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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,300 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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A Rapid and Robust Approach for Optimizing Production in the Northern Delaware Basin

Cyrille Defeu, Brian D. Clark, Eric F. Wigger, Mike Mayerhofer, Todd Passmore, John Speight

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... properties. A 3-D layer cake model was built, hydraulic fracture and numerical reservoir modeling were performed to create unique designs for each well...


Exotic Pebbles in Quaternary Deposits from the South Coast of the St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec

Jean-Claude Dionne

Atlantic Geology

... be attributed to many agents: Pleistocene ice-sheet, drift ice, organic agents, currents and wa Waves and currents can easily remove pebbles of the class 2...


Making Waves: Seismic Data Collection Using Vibroseis Technology

C. Jason Criss

GEO ExPro Magazine

...Making Waves: Seismic Data Collection Using Vibroseis Technology C. Jason Criss GEO Physics Making Waves ≈ ≈ ≈ ≈≈≈ Seismic Data Collection Using...


Late Neogene Louisiana Continental Margin Construction Timed by Sea-Level Fluctuations: Chapter 18: Sea-Level and Seismic Stratigraphic Studies

Arnold H. Bouma, Harry H. Roberts, James M. Coleman

AAPG Special Volumes

... effect on sediment movement and relocation, such as currents, cyclic loading by storm waves, and sediment instabilities (Coleman et al., 1989...


Organism-Sediment Relationships on a Modern Tidal Flat, Bodega Harbor, California

Thomas E. Ronan Jr., Molly Fritz Miller, Jack D. Farmer

Pacific Section SEPM

..., Bodega Head, and a beach and dune-covered neck of land to the north that attaches it to the mainland (Fig. 1). Gradients in species abundances from mean...


The Effects of Neogene Thrusting on Deposition in the Bermejo Basin, Argentina

James A. Beer, Teresa E. Jordan

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...-planar stratification produced by very low amplitude sand waves: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 41, p. 69-73. SMOOT, J. P., 1983, Depositional subenvironments...


Paleosol in Galesburg Formation (Kansas City Group, Upper Pennsylvanian), Northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.: Evidence for Climate Change and Mechanisms of Marine Transgression

R.M. Joeckel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...), and at CWQ, the lower surface of the overlying Winterset Limestone also undulates in harmony with Galesburg microrelief. A similar effect in bed...


Hydrodynamics of the Hunton Group Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas Panhandle, Pt. 1

Paul E. Blubaugh Jr.

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... hydraulic head for each well was calculated by adding the pressure head to the elevation head. Head values were used to construct a potentiometric...


An Integrated Study of a Deepwater Gas Well

Shie-Way Wang, Rob Mathers

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the history of gas production rate, reservoir pressure, and tubing head pressure. After successfully matching these parameters, the 3D model...


Seismic Facies Analysis of Entrenched Valley-Fill: A Case Study in the Galveston Bay Area, Texas

Wendy C. Smyth, John B. Anderson, Mark A. Thomas

GCAGS Transactions

... estuarine deposits, Galveston Bay, Texas: Rice Univ., PhD dissertation, 67 pp. Thomas, M.A., and Anderson, J.B., 1988, The effect and mechanism...


Late Quaternary Geology of Nain Bay, Labrador

David J. W. Piper, Daryl M. Wightman, John F. Lewis, Greg J. T. Dwyer

Atlantic Geology

... to 600 m. The Fraser River drains to the head of the Bay. Water depths in the Bay reach 132 m south of Rhodes Island;there is a 18 m deep sill...


Physical Stratigraphy of Ancient Lacustrine Deposits

M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High Jr.

Special Publications of SEPM

... fluctuations in lake size However FIG of I Lakes of East lake basin on its Africa showing effect of origin shape After Beadle 1968 discontinuous...


Flood Deposits in Continental and Marine Environments: Character and Significance

Thierry Mulder, Emmanuel Chapron

AAPG Special Volumes

.... 369375.Farnsworth, K. L., and J. D. Milliman, 2003, Long-term fluvial sediment delivery to the ocean: Effect of climatic and anthropogenic change: Global Planet...


