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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,300 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Fault-Controlled Freshwater Lenses within the Saline Aquifer of Coastal Brevard and Indian River Counties, Florida

Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping

GCAGS Transactions

...-sections, water quality, quantity, age, and hydraulic head changes were studied to determine the effect of faults on the recharge of these freshwater...


Geochemical Effects and Movement of Injected Industrial Waste in a Limestone Aquifer

Donald A. Goolsby

AAPG Special Volumes

... confining layer which, at the injection site, is about 200 ft (60 m) thick. Industrial waste is presently (late 1971) being injected at a rate of about 2,100...


Joints, tensile strength and preferred fracture orientation in sandstones. New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, Canada

E.Z. Lajtai, P. Stringer

Atlantic Geology

... investigated. Locality 1 - Perry Formation; 2 - Balls Lake Formation; 3 - McCoy Head Formation (Emerson Creek); 4 McCoy Head Formation (Gardner Creek) ; 5...


Bioturbators as Ecosystem Engineers: Assessing Current Models

Brittany A. Laing, Luis A. Buatois, M. Gabriela Mángano, Nicholas J. Minter, Luke C. Strotz, Guy M. Narbonne, Glenn A. Brock


... effect generally persists after the engineer’s death or abandonment of the structure (e.g., the formation of animal-microbial reefs or beaver dams...


Petrology of Minturn Formation, East-Central Eagle County, Colorado

Sam Boggs, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... to poorly sorted arkose and impure arkose. Dominant clay minerals in the sandstone and associated shale and mudstone are illite with some mixed-layer...


Variation in burrow-wall micromorphologies of select intertidal invertebrates along the Pacific Northwest coast, USA: Behavioral and diagenetic implications

M.E. Zorn, M.K. Gingras, S.G. Pemberton


... layer of mucus strands perpendicularly overlapping a lower layer and, in some cases, woven through a series of lower strands (Figs. 7E–F). Within...


Petrographic and Paleontologic Characteristics of the Rickreall Limestone (Eocene) of Northwestern Oregon

Sam Boggs, Jr., William N. Orr, Ewart M. Baldwin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... the Yamhill Formation and the Siletz River Volcanics. A body of limestone approximately 24 m thick crops out at the head of Mill Creek near Boulder...


The Making and Unmaking of Limestones or the Downs and Ups of Porosity

Gerald M. Friedman

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., The natural history of crystalline calcium carbonate: effect of magnesium content and salinity: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 44, p. 40-53. FRIEDMAN, G. M...


Under Rig Floor Offline Tubingless Cementing in Swamp Drilling Rigs Mahakam Delta

Rangga Saputra, Muhammad Dahnil Maulana, Humisar Alprialdus Sinaga, Setiohadi, Crisa Agriawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Cementing Head & Surface Line 0.5 L/D 5" Tubular, meanwhile in hidden time: 17.5 N/U BOP on batch well, P/Test Connection, M/U and RIH Drilling BHA...


Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment Evaluation in Lematang Area, South Sumatra

Pipin Ariyanto, Fendy Kusdiantoro

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... petroleum from the pod of active source rock to the trap, will be thoroughly evaluated by understanding the effect of petroleum charge factor...


Holocene Neotectonics and the Ramapo Fault Zone Sea-Level Anomaly: A Study of Varying Marine Transgression Rates in the Lower Hudson Estuary, New York and New Jersey

Walter S. Newman, Leonard J. Cinquemani, Jon A. Sperling, Leslie F. Marcus, Richard R. Pardi

Special Publications of SEPM

... that “This freshwater peat layer of varying thickness continues up the valley slope to become contiguous with modern fresh water plants which now grow...


The Hydrogeology of Ogden Valley, Weber County, Utah, and Recommended Waste-Water Management Practices to Protect Ground-Water Quality

Mike Lowe, Janae Wallace

Utah Geological Association

... confining layer is estimated to be at least 50 feet (15 m) above the bedrock channel at the head of Ogden Canyon (Leggette and Taylor, 1937). Sediments...


Why Should We Pay for a Merged Survey that Contains the Data We Already Have? An Oklahoma Red Fork Example

Yoryenys Del Moro, Alfredo Fernandez Abad, Kurt J. Marfurt

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... in a lagoonal swamp or by a head of a delta environment. Finally, a Stage V is distinguished by non-productive low impedance sands and shales that eroded...


