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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Deep-Water Sediment Bypass
Christopher J. Stevenson, Christopher A.-L. Jackson, David M. Hodgson, Stephen M. Hubbard, Joris T. Eggenhuisen
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and their relation to sediment waves: Sedimentology, v. 53, p. 1265–1287. Fildani, A., Hubbard, S.M., and Romans, B.W., 2009, Stratigraphic evolution...
Significant Studies of Modern and Ancient Deltaic Sediments
Rufus J. Le Blanc
Houston Geological Society
... construction and destruction: Deposition of sediment on sea bottom in front of a delta weakens effect of waves and currents. In situations of strong tidal...
Holocene Transgressive Stratigraphy of a Macrotidal Flat in the Southeastern Yellow Sea: Gomso Bay, Korea
Y.H. Kim , H.J. Lee , S.S. Chun , S.J. Han , S.K. Chough
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., in McCann, S.B., ed., The Coastline of Canada: Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 80-10, p. 153-180. AMOS, C.L., AND ZAITLIN, B.A., 1985, The effect...
Quantification of Tertiary Exhumation in the United Kingdom Southern North Sea Using Sonic Velocity Data
Richard R. Hillis
AAPG Bulletin
... by the preserved stratigraphy. The effect of this extra burial and subsequent exhumation on sedimentary rock decompaction procedure and thermal maturation...
The Great American Carbonate Bank in Eastern Laurentia: Its Births, Deaths, and Linkage to Paleooceanic Oxygenation (Early CambrianLate Ordovician)
Ed Landing
AAPG Special Volumes
... p.Coniglio, M., 1986, Stable isotope and elemental relationships of ancient shallow-marine and slope carbonates, CambroOrdovician Cow Head Group...
Quaternary Geology of the Wood River Area, Wyoming
Roy M. Breckenridge
Wyoming Geological Association
... moraine at 44 degrees latitude in the Rockies would be at an elevation of 3,070 meters. This small difference could be due to a "snow shadow" effect...
The Nature and Controls on Downstream Fining Within Sedimentary Links
Stephen Rice
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., and it is suggested that this efficiency is dependent on aggradation rates associated with the lateral sediment influxes at the head and terminus...
K. O. Emery, Elazar Uchupi
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the history of previous fisheries. The cycle of steady production, peak production, and decline seems to reflect the effect of a few years of catch...
Some Problems of Planning a Program of Development of Oil and Gas Fields
M. A. Iskenderov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
..., one of the main problems in planning a development program is determining the expediency of its application and deciding on its effect on the deposit...
Effects of Underground Storage Conditions on Characteristics of Petroleum
Paul W. Prutzman
AAPG Bulletin
... for a laboratory test, would show no modifying action whatever, might produce an effect greater than we can obtain artificially with the most effective...
Characteristics of Microzonation Modelling in Reservoir Evaluation
Search and Discovery.com
Regional Heat Flow Pattern and Lithospheric Geotherms in Northeastern British Columbia and Adjacent Northwest Territories, Canada
Jacek A. Majorowicz, Alan M. Jessop, Larry S. Lane
CSPG Bulletin
..., C., Hantschel, T. and Welte, D.H. 1999. Effect of oil and gas saturation on simulation of temperature history and maturation. In: Geothermics...
Integrated Approach in the War for Talent
Parluhutan Sibuea, MH Manullang, Rachmat S. Marpaung, Irna Yuliawati, Damaiyanti Sakti M
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the position, and improve efficiency This integrated assessment will measure the visible output and hidden potential referred to as the Iceberg model...
Infaunal-Sediment Relationships at the Shelf-Slope Break
Norman J . Blake, Larry J. Doyle
Special Publications of SEPM
... proximity to the shelf-slope break. Such a diagnostic change is associated with a decrease in fossil content of a sand layer and concument increase in grain...
Chapter 3: Facies of the Ferron Sandstone - Geological and Petrophysical Characterization of the Ferron Sandstone for 3-D Simulation of a Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir (MP-02-6)
T.A. Ryer, P.B. Anderson
Utah Geological Survey
...). Ferron shorelines that faced eastward or northeastward were reworked by waves; some of the sand from east-facing, wave-dominated deltas was carried...
A Devonian Submarine Fan in Western Argentina
Gustavo Gonzalez-Bonorino, Gerard V. Middleton
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., p. 725-742. MIDDLETON, G. V., 1966, Experiments on density and turbidity currents: I. Motion of the head: Canadian Jour. Earth Sci., v. 3, p. 523-546...
The Irrawaddy Delta: Tertiary Setting and Modern Offshore Sedimentation
Kelvin S. Rodolfo
Houston Geological Society
... 200 cm/1000 years. A tongue of these sediments extends seaward in a zone of shallow delta-shelf channels to the head of a large submarine canyon...
Composite microbialites: Thrombolite, dendrolite, and stromatolite associations in a modern environment, Pozo Bravo lake, Salar de Antofalla, Catamarca Puna, Argentina
Agustina I. Lencina, Mariana N. Soria, Fernando J. Gomez, Emmanuelle Gérard, M. Eugenia Farias
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... structures and to a sharply overlying stromatolitic layer within a single microbialite. We suggest that these various microbialite textures represent...
Sea Pollution in Indonesia: The Role of Man and Technology in Facing the Challenges of Pollution
Wahjudi Wisaksono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... effect of human activity. One of the main requirements for Indonesia in achieving economic prosperity is industrialisation. To limit or reduce...
Gypsum-To-Anhydrite Transition in the Miocene of Southern Poland--DISCUSSION
Andrzej Gasiewicz, Grzegorz Czapowski
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... effective) and the hydrostatic head of the elevated orogen (much more effective) may induce groundwater flow throughout the foreland. However, hydrologic...
Brackish-water ichnological trends in a microtidal barrier island embayment system, Kouchibouguac National Park, New Brunswick, Canada
Tyler E. Hauck, Shahin E. Dashtgard, S. George Pemberton, Murray K. Gingras
... to waves and tides control sedimentation and limit bioturbation. The inner estuary near the bay-head deltas experiences riverine currents and freshwater...
Abstract: Newly-Recognized Tsunami in Atlantic Canada
Alan Ruffman
Atlantic Geology
..., to County Harbour on the mainland and to at least the Head of St. Margaret's Bay where run up was seen. The 1929 tsunami may have had a significant effect...
Abstract: Late Tertiary and Quaternary Depositional Systems in the Subsurface of Central Texas Coastal Plain
Raul Fernando Solis I
GCAGS Transactions
...; fluviodeltaic; lagoon; large marine embayments; small bay-head deltas; thick wave-dominated deltas; strandplain; and thick, stacked coastal barriers...
Abstract: Origin of the Odd-Twins: A magnetic unit in the Ordovician foreland basin of the western Newfoundland Appalachians
J. C. DeWolfe, J. W. F. Waldron, R. Courtney
Atlantic Geology
... magnetitebearing units in the Long Point Group observed in outcrop. Toward the southwest, the asymmetry reverses. This effect probably results from...