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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Paleoenvironment, Algal Structures, and Fossil Algae in the Upper Cambrian of Central Texas
Wayne M. Ahr
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... that stromatolites are laminated bodies with a more or less even layer structure sometimes containing (but distinct from) oolites. He then states (p...
Oil is Found in the Minds of Men
Michel T. Halbouty
GCAGS Transactions
..., that this nation has its head so far down in the sand that it will continue to do nothing to moderate a growing dependence on foreign oil. Yet there are many...
A Drinking-Straw Mini-Corer for Sediments: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Dennis M. Lavoie , Roy J. Baerwald , Matthew H. Hulbert , and Richard H. Bennett
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...-core forms a low-permeability plug in the straw, exchange fluids can be loaded on top of the sediment, providing a gentle hydraulic head to facilitate...
Does methane pose significant health and public safety hazards?—A review
Ian J. Duncan
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
.... There is no evidence that low to moderate levels of exposure to methane in air have any toxic effect on humans, and evidence for such effects at very...
Origin and Distribution of Sands and Gravels on the Northern Continental Shelf Off Washington
K. Venkatarathnam, Dean A. McManus
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... fractions, it was hoped, would permit an evaluation of the effect of grain size on the mineral composition (Venkatarathnam, 1970). The techniques of heavy...
Holocene Sedimentation Patterns on the Continental Shelf Near Monterey Bay, California, As Determined by Multivariate Analysis of Heavy Mineral Point Count Data
Melvyn L. Rappeport
Pacific Section SEPM
... of larger waves arriving in this area is attributable to the sheltering effect of the Farallon Islands, and to the long traverse of the shelf...
The Impact of Oil Viscosity Heterogeneity on Production Characteristics of Heavy Oil and Tar Sand(HOTS) Reservoirs
Steve Larter
Search and Discovery.com
... by oil-water reactions, usually at the oil column base producing methane and heavy oil as by-products (Head et al, 2003). Because large volumes...
The Impact of Oil Viscosity Heterogeneity on Production Characteristics of Heavy Oil and Tar Sand(HOTS) Reservoirs
Steve Larter
Search and Discovery.com
... by oil-water reactions, usually at the oil column base producing methane and heavy oil as by-products (Head et al, 2003). Because large volumes...
Architecture and Paleoenvironment of Mid-Jurassic Microbial–Siliceous Sponge Mounds, Northeastern Spain
Sara Tomás,, Marcos Aurell, Beatriz Bádenas, Merle Bjorge, María Duaso, Maria Mutti
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in the areas that are far from it). We discuss the alternative model of internal waves (instead of storm-induced waves) as the hydrodynamic agent...
Processes That Initiate Turbidity Currents and Their Influence on Turbidites: A Marine Geology Perspective
David J.W. Piper, William R. Normark
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... formation by flow stripping: large-scale scour features along the Monterey East Channel and their relation to sediment waves: Sedimentology, v. 53, p...
Some Geotechnical Engineering Problems of Upper Slope Sites in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Leland M. Kraft Jr., Kerry J. Campbell, Michael R. Ploessel
Special Publications of SEPM
... be a challenge in itself even if environ mental loads such as winds waves and seismic shaking and geologic features and conditions such active faults...
A Landslide in Clayey Soils: An Example from the Kızıldag Region of the Sivas-Erzincan Highway (Sivas-Turkey)
Isik Yilmaz, Ergun Karacan
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... Miocene age, consists of red–gray–green conglomerate sandstone intercalation having a medium thickness of layer. The lower Miocene Yogurtdagı member...
Peritidal Carbonates and Evidence for Vanished Evaporites in the Lower Ordovician Cool Creek Formation-Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma (1)
Jack W. St. John, Jr., David E. Eby
GCAGS Transactions
...-bedding and bimodal distribution of current indicators are absent. This is probably due to the tidal damping effect of the extremely wide and shallow...
Successful Testing and Completion of Low Permeability, HP/HT, Sour Crude Reservoirs – A Case Study from Kuwait
E. C. Reji, Jiten Kaura
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... was directed toward finding methods that would effect a reduction in the testing period for each object. Thus, the overall savings would...
Architectural Characteristics of Fine-Grained Submarine Fans: A Model Applicable to the Gulf of Mexico
Arnold H. Bouma ,, Henry DeV. Wickens , James M. Coleman
GCAGS Transactions
... and loose their influence to govern the direction of the head of density flows. A gradual widening of the deposits results, known as sheet sands...
Early Diagenesis and Lithification in Carbonate Sediments
Gerald M. Friedman
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Pleistocene rocks. Bermuda reef material collected from an offshore reef near Somerset Island, approximately one mile northeast of Daniel's Head...
Radar Structure of Earthquake-Induced, Coastal Landslides in Anchorage, Alaska
Walter A. Barnhardt, Robert E. Kayen
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... in path length of reflected waves in the CMP survey. Critically refracted waves are not shown. Common midpoint (CMP) surveys also were performed...
Petrology of a Lower Carboniferous Bryozoan Limestone and Adjacent Limestones in North Wales, Great Britain
R. A. H. Nichols
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in North Wales. In 1898, G. H. Morton subdivided the limestones of Great Orme's Head, Llandudno, on the basis of color. The limestones...
Leeside Sediment Fallout Patterns and the Stability of Angular Bedforms
Bryce M. Hand, Charles E. Bartberger
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... development of the boundary layer or nonhydrostatic pressure distribution around the static-head port for the pitot tube. (To permit use of a very small pitot...
Seasat Radar Image of San Andreas Fault, California
Floyd F. Sabins, Jr. , Ronald Blom , Charles Elachi
AAPG Bulletin
... applies to the bright signature of Salt Creek at the northwest end of the Durmid Hills. The very bright patch at the head of Salt Creek (Fig. 4) is caused...
The Salt Domes of South Texas
Donald C. Barton
AAPG Bulletin
... to the presence of the relatively resistant rock layer which outcrops in them and dips gently away from the dome. In connection with the third...
The Salt Domes of South Texas
Donald C. Barton
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the relatively resistant rock layer which outcrops in them and dips gently away from the dome. In connection with the third hypothesis, the weight...
Small Lithistid Sponge Bioherms, Early Middle Ordovician Table Head Group, Western Newfoundland
Colin F. Klappa,, Noel P. James
CSPG Bulletin
...Small Lithistid Sponge Bioherms, Early Middle Ordovician Table Head Group, Western Newfoundland Colin F. Klappa,, Noel P. James 1980 425 451 Vol. 28...
Pressure Compartments in the Mesaverde Formation of the Green River and Washakie Basins, as Determined from Drill Stem Test Data
Henry P. Heasler, Ronald C. Surdam
Wyoming Geological Association
... head values, which were contoured. The nomenclature of Hunt (1990) to define anomalous pressures is followed in this paper. The pressure-depth...
Reducing Exploration Risk in the Offshore Northern Perth Basin: Trap Integrity Study Addresses a Key Exploration Risk
Richard Kempton, Laurent Langhi, Yanhua Zhang, Chris Nicholson, John Kennard, Nadege Rollet, George Bernardel
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... showing the shielding effect of the Gerald ton Fault, for NW-SE extension, on the Cliff Head field. Cliff Head trap bounding fault is labelled Fl...