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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
ABSTRACT The Stratigraphic and Sedimentological Evolution of the Mahim, Daman and Mahuva Formation Reservoirs of the Tapti Fields: Tidally-Influenced Deposition in an Oligo-Miocene Tropical Estuarine Embayment on the Continental Shelf of Western India, #90102 (2010)
Sourav Saha, Stuart D Burley, Stuart Gowland, Andy Thurlow, Andy Taylor
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... – the inner gulf This depositional system developed at the head of the gulf which is highly dynamic in nature (Fig. 2A). It reflects interaction between...
The Abenaki Formation, Nova Scotia Shelf, Canada -- A Depositional and Diagenetic Model for a Mesozoic Carbonate Platform
Leslie S. Eliuk
CSPG Bulletin
... dipping at various angles or curved. Up to five distinct layers of cloudy, isopachous, fibrous cement (some cement radiaxial) with final layer clearest...
Depositional settings and palynofacies assemblages of the Upper Triassic fluvio-deltaic Mungaroo Formation, northern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
Joe Scibiorski, Daniel Peyrot, Simon Lang, Tobias H.D. Payenberg, Adam Charles
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, Journal, v. 56, p. 143– 158. Ghasemi-Nejad, E., Head, M.J., and Naderi, M., 2009, Palynology...
Capillary Control of Free Phase Oil Migration in the Shallow Subsurface: Review with Case Histories
L. G. Bruce, C. Q. Biagi
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... that control how much pressure head is necessary for LNAPL to overcome capillary pressures are (1) the interfacial tension (σ) between the wetting fluid...
Tectonic Evolution of Submarine Canyons Along the California Continental Margin
H. Gary Greene, Samuel H. Clarke Jr., Michael P. Kennedy
Special Publications of SEPM
... others canyons are formed by fault displacement have been modified during their development by faulting In some places ocean currents and waves as well...
Road Log for Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Colorado Springs Conference, October 9-10, 1978
John H. Lewis
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., intersection of Pikes Peak and Cascade Avenues Colorado Springs, Colorado. HEAD SOUTH on Cascade Avenue. Louviers Alluviuril comprises the substrate...
Abstract: Mapping Bay-Head Deltas Within Incised Valleys as an Aid for Predicting the Occurrence of Barrier Shoreline Sands: An Example From the Trinity/Sabine Incised Valley
Antonio B. Rodriguez, John B. Anderson
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Mapping Bay-Head Deltas Within Incised Valleys as an Aid for Predicting the Occurrence of Barrier Shoreline Sands: An Example From...
Evolution of an Allochthonous Salt System, Southern Mars-Ursa Minibasin, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Angela Pell, Jeffrey A. Nunn
GCAGS Transactions
.... External geometries identified in the study area include: wedge, layer and trough. Fifty-nine faults are mapped in basin and suprasalt strata and four...
Cemented Sandstone Slabs of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
James P. Morgan, Robert C. Treadwell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the northwest, west or southwest, waters of the Chandeleur Sound are forced across the mangrove marsh toward the elevated beach ridge. A hydraulic head...
Orientation of Orthoceracone Cephalopods at Lemont, Illinois: NOTES
David Krinsley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... show less definite arrangement with two directions predominating at right angles to one another. Cross waves or low velocity currents are regarded...
Abstract: Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Upper Permian Beefkeeper Formation, Woodada Gas Field, Onshore Northern Perth Basin, Western Australia
Jirka Just
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... production occurred; and storm-dominated cond itions of erosion and redepos it ion by storm waves and storm ebb-currents . The storm-d eposited strata...
Stratigraphic architecture within delta plain deposits in the Upper Cretaceous Neslen and Farrer Formations, Book Cliffs, Utah
Jostein M. Kjærefjord, Camilla Thrana, and Scott Bullimore
AAPG Bulletin
...-marine realms where sediment forms bay head deltas or mouth bars, which are then completely or partly redistributed by tides and waves. Within any...
O Earth Scientists, What Changes Hath Thou Seen? by James W. Richards, #70031 (2007).
Search and Discovery.com
Flow and Salinity Patterns in the Low-Transmissivity Upper Paleozoic Aquifers of North-Central Texas
Jean-Philippe Nicot, Yun Huang, Brad D. Wolaver, Ruth A. Costley
GCAGS Journal
... is conductivity from specific-capacity tests, B is the thickness of the unit (here a model layer) that decreases to 0 at the onset of the outcrop, Bss...
How Old Is Petroleum Geology?: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. V. Howell
AAPG Bulletin
... interrupted by narrow, but long and sometimes rather sharp anticlinal waves, the more copious emission of the rock-oil and the native gases is found...
F. F. Langford
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... uranium deposit in calcrete is of great importance in considering theories of genesis. The calcrete is a layer of calcite which has been deposited...
Caledonian Earth Movements in The Vicinity of End Mountain and South Fork Ghost River, Alberta, Canada
J. R. Patterson, T. P. Storey
CSPG Bulletin
... observed in these dolomites are spheroidal algal colonies with each head about one foot across (for location see Fig. 4--Patterson and Storey, 1962...
Caribbean Reef Corals Montastrea annularis and Montastrea cavernosa--Long-Term Growth Data as Determined by Skeletal X-radiography: Reef Biota
Jon N. Weber , Eugene W. White
AAPG Special Volumes
... from each head with a diamond rock-cutting saw. Industrial X-ray sheet film (Kodak type M-54, extra fine grain, high contrast, separated from...
Mitigation Rather Than Litigation of the Abalone Cove Landslide
J. E. Slosson, G. W. Havens
Pacific Section SEPM
... in February, 1974, and involved a nearly rectangular area at least 600 feet wide with its toe near the low tide line and its head about 600 feet inland...
Parit Minyak Field Kisaran Block PSC: Strategic Approaches to Develop a Geologically Complex, Low Permeability And Remote Field in the Central Sumatera Basin
Amritzar Aimar, Krisputranto Wahyu Nugroho, Karwin Bin Catim, Bramantya Firstian Harry, Heri Suryanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... during Neogene time; formation above Pematang was deposited and some effect of this tectonic are: uplift of Bukit Barisan Mountain and fold-anticline...
Enhancing Placement of Microsized Proppant in Microfractures for Increasing Stimulated Reservoir Volume in Shale Reservoirs
Liang Xu, Kai He, Philip Nguyen, Paul Lord
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... pattern from the silicon wafer to NOA81. Finally, a thin NOA81 layer was prepared on the glass slide and bonded to the NOA device based on the half...
Incremental Reserves Calculation Method for Hydraulic Fracturing Candidate Screening
Radya Senoputra, Julfree Sianturi, Tamara Wulandari
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...n volume factor (B). As typical reservoir in Handil is isolated by shale layer on top and bottom, then the Netpay or thickness (h) will not changes. We ca...
Directional Features of an Experimental Turbidite Fan a Report of Progress
Monty A. Hampton, Ivan P. Colburn
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of travel for a point at the head of the flow would be initially straight, curving more to the side out onto the plain. At any given point the weaker...
Rise of Sea Level Along Northwest Gulf of Mexico
Francis P. Shepard
AAPG Special Volumes
... of gulf organisms into the bays would be recognizable as a distinct layer in the sediments. On the other hand, if the present barrier had been built...
2008 Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 58th Annual Convention, Abstracts, #90085 (2008).
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