple marks and inner part of the turbulent boundary layer. Such bedforms are essentially identical current lirieations are the result. in all...


A New Look at Inverting Subsidence to Heat Flow in Rift-Related Basins … Deconvolution of Processes and Phases, #11057 (2018).

Daniel B. Palmowski, Thomas Fuchs, Thomas Hantschel

Search and

... and trapping can be predicted with higher accuracy. Selected Reference White, N., and D. McKenzie, 1988, Formation of “steer's head” geometry of sedimentary...


Experimental Modeling of the Spatial Distribution of Grain Size Developed in a Fill-and-Spill Mini-Basin Setting

Rufus L. Brunt, William D. McAffrey, Benjamin C. Kneller

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Motion of the head: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 3, p. 523-546. MIDDLETON, G.V., 1967, Experiments on density and turbidity currents; 3...


Field Trip Guidebook

Mary L. Barrett

Petroleum History Institute

... Fields, vol. 2, AAPG. 36 FIELD TRIP 1 . CADDO-PINE ISLAND FIELD MILEAGE NOTES 0.0 Leave the Holiday Inn Downtown, head north on Highway 1 The modem...


Meteoric Burial Diagenesis of Pennsylvanian Arkosic Sandstones, Southwestern Anadarko Basin, Texas

Shirley P. Dutton , Lynton S. Land

AAPG Bulletin

... and breaking waves. Reworked sand was deposited in high-energy environments such as ooli e shoals and offshore bars on the carbonate shelf. Fossil fragments...


Development of Regional Groundwater Availability Models of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in Texas

Van Kelley, Neil Deeds, Dennis Fryar, Rainer Senger

GCAGS Transactions

... and this is the order by which each layer is introduced. Layer 1 is the Sparta Formation, Layer 2 is the Weches Formation, and Layer 3 is the Queen City...


Pisoliths, Ooliths and Calcareous Growths in Limestone Caves at Port Campbell, Victoria, Australia

George Baker, M.Sc., A. C. Frostick

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... miles east of Port Campbell township. They are Pearce's Cave at the head of the east arm of the gorge, and Carmichael's Cave situated near normal high...


Vaca Muerta Frac-Hit Occurrence and Magnitude Forecast Methodology

Ruth Daurade Magneres, Martin Castello, Francisco Bertoldi, Martin Griffin

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... expected well head pressure. The methodology is developed by a multidisciplinary team, including Reservoir & Production Engineering, Geology, Geophysics...


Reef Configurations: Cause and Effect

Edward G. Purdy

Special Publications of SEPM

...Reef Configurations: Cause and Effect Edward G. Purdy Copyright © 2012, The Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM) Reefs...


Basement-Involved Inversion at the Appalachian Structural Front, Western Newfoundland: An Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Data with Implications for Petroleum Prospectivity

Glen S. Stockmal, Art Slingsby, John W. F. Waldron

CSPG Bulletin

... the Cambro-Ordovician platform and underlying Grenville basement in the hanging wall of the southeast-dipping Round Head Thrust, terminated...


Carousel Model for the Crystallization of Saddle Dolomite

Ralph Kretz

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to dolomite crystals which possess a tabular morphology (with spear-head terminations), curved crystal surfaces, and (when viewed in thin-sections), sweeping...


The Occurrence of Glauconite in Monterey Bay, California, Diversity, Origins, and Sedimentary Environmental Significance

James R. Hein , Alan O. Allwardt, Gary B. Griggs

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Allwardt, Gary B. Griggs 1974 Vol. 44 No. 2. (June), Sediment transport, sedimentation rate and the energy due to currents and waves distinguish three...


Silcretes and Associated Silica Diagenesis in Southern Africa and Australia

David Smale

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... cm across are present in the clay near the silcrete layer, which tends to be rich in colloform leucoxene (Fig. 2). A well-known quarry northeast...


Sedimentology of Some Mexican Coastal Lagoons

Fred B. Phleger, Gifford C. Ewing

Tulsa Geological Society

... and there are brine pans and salt flats beyond the head of the lagoon. The dominant type of sediment is fine, well-sorted sand showing little skewness...


Depositional and Erosional Coastal Processes During the Last Postglacial Sea-Level Rise: An Example from the Central Tyrrhenian Continental Shelf (Italy)

Paolo Tortora

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... CHIOCCI, F.L., AND NORMARK, W.R., 1992, Effect of sea-level variation on upper-slope depositional processes offshore of Tiber delta, Tyrrhenian Sea...


Experimental Study of Fracture Permeability With or Without Proppants on Vaca Muerta Gas Shale

Kun Su, Martin Santacoloma, Sebastian Estrada, Pierre Barlet, Hamid Pourpak

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... is then compared with the mechanical closure recorded by an extensometer. This experiment is used to investigate the effect of proppant concentration...


On the Labeling, Length, and Objective Basis of Fischer Plots

P. M. Sadler, D. A. Osleger, I. P. Montanez

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of an irregular train of asymmetric waves, which rise steeply and fall gradually. The asymmetry of the individual waves arises because thinner-than-average...


Contemporary Seismicity and Tectonics of the Northern and Central Coast Ranges-Sierran Block Boundary Zone, California

Ivan G. Wong, Richard W. Ely, Auriel C. Kollmann

Pacific Section of AAPG

... by treating them as downgoing rays (head waves). This always resulted in a larger rms error (Figure 4); however, the depths were more consistent with typical...


Pennsylvanian Outcrops of Significance, Mills County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Robert Pavlovic

AAPG Bulletin

... sheet to the head of Rough Creek where it becomes hidden by the Cretaceous. Basal Cretaceous (Trinity) conglomerate in many places overlies the "Keen...


Chapter 136: A 2-D, Oblique-dip Outcrop Transect through a Third-order, Progradational, Deep-water Clastic Succession, Urenui–Mount Messenger Formations, New Zealand

Peter R. King, Greg H. Browne, Malcolm J. Arnot, Martin P. Crundwell

AAPG Special Volumes

... and only moderately indurated, and exposures are relatively unweathered and clean because of washing by waves during high tides. The shoreline cliffs...


Gravity Anomalies in Gulf of California

J. C. Harrison , S. P. Mathur

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the Gulf near its head, could mark an extension of the San Jacinto fault. Bullard, E.C., 1962, The deeper structure of the ocean floor: Royal Soc. Proc...


Parameters Controlling Hydrocarbon Distribution at Tatum's Camp Field, Lamar County, Mississippi

Phillip R. Jackson

GCAGS Transactions

... at or close to their present depth of 15,700-15,800 ft (4785-4815 m). Hydraulic head estimates within the upper Hosston Formation decrease from north to south...


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