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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,347 Results. Searched 197,511 documents.
What is Horizontal Resolution?
L. R. Denham, R. E. Sheriff
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... reflections, with no conversion to shear or head waves, are recorded). There is no coherent noise (including multiples) and no "burst-out" noise included...
Hydromechanical Principles of Sediment Structure Formation
L.I. Briggs, G. V. Middleton
Special Publications of SEPM
... changes in head the total energy of the flow remains con 7 along stant 1 one may any streamline From this equation deduce that neglecting changes...
The Diamond Head Black Ash
Chester K. Wentworth
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...The Diamond Head Black Ash Chester K. Wentworth 1937 Vol. 7 No. 3. (December), Black ash, or cinders from explosive volcanic eruptions, form...
P- and S-Wave Velocity Structures of the Sigsbee Abyssal Plain of the Gulf of Mexico from Ocean Bottom Seismometer Data
Sangmyung D. Kim, Seiichi Nagihara, Yosio Nakamura
GCAGS Transactions
..., which were essentially head waves but experienced P-S conversion once, when it departed upward from the lowest interface. This type of refraction...
Initiation Processes and Flow Evolution of Turbidity Currents: Implications for the Depositional Record
William R. Normark, David J. W. Piper
Special Publications of SEPM
... of sediment in some turbidite deposits may be derived from bed erosion A broad range of local bedforms especially sediment waves and scours reflects...
Pressures, Seals and Traps; #42356 (2019)
J. J. Biteau
Search and Discovery.com
... OUTLINE • • • • • Pressure Definition Water Head Definition Trap, Reservoir and Seal Continuity Overpressures (Consequences and Causes) Main...
1982 SEPM Presidential Address: Episodic Sedimentation--How Normal Is Average? How Rare Is Rare? Does It Matter?
Robert H. Dott, Jr.
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... potential because they lie above base level. Marine gravel layers dispersed by abnormal waves have greater preservation potential because most ordinary...
The Interpretation of Vertical Sequences in Turbidite Beds: The Influence of Longitudinal Flow Structure
Benjamin C. Kneller, William D. McCaffrey
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and internal solitary waves: potential sediment transport and the formation of wave ripples in deep water: Sedimentary Geology, v. 112, p. 235-250. KNELLER...
Methane Gas Potential of Biogenic Origin from Bodri Delta: A Promising New Unconventional Resource in Central Java
Bagus Rachmad Irwansyah, Bayan Novrian, Dewi Mindasari, Tommy Supratama, Widiastuti Nur Farida, Yan Bachtiar Muslih, Fahrudin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... sedimentation product along the ± 8.6 km northward (during the Holocene). Bodri Delta sedimentation dynamics are controlled by river currents, waves...
Intertidal Sedimentary Structures on Macrotidal Beaches
Nathan Hawley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Observations made during the first few surveys, when waves were small, can be used to deduce the effect of increased wave height on each of the beaches. All...
Experimental Investigations of Combined Flow Sediment Transport
Everett Smith, Max S. Daniller-Varghese, Paul M. Myrow, David Mohrig
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... field in the absence of this effect. CONCLUSIONS An understanding of the modification of turbidity currents by surface waves and the resulting...
Stability of Continental Shelf and Slope off Louisiana and Texas: Geotechnical Aspects: 4. Character of the Sediments
David J. Watkins , Leland M. Kraft Jr.
AAPG Special Volumes
... continental shelf and upper slope offshore Louisiana and Texas. Possible mechanisms causing instability and soil movement include hurricane waves, various...
Road Log for the 1997 Guide to the Geology of the Kenai Peninsula
Susan Karl, Richard Reger, DeAnne Pinney, Dwight Bradley, Robert Swenson, Rod Combellick, Joe Kurtak, Peter Haeussler, David Brimberry
Alaska Geological Society
...: Alaska Geological Society, 46 p. DeMets, Charles, Gordon, Richard G., Argus, Donald F., Stein, Seth, 1994, Effect of recent revisions...
Internal-Wave Currents as a Mechanism to Account for Large Sand Waves in Navarinsky Canyon Head, Bering Sea: DISCUSSION
Bryce M. Hand
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Internal-Wave Currents as a Mechanism to Account for Large Sand Waves in Navarinsky Canyon Head, Bering Sea: DISCUSSION Bryce M. Hand 1988 Vol. 58...
The Importance of Identifying the Evidence of Hydrodynamic Trapping for New Well Placement in Mature Offshore Stupa Field
Ahmad Anshariy, Hermawan, Wahyu Endarto, Andi Irawan, Fia Utama
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... be detected also by mapping overpressure values measured in the water leg (avoid overpressure due to buoyancy) by building the water head map...
Bedforms and Bar Types in the South Saskatchewan River
Douglas J. Cant
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... River, ripples, sand waves, and dunes are recognized as lower flow regime bedforms on the basis of a morphological classification. Sand waves are straight...
Part 3: Support Data (B)
Francis P. Shepard, Neil F. Marshall, Patrick A. McLoughlin, Gary G. Sullivan
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Med., v. 8, p. 327-351. LaFond, E. C., 1962, Internal waves, in M. N. Hill, ed., The sea: New York, Interscience, v. 1, p. 731-763. Lambert, A. M., K...
Rock Pressure
William B. Heroy
AAPG Bulletin
... and a column of oil, it is shown that a correct measurement of the pressure of the gas at the casing-head does not give the correct reservoir pressure...
Multi-modal Data-assisted Prediction and Analysis of Shale Gas Production Performance at Early Production Stage in Weirong Shale Gas Field, Sichuan Basin, China
Tianrui Ye, Yitian Xiao, Yong Zhao, Haitao Cao, Chunyan He
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... production. 2. The model is highly interpretable compared to other deep learning models, which is achieved by modifying the multi-head attention layer...
Flow velocity model for a coastal estuarine sandbar using multivariate regression
Edlic Sathiamurthy, Nurul Syamimi Pauzi
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... prediction for flow velocities in the sandbar (R2 = 0.9999). This simple approach could describe the effect of the transition phase (flow through a closed...
Recurrence of turbidity currents on glaciated continental margins: A conceptual model from eastern Canada
Alexandre Normandeau, D. Calvin Campbell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... shallow up to 50 m water depth on the western flank of the canyon. The head also includes sediment waves typically 2–4 m high, but reach a maximum of 10 m...
Transport and Deposition of Tephra by Pyroclastic Flows and Surges
Steven N. Carey
Special Publications of SEPM
... 1 deposits principally to the highly flu idized head region of pyroclastic flows Layer 2 deposits of the Taupo which include both the valley pond...
Guide to Late Pleistocene and Holocene Deposits of Turnagain Arm
Susan Bartsch-Winkler, Henry L. Schmoll
Alaska Geological Society
.... Murphy, R. S., Carlson, R. F., Nyquist, D., and Britch, R., 1972, Effect of waste discharges into a silt-laden estuary–A case study of Cook Inlet...
Production of Subtidal Tubular and Surficial Tempestites by Hurricane Kate, Caicos Platform, British West Indies
Harold R. Wanless, Lenore P. Tedesco, Kenneth M. Tyrrell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the identifiable basal portion of a classic tempestite layer. Waves and currents flattened preexisting, high-relief Callianassa burrow mounds and caused...
Observations on Experimental, Nonchannelized, High-Concentration Turbidity Currents and Variations in Deposits Around Obstacles
Jan Alexander, Stephen Morris
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... decelerate and thin; this effect was also observed by Middleton and Neal (1989). FIG. 2. A) Head morphology of a laterally confined turbidity current...