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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Reservoir Characterization of the Giant Sulige Gas Field, Ordos Basin, China, by Dongbe He, Ailin Jia, and Tianguang Xu, #20032 (2006).
Search and Discovery.com
Geology and Oil Potential of the Ust-Balyk Field
V. F. Nikonov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... of the Fergana depression: AN Uz SSR, Tashkent. 5. Maksimov, S. P. and Yeremenko, N. A., 1960, Systematic changes in the composition of casing-head gases along...
Search and Discovery.com
The Origins of Abnormal Fluid Pressures
Norman E. Smith, H. George Thomas
Houston Geological Society
... aquifer is typical of the first, where a hydrostatic head will result if the point of water intake is higher than the depth of the aquifer below...
Design, Execution, and Evaluation of a Holistic Data Acquisition Program for Utica Shale
Bunyamin Can, Conny Gilbert, Libny Leal, Stuart Hirsch, Jacob Rosenzweig, Huber Nathan, Seth Rudolph, Samuel McManus, John Vines, Nathaniel Smith, Matt Honarpour, Nagi Nagarajan, Daniel Xia
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... was acquired in the target interval in order to acquire a down-hole fluid sample for comparison with separator and well head samples. The analyses...
A New Coupled Geomechanical-Chemical Model for CO2 Foam Flooding and Storage in Tight Reservoir
Mingyu Cai, Yuliang Su, Derek Elsworth, Yongmao Hao, Xiaogang Gao
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and bursting rates of foam. To our knowledge, no study has fully examined both chemical reactions and mechanical damage effect in the process of CO2 foam...
Sedimentology and Trace Fossils
James D. Howard
Special Publications of SEPM
.... As a result, traces are a fundamental part of the environment. If investigators can accept this premise, it can save a lot of head scratching. When...
Carbonate Buildups in the Geologic Record: A Review
Philip H. Heckel
Special Publications of SEPM
...~ltai~litlg growtll in t11c zotlc o[ waves, Necd for wave resist;urcc i l l reels v;irics Troiri one ei~viroi~tne~lt;unotlrcr; w;tye resist;litcc tn;ly...
Road Logs Across the Uncompahgre Uplift and the Deep Fold and Fault Belt, Northern Paradox Basin, Colorado and Utah
Donald L. Rasmussen
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... ready. 00.0 00.0 Start of road log. Intersection of Highway 50 and Highway 141. Mile Marker 154 (hidden). Turn on to Highway 141 and proceed toward...
Timing of Turbidite Sedimentation on the Mississippi Fan
V. Kolla , M. A. Perlmutter
AAPG Bulletin
...) a major increase in glacial meltwater discharge and sediment loads (pebble to clay size) delivered directly to the head of the canyon by the Mississippi...
Inception of Professional Practice, 1891-1910: Chapter 6: PART II. TEXAS-LOUISIANA GULF COAST, 1891-1910
Edgar Wesley Owen
AAPG Special Volumes
... handicapped by deficient data, inadequate worki g hypotheses, few professional practitioners, and lack of managerial support. An important effect...
Morphology, Paleogeographic Setting, and Origin of the Middle Wilcox Yoakum Canyon, Texas Coastal Plain (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... Societies Transactions, v. 35, p. 107-116. Hotchkiss, F. S., and C. Wunsch, 1982, Internal waves in Hudson canyon with possible geological implications...
Neoichnology of burrowing millipedes: Linking modern burrow morphology, organism behavior, and sediment properties to interpret continental ichnofossils
Daniel I. Hembree
...). This forward force combined with the calcified head shield allows millipedes to force their way through even the most densely packed soil particles (Hopkin...
Controls On Lower-Coastal-Plain Valley Morphology and Fill Architecture
C. R. Mattheus, A. B. Rodriguez
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... The knickzone of small river systems is located down dip from the modern bay-head delta, which is likely due to slower rates of knickpoint migration...
Gastropod Radulae: Their Potential in the Fossil Record
Paul R. Krutak
GCAGS Transactions
..., and ultrastructure of the radula of Thais haemastoma, the common Gulf Coast oyster "drill", and demonstrates the effect of this gastropod on its chief prey...
AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7, Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 7: Pore-Pressure-Dependent Fracture Permeability in Fault Zones: Implications for Cross-Formational Fluid Flow
Nunn, J. A.
AAPG Special Volumes
... was then calculated using the sample dimensions, Darcy's law, and the steady-state head difference across the sample (Elliot, 1999)where kl is permeability...
Wasting away in the intertidal: the fate of chiton valves in an acidifying ocean
Bryce A. Peebles, Abigail M. Smith
.... The valves were then separated into two groups. The first group included the head valve and valves III, V and VII , and the second group contained...
Sedimentary and Geochemical Systems in Transitional Marine Sediments in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Wayne C. Isphording , John A. Stringfellow , George C. Flowers
GCAGS Transactions
... (clay mica), and kaolinite. Other minerals also present include small amounts of chlorite, mixed layer clays and, in eastern Mississippi Sound...
Exploration of the Rio Tinto Gossan, Northeastern Nevada: How Prospector S. Frank Hunt Discovered the Mountain City Copper Mine
Laurence P. James
Utah Geological Association
..., including the background information available to explorationists in the 1920s. An unusual secondary enrichment deposit of copper, and the effect of its...
Low Permeability Coal Seam Gas Productivity Enhancement by Cyclic Nitrogen Injection Technique (An Adsorption Simulation Study)
Hoa T. Nguyen, Mohammad Sayyafzadeh, Manouchehr Haghighi
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... are prerequisites for a coal shrinkage effect, which eventually increases permeability. However, there are no further discussions regarding this observation. Since...
Characterization of Heterogeneity in Unsaturated Sandstone Using Borehole Logs and Cross-Borehole Tomography
Andrew Binley, Giorgio Cassiani, Peter Winship
Special Publications of SEPM
..., at depth, of small-scale structures which may have significant effect on transporting or retarding subsurface contaminants. Recently, a number...
Neogene–Quaternary postrift tectonic reactivation of the Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China
Lei Huang, Chiyang Liu, Yingbin Wang, Junfeng Zhao, and Nigel P. Mountney
AAPG Bulletin
... gently thickens toward the basin center, giving rise to steer-head-basin geometry (Figure 2).Figure 1.(A) Regional location and (B) simplified...
Multiscale stratigraphic analysis of a structurally confined submarine fan: Carboniferous Ross Sandstone, Ireland: Reply
D. R. Pyles
AAPG Bulletin
... of common facies found in the Ross Sandstone. (A) Photograph of black, organic-rich black shale with goniatites at Dunmore Head. These beds can...