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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abstract: The style of Late Paleozoic deformation in the Antigonish Basin: an example from the Monks Head section, Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Jason Johnson
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: The style of Late Paleozoic deformation in the Antigonish Basin: an example from the Monks Head section, Antigonish, Nova Scotia Jason...
ABSTRACT: Late Cretaceous Evolution of the Bird's Head, Irian Jaya: A Failed Rift?, by Tim R. Charlton; #90913(2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Enhanced 3-D Imaging in Difficult Areas from Texas to Yemen, Case History, by T. R. Nickoloff and J. C. Manatt, Jr.; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Coupled Kinetic and Fluid Dynamic Models to Understand H2S Occurrence in Unconventional Petroleum Reservoirs
Xinyu Xia, Geoffrey S. Ellis
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... by three times at the downstream of the low-pressure separator, and by five times in the head-space gas of the storage tank. The simulation indicates...
Hydrogeological Concept of Vertical Coupling in a Freshwater Lens
Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping
GCAGS Transactions
..., irrespective of lithology, is not unusual where there are no competent confining layers. However, its effect on saline intrusion is not yet fully...
Preliminary Results of Using Hydrogeologic Mapping to Delineate Protection Areas Around Sheep Spring, Washington County, Utah
Mark E. Jensen, Mike Lowe
Utah Geological Association
.... The thin sandstone layer (lighter-colored layer) near top of tunnel is 9 inches (23 cm) thick. Sheep Spring appears to be a contact-type spring...
Tests of Plate Tectonics: PART 2
A. A. Meyerhoff , Howard A. Meyerhoff
AAPG Special Volumes
...: New York Acad. Sci. Trans., ser. 2, v. 26, no. 1, p. 48-63. Dubois, Jacques, 1971, Propagation of P waves and Rayleigh waves in Melanesia...
Flysch and Associated Beds of the Martinsburg Formation (Ordovician), Central Appalachians
Earle F. Mcbride
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... structures and their mode of formation: Geol. Mag., v. 94, p. 481-491. KINDLE, C. H., AND WHITTINGTON, H. B., 1958, Stratigraphy of the Cow Head region...
Relationships Between Bottom Topography and Marine Sediment Properties in an Area of Submarine Gullies
A. L. Inderbitzen, F. Simpson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of the entire sample. Illite and mixed layer micas were the predominate clay minerals in the clay size fraction. The principal heavy minerals were...
Sedimentation Rates on Tidal Salt Marshes in Connecticut
Ellen Z. Harrison, Arthur L. Bloom
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to the marsh surface. Stakes are relocated by alignment with distant permanent landmarks. A new layer of different colored glitter was added annually from 1962...
Geochemical and Sediment Diversity of Mobile Bay, Alabama
Wayne C. Isphording, Jane Ashley Cordi, Ricky A. Schaeffer
GCAGS Transactions
... organic carbon content, (3) a clay mineralogy dominated by smectite and mixed-layer clays, and (4) a preponderance of silt- and clay-sized sediment...
40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb mineral ages from the Brookville Gneiss: implications for terrane analysis and evolution of Avalonian basement in southern New Brunswick
R. D. Dallmeyer, R. Doig, R. D. Nance, J. B. Murphy
Atlantic Geology
... the Brookville Gneiss and the metasedimentary Green Head Group with which it is associated, as a mobilized Proterozoic basement-cover succession upon...
The Orinoco Delta
TJ. H. Van Andel
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of the Orinoco is augmented by an even larger quantity of mud derived from eastern sources. The effect of this longshore transport and of the associated...
Resurrection of a reservoir sandstone from tomographic data using three-dimensional printing
Sergey Ishutov, Franciszek J. Hasiuk, Shawn M. Fullmer, Antonio S. Buono, Joseph N. Gray, and Chris Harding
AAPG Bulletin
... groundwater research: Ground Water, v. 54, p. 157–158, doi:10.1111/gwat.12394. Head, D. A., and T. Vanorio, 2016, Effects of changes in rock...
Shallow-Water Geology and Environments of Alacran Reef Complex, Campeche Bank, Mexico
Louis S. Kornicker , Donald W. Boyd
AAPG Bulletin
... of the frame in relation to the destructive potentiality of waves and currents in the area. In areas beset with the full force of open ocean surf, only rigid...
Caliche Profiles: Indicators of Near-Surface Subaerial Diagenesis, Barbados, West Indies
R. S. Harrison
CSPG Bulletin
... grades from very slow (nonflushing) for the Black soils to rapid (well drained) for the Red-brown soils. The net effect is that at low elevations...
New insights into the Bedrock and Quaternary Geology of St. George’s Bay from a vertical integration of marine datasets, offshore western Newfoundland
Lynn T. Dafoe, John Shaw, Christopher Jauer, Peter S. Giles, John W. F. Waldron, D. Patrick Potter
CSPG Bulletin
..., v. 34, 10.002/2015TC003882. Waldron, J.W.F., DeWolfe, J., Courtney, R. and Fox, D. 2002. Origin of the Odd-twins magnetic anomaly: magnetic effect...
Rate of Bioerosion by Parrotfish in Barbados Reef Environments
Paul Frydl , Colin W. Stearn
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., London. DARWIN, C., 1890, On the structure and distribution of coral reefs: 549 p. Ward, Lock & Co., London. FRYDL, P., 1977, The geological effect...
Barren Meandering Streams in the Modern Toiyabe Basin of Nevada, U.S.A., and Their Relevance To the Study of the Pre-vegetation Rock Record
Alessandro Ielpi, Mathieu G.A. Lapôtre
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... aggrading, sand-bed, braided Niobrara River, Nebraska: effect of base-level rise: Sedimentology, v. 46, p. 1029–1047. Browne, G.H., and Plint, G., 1994...
Anatomy of a Modern Carbonate Tidal-flat, Andros Island, Bahamas
Eugene A. Shinn, R. Michael Lloyd, R. N. Ginsburg
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... 12). The coating FIG. 19. [Grey Scale] Short core of laminated levee sediment taken on levee shown in previous figure. The upper 1-inch-thick layer...
The Orientation of Concavo-Convex Particles Deposited from Experimental Turbidity Currents: NOTES
G. V. Middleton
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Petrology, (in press). MIDDLETON, G. V., 1966b, Experiments on density and turbidity currents I. Motion of the head: Canadian Jour. Earth Sciences, v...
Mississippian Syringoporid Corals, Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
Samuel J. Nelson
CSPG Bulletin
... Nelson from the Mount Head Formation. Syringopora from the underlying Turner Valley Formation belong to the S. harveyi group but are too sparsely...
Bedforms, Primary Structures and Grain Fabric in the Presence of Suspended Sediment Rain
R. W. C. Arnott , Bryce M. Hand
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... problem from general physics: U.S. Geol. Survey Professional Paper 422-I, 37 p. BANNERJEE, I., 1977, Experimental study on the effect of deceleration...
Interaction of Rivers and Oceans--Pleistocene Petroleum Potential
George T. Moore
AAPG Bulletin
... by the distributive action of tidal and wind-driven waves. Moore (in press) postulated that another process aids in the continued development and preservation...
Aquifer/aquitard Units of the Dakota Aquifer System in Kansas: Methods of Delineation and Sedimentary Architecture Effects on Ground-water Flow and Flow Properties
P. Allen Macfarlane , J.H. Doveton , Howard R. Feldman , J.J. Butler, Jr. , J.M. Combes , D.R. Collins
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., 1946, Geology and ground-water resources of Kiowa county, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 65, 151 p. MACFARLANE, P.A., 1993, The effect...