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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,300 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Aquifer/aquitard Units of the Dakota Aquifer System in Kansas: Methods of Delineation and Sedimentary Architecture Effects on Ground-water Flow and Flow Properties

P. Allen Macfarlane , J.H. Doveton , Howard R. Feldman , J.J. Butler, Jr. , J.M. Combes , D.R. Collins

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., 1946, Geology and ground-water resources of Kiowa county, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 65, 151 p. MACFARLANE, P.A., 1993, The effect...


Visualization of the Internal Structure of the Massive Division in Experimental Sediment-Gravity-Flow Deposits by Mapping of Grain Fabric

Hajime Naruse, Fujio Masuda

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... The grain-rotation effect may be dominant in the basal layer of the flow rather than the grain-collision effect, because the high particle concentration...


Submarine Cementation in a High-Energy Platform Reef: One Tree Reef, Southern Great Barrier Reef

John F. Marshall

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...), and Land and Moore (1980) fill in some of the larger (2-5 cm) cavities. Coral Head Facies.--This is mainly developed on the windward margin (Holes 2...


Chapter 5: Geologic Framework of Willow Springs Wash Case-Study Area - Geological and Petrophysical Characterization of the Ferron Sandstone for 3-D Simulation of a Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir (MP-02-6)

T.H. Morris, J.A. Dewey Jr., T.A. Ryer

Utah Geological Survey

... has two branches at its head. These are here referred to as the “North Branch”and the “South Branch.” “The Wall” refers to vertical exposures along...





... variability of a collection of specimens is presented that integrates the ageestimation error associated with the AAR calibration model and the effect...


Effect of Water Washing on Crude Oil Compositions

Eric Lafargue , Colin Barker

AAPG Bulletin

...Effect of Water Washing on Crude Oil Compositions Eric Lafargue , Colin Barker 1988 263 276 72 3. (March) Crude oils from Venezuela, Oklahoma...


Tailored Metal Oxide Nanoparticles-Based Fluids for Production Enhancement Via Engineered Uplift Pressure Mechanism: Multi-Basin Case Studies

Amr Radwan, Khosrow Naderi, Raja Ramanathan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... immediate re-coagulation. Depending on the matrix properties a degree of inhibition is also expected since the nanoparticles could create a layer on the rock...


The Barbers Hill Oil Field, Chambers County, Texas

George M. Bevier

AAPG Bulletin

... long. Erosion has been active, and the effect of surface drainage is clearly demonstrated in a number of gullies which extend in all directions away...


Resources Then and Now

Burney J. Le Boeuf

Pacific Section of AAPG

... made from the head to the tail along the back and belly and then the blubber was stripped off and towed through the surf to the waiting sealing vessel...


Overthrust Belt of Utah; Frontmatter

Dennis L. Nielson

Utah Geological Association

..., on an ancient cave in American Fork Canyon. George Hansen — an inquisitive, hearty, generous giant of a man — had considerable effect on Stokes...


The Barbers Hill Oil Field, Chambers County, Texas

George M. Bevier

AAPG Special Volumes

... has been active, and the effect of surface drainage is clearly demonstrated in a number of gullies which extend in all directions away from...


Mother Nature as an Oil Polluter

Kenneth K. Landes

AAPG Bulletin

... dolphin. The effect is wonderfully beautiful and exciting, every fantastic form of animal, plant and fish is reproduced on this marbled surface in thin...


Geophysical Investigation of Crystalline Basement Between Dead Sea Rift and Mediterranean Sea

A. Ginzburg , Y. Folkman

AAPG Bulletin

... with decreasing interval velocity which obviously cannot give rise to head waves. It must be concluded, therefore, that the deep refractor could well...


Fluvial Sedimentology: An Historical Review

Andrew D. Miall

Dallas Geological Society

... of position of the depositing stream, and the partial growth of each layer, are denoted by false bedding”. Drew described fan-head trenching...


Fluvial Sedimentology: An Historical Review

Andrew D. Miall

CSPG Special Publications

... of position of the depositing stream, and the partial growth of each layer, are denoted by false bedding”. Drew described fan-head trenching...


Central Texas Coast Sedimentation: Characteristics of Sedimentary Environment, Recent History, and Diagenesis: PART 1

Francis P. Shepard, David G. Moore

AAPG Bulletin

..., waves and currents, depth of water, and source material are indicated as the primary controls of the sediment types. In addition to the assemblages...


Abstract: Map 601 the First Surficial Geology Map of Alberta: Creation and Content; #90187 (2014)

M. M. Fenton, E. J, Waters, S. M. Pawley, N. Atkinson, D. J. Utting, and K. Mckay

Search and

... (Huot-Vézina et al., 2009). The resulting simplified surficial geology layer was overlaid on a hill-shaded Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission digital...


Middle Silurian Patch Reefs in Gasport Member (Lockport Formation), New York

Donald J. Crowley

AAPG Bulletin

..., allowing low, domal stromatoporoids to spread laterally over the reef zone and to form a biostromal layer of organic rubble (stromatoporoid cap...


Macrotidal Subarctic Environment of Turnagain and Knik Arms, Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska: Sedimentology of the Intertidal Zone

Susan Bartsch-Winkler, A. Thomas Ovenshine

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... a significant effect on sediment dispersal and on the deepening and increased stability of the tidal channels. The intertidal sediment is mainly very...


Evaluation of Gippsland Basin Onshore Structures for Compressed Air Energy Storage

T McKinley, J Kirkland, D Wilson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... and vertical wells, permeability and tubing head pressures indicated the largest aquifer structure had the capacity to sustain a 300 MW station. A well field...


Geology of Grondin Field

Jacques Vidal

AAPG Special Volumes

... Ocean, which was preceded in Aptian time by the deposition of a thick layer of salt, the Gabon basin filled with two kinds of sedimentary deposits; mainly...


Holocene Bioherms of Lesser Antilles--Geologic Control of Development: Modern and Ancient Reefs

Walter H. Adey , Randolf B. Burke

AAPG Special Volumes

... formed initially as elongate horseshoe or spit-shaped arcs of carbonate sand and rubble trapped by head corals. They are well developed where extensive...


Handil Low Salinity Water Injection: A Success Story

Julfree Sianturi, Bayu Setyo Handoko, Muhammad-Rully Chaerul-Shobar, Arizka Mesayu Andari, Azarya-Hesron Surbakti

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... as described in Fig 10. The mechanism of SWTT can be explained based on these workflows: 4. Double Layer Effect Ligthelm et. al (2009) concluded...


Mineralogy, Provenance, and Dispersal History of Late Quarternary Deep-Sea Sands in Cascadia Basin and Blanco Fracture Zone off Oregon

John R. Duncan , L. D. Kulm

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... intervals displayed textural gradations. To minimize the effect of selective sorting due to depositional processes and to insure proper representation...


The Meguma Group

Ian McK. Harris, Paul E. Schenk

Atlantic Geology

... to quartzdiorite in composition, truncate the folds without changing the fold trends (Poole et al. 1964). K-Ar Geology of the T a y l o r Head and P h...


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