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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,300 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Relating depositional processes of river-dominated deltas to reservoir behavior using computational stratigraphy

Brian Willis, Tao Sun

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 57– 80. Edmonds, D.A., and Slingerland, R.L., 2010, Significant effect of sediment cohesion on delta morphology: Nature Geoscience, v. 3, p. 105– 109...


Well Spacing Optimization in Eagle Ford Shale: An Operators Experience

Mehdi Rafiee, Tarun Grover

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... common logs show a clear boundary between the two layers. Fracture models suggest that, in this particular area, the middle 50 ft thick layer can...


A Time Series Analysis of Exploration in the North West Shelf

Maria Irene Inggrid, Michael Braim, Munish Kumar

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... Organisation). Rsytad Energy (2020) The COVID-19 downturn slashed Australia’s oil and gas workforce by a quarter, effect will be lasting. Press release, 17...


Focus of 3D Interpretation Software/Value in the Third Dimension

Richard Wilson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... interpreter but en able effect ive communicatio n of that understanding, more often than not associated w ith significa nt productivity gains...


Limestone Reservoir Conditions in Turner Valley Oil Field, Alberta, Canada

A. J. Goodman

AAPG Bulletin

... are 10 to 20 feet apart. If we consider this erratic porosity to be an erosional effect and to be general over the whole field, it explains why one well...


Upwelling and Petroleum Source Beds, With Reference to Paleozoic

Judith Totman Parrish

AAPG Bulletin

... layer is also deflected by the Coriolis effect, and consequently moves in a path that is at an angle to the direction of motion of the surface layer...


Sediment gravity-flow deposits and three-dimensional stratigraphic architectures of the linked Cutoff, upper Bone Spring, and upper Avalon system, Delaware Basin

Gregory S. Hurd, Charles Kerans, Edmund L. Frost, J. Antonio Simo, and Xavier Janson

AAPG Bulletin

.... Grosheny, D., S. Ferry, and T. Courjault, 2015, Progradational patterns at the head of single units of base-of-slope, submarine granular flow...


Use of Genetic Sequence Stratigraphy in Defining and Determining a Regional Tectonic Control on the "Mid-Cimmerian Unconformity"--Implications for North Sea Basin Development and the Global Sea Level Chart: Chapter 18: Recent Developments in Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy

John R. Underhill, Mark A. Partington

AAPG Special Volumes

... of rifting consequent upon the impingement of a mantle plume head on the base of the lithosphere. However, since recent studies have demonstrated...


Flow Systems in the Alberta Basin: Patterns, Types and Driving Mechanisms

Stefan Bachu

CSPG Bulletin

... in the deformed part of the Alberta basin because of the effect of thrust sheets and faults. In the undeformed part, the layer-cake structure, where strong...


Turbidites in Oil Exploration

Harold H. Sullwold Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... be heavily loaded flood waters or a submarine slump in unconsolidated sediments at the edge of the continental shelf or delta or at the head...


Development of Australia's First Hot Fractured Rock (HFR) Underground Heat Exchanger, Cooper Basin, South Australia

D. Wyborn, L. de Graaf, S. Davidson, S. Hann

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... injected at high enough pressures to slip fracture planes and emit microseismic waves. This has been the basis of all projects where a stimulation...


Dielectric Anisotropy and Grain Orientation: REPLY TO JOHN W. SHELTON

A. M. Winkelmolen

AAPG Bulletin

... phenomenon with an adequate method and denies the quantitative relation between the cause and its effect, one violates a basic concept in physics. What...


Barrier Island Erosion and Protection in Louisiana: A Coastal Geomorphological Perspective

Shea Penland , John R. Suter

GCAGS Transactions

..., 1984. Greenhouse Effect and Sea Level Rise. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. 325 p. Boyd, R. and S. Penland, 1981. Washover of deltaic barriers...


Sedimentology and Dolomitization of Muschelkalk Carbonates (Triassic), Iberian Range, Spain

Tom Freeman

AAPG Bulletin

..., 6-64, and 6-170. These six rather thin intervals comprise the only apparent Muschelkalk carbonates that reflect effective winnowing by waves...


Increasing Wells Lifetime by Using PAR VALVE to Overcome Sand Settling Problems at Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Jambi

Adnan Syahrul Ramadhan, Edwar, Alip Triwanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., the sandstone layer of the Benakat Air Formation which has been proven and interpreted to contain oil is a layer: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B1 , B2...


Structural Study of Highly Deformed Meguma Phyllite and Granite Vicinity of White Head Village, S.E. Nova Scotia

C. K. Mawer, P. F. Williams

Atlantic Geology

...Structural Study of Highly Deformed Meguma Phyllite and Granite Vicinity of White Head Village, S.E. Nova Scotia C. K. Mawer, P. F. Williams M aritim...


Road Log

C. Frederick Lohrengel II

Utah Geological Association

... effect is sometimes used as a differentiation of members within the Arapien Formation. 0.9 115.0 STOP 7, at the head of Nephi Canyon. Note gypsum...


Central-Tunu 3D Transition Zone Acquisition - Technical and Planning Coordination Challenges in Populated Areas, and on a Field Under Intensive Development (Tunu Field, Indonesia)

Michel Erbetta, Florent Bertini, J. Bonnafé, M. Saleh, Olivier de Pellegars, P. Faure, H. Lancien

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... drilling well-head locations) Each well drilling requires other operations before and after : dredging, conductor pipe driving, well connection...


Geomorphology and Failure History of the Earthquake-Induced Farmington Siding Landslide Complex, Davis County, Utah

Mike Lowe, Kimm M. Harty, Michael D. Hylland

Utah Geological Association

... near the right flank. Hummocks and closed depressions are most common near the head of the landslide complex. The hummocks, some of which may...


Nonmarine Sedimentation in an Active Fore Arc Basin

Richard K. Vessell, David K. Davies

Special Publications of SEPM

... grain size 25 and textural characteristics eruption slowly FIG 7 cms Photograph of proximal deposits on the Fuego A layer of airfall ash 20...


Depositional Patterns in the Late Holocene Po Delta System

Annamaria Correggiari, Antonio Cattaneo, Fabio Trincardi

Special Publications of SEPM

... a microtidal regime and is wave-influenced, with storm-driven waves that may exceed 9 m in amplitude (Cavaleri, 2000). Three water masses affect the Adriatic...


2017 AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition

Search and


Storm-Related Rejuvenation of a Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuary

Wayne C. Isphording , Dewayne Imsand , George C. Flowers

GCAGS Transactions

.... As a consequence of this, information is also available to document the effect that tropical cyclones can have on the sediments, mineralogy, chemistry...


Sedimentology and Basin Evolution of the Siluro-Devonian Heldelberg Group, Central Appalachians

S. L. Dorobek , J. F. Read

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... delta complex: Guidebook 37th Annual Field Conf. of Pennsylvania Geologists, p. 109-114. DENNISON, J. M., AND HEAD, J. W., 1975, Sea level variations...


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