Morphological Analysis of Archetypal Calcite Cement

J.A.D. Dickson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of crystalline calcium carbonate: effect of magnesium content and salinity: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 44, p. 40–53. Gayer, R.A....


Marine Borers: Trace Fossils and Geological Significance

John E. Warme and Eric J. McHuron

Special Publications of SEPM

...-continued erosion (Also see Figs. 3, 11). B A C D E 90 Fig. 3. Sample of Eocene mudstone from near the head of Scripps Submarine Canyon, split...


Cross-Formational Fluid Flow and the Generation of a Saline Plume of Formation Waters in the Mannville Group, West-Central Alberta

B. J. Rostron, J. Toth

CSPG Special Publications

.... 1969a. Fluid flow in the western Canada sedimentary basin 1. effect of topography. Water Resources Research, v. 5, p. 186-195. Hitchon, B. 1969b...


Abstract: HydroPhysical’ Logging: A new wellbore technology for hydrogeologic and contaminant characterization of aquifers

William H. Pedler, Charles R. Head, Lacey L. Williams

Atlantic Geology

... R. Head, Lacey L. Williams atlantic geology . volume 46 . 2010 64 HydroPhysical™ Logging: A new wellbore technology for hydrogeologic...


Visualising the Subsurface: From 2D to 3D

Jane Whaley

GEO ExPro Magazine

... frustrating." This technique has been used to great effect in Yemen, which has a history of extension and rifting stretching back to the early Mesozoic...


Natural Gas Separation at CO2CRCs Otway National Research Facility

Abdul Qader, Jai Kant Pandit

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... pressure from the gas well head is used for testing. The buttress gas has a very high CO2 content (~76.5 vol%) with methane as the other major...


Integrated In-House Monitoring Toolbox: Practical Production Monitoring Workflow for a Mature Field

M. Shalahudin Mahfudz, Dwi Riyanto, Suhesti Herawati, Adnan Syarafi, Silmi Marisa

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... relationship (well IPR). This situation can be explained by liquid loading effect inside the wellbore; as result of the assumption for the evaluation...


Sand Production Management: The Critical Challenge in Zawtika Gas Production; #20351 (2016)

Tanawat Junmano, Lee Boo Soon, Anan Amornprabharwat, Sutasinee Kittisupalauk, Rangsan Bhengbhun

Search and

...) • 3 Well Head Platform (Phase 1A) & Intra field Line • 230 km. Offshore Export Pipeline • 70 km. Onshore Export Pipeline • Onshore Facilities, ZOC, ZMS...


Fluid Substitution Modeling to Determine Sensitivity of Time-Lapse 3-D Vertical Seismic Profile Data to Injected CO2; #41902 (2016)

Kimberley Haar, Robert Balch

Search and

... in the downward direction to receivers in the well-bore, reducing the effect of attenuation in near-surface formations. 3D VSP surveys at Farnsworth can...


Sedimentary Architecture in Meanders of a Submarine Channel: Detailed Study of the Present Congo Turbidite Channel (Zaiango Project)

N. Babonneau, B. Savoye, M. Cremer, M. Bez

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and the general seismic structure of the turbidite system from the head of the canyon down to the channel-mouth lobe. The work presented in this paper...


Mississippian Stratigraphy of the Central Foothills and Eastern Ranges of the Nordegg Area, Alberta

W. B. Brady

CSPG Special Publications

... Head area, southeast of Banff. Usage of this terminology is based on lithologic similarities and may be regarded only as tentative until further work...


Shallow Carbonate-Bank-Margin Growth and Structure, Little Bahama Bank, Bahamas

Albert C. Hine , A. Conrad Neumann

AAPG Bulletin

...) physical processes, i.e., the direction, magnitude, and duration of tidal currents, waves, and storms; (2) the nature and history of sea-level...


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