The Ground-Water Reservoir as Long-Term Carryover Storage: Cedar Valley, Iron County, Utah

Ben Everitt

Utah Geological Association

... Resources, 72 p. Waite, H. A., and H.E. Thomas, 1955, Effect of current drought upon water supplies in Cedar Valley, Utah: Transactions of the American...


Offshore West Australian Basins, Fuelling a Decade of Conventional Prosperity for Industry and Woodside

M. J. Thompson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... between 2004 and 2009 at fields such as Mutineer/Exeter, Cliff Head, Enfield, Vincent, Stybarrow, Io/Jansz, Perseus, Van Gogh, Reindeer- Caribou, John...


Monarch and Kicking Horse Mines, Field, British Columbia

Charles S. Ney

CSPG Special Publications

... the big stope inside. An old wood stairway may be seen, leading to a hole on the east side of the orebody. The Monarch aerial tram portal is hidden...


High-Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy of a Narrow, Bedrock-Controlled Estuary: The Guadiana Estuarine System, SW Iberia

F.J. Lobo, J.M.A. Dias, R. Gonzalez, F.J. Hernandez-Molina, J.A. Morales, V. Diaz Del Rio

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of the Portuguese Coast: Final Report of Subproject A, NATO PO-WAVES Report 6/94-A, 80 p. CHIOCCI, F.L., ERCILLA, G., AND TORRES, J., 1997, Stratal architecture...


High-Frequency Rhythmicity in a Mixed Siliciclastic–Carbonate Shelf (Late Miocene, Guadix Basin, Spain): A Model of Interplay Between Climatic Oscillations, Subsidence, and Sediment Dispersal

Fernando Garcia-Garcia, Jesus M. Soria, Cesar Viseras, Juan Fernandez

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... structures associated with the tempestites are interpreted to be due to the loading effect of waves during the deposition of storm beds, similar to the model...


Wind/Wave and Tidal Processes Along the Upper Devonian Catskill Shoreline in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

R. Slingerland, J.-P. Loule

Dallas Geological Society

... orientation of water surface waves in the shallow foreshore. These waves in turn will have been refracted to near parallelism with regional...


Wind/Wave and Tidal Processes Along the Upper Devonian Catskill Shoreline in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

R. Slingerland, J.-P. Loule

CSPG Special Publications

... orientation of water surface waves in the shallow foreshore. These waves in turn will have been refracted to near parallelism with regional...


Optimizing MFHW Completion and Fracturing in Shale Formations Utilizing High Frequency ESP Real Time Data

Lawrence Camilleri, Dennis McEwen, Alexey Rusakov, Dave Weishoff, Russ Akers, Josh Lachner, Troy Kisner

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... eliminating the effect of free gas on inflow productivity. To eliminate the dependence on fluid properties (e.g. formation volume factor...


Study of Phase Behaviour and Ionic Effect of Green Surfactants in MEOR

Bashirul Haq, Jishan Liu, Keyu Liu, Dhafer Al Shehri

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...Study of Phase Behaviour and Ionic Effect of Green Surfactants in MEOR Bashirul Haq, Jishan Liu, Keyu Liu, Dhafer Al Shehri The APPEA Journal 2018...


Abstracts: Variability of Incised Valleys and Estuaries Along French Coasts: An Analog to Oil Reservoirs Where Topography Influence Preservation Potential?; #90173 (2015)

E. Chaumillon, B. Tessier, J.-Y. Reynaud

Search and

... the observed variability in valley-fills is explained by other controlling factors including hydrodynamics (waves, tidal currents, and fluvial input...


Hydrogeologic Regimes of Sandstone Diagenesis: Part 1. Concepts and Principles

William E. Galloway

AAPG Special Volumes

... Societies Transactions, v. 30, p. 113-127. Hitchon, B., 1969a, Fluid flow in the western Canada sedimentary basin, 1, Effect of topography: Water Resources...


Cool-Water Carbonate Sedimentation During the Terminal Quaternary Sea-Level Cycle: Lincoln Shelf, Southern Australia

Noel P. James, Yvonne Bone, Steven J. Hageman, Davida Feary, Victor A. Gostin

Special Publications of SEPM

... waves and impediment to onshore movement of open ocean waves and swells The seafloor inside the gulf is asymmetric in east west swells. The seafloor...


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