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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Effect of Hydrodynamics and Fault Zone Heterogeneity on Membrane Seal Capacity; #40404 (2009)

Julian Strand, Jim Underschultz, Karsten Michael, Brett Freeman, and Graham Yielding

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... of membrane seal capacity for various permeability distributions can be used to understand parameters that control the location of the critical leak...


Evaluation of Reservoirs and Seals: Short Course 3

John G. Kaldi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...) on relative permeability and capillary pressure. Relate these properties to amounts, types and rates of fluids produced. Use drainage and imbibition...


Estimating the Amount of Oil and Gas Accumulation from Top Seal and Trap Geometry

Fuminori Sawamura, Kazuo Nakayama

AAPG Special Volumes

..., fluid flow, and petroleum traps Oil and gas volumes are controlled by top-seal capillary properties, spillpoints, and trap geometry. The top-seal...


Application of migration modeling to unconventional reservoirs: An example from the Montney Formation northeastern British Columbia

Victoria Chevrot, Nicholas B. Harris, Stephany Hernandez Medina, Noga Vaisblat

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... During migration, two main forces are present: buoyancy and capillary pressure. The fluid properties affect the capillary pressure and govern the buoyancy...


Evaluating Seals for Hydrocarbon Accumulations

Marlan W. Downey

AAPG Bulletin

... in their capillary properties with only modest changes in lithology. A stratigraphic cross section of the potential seal unit, utilizing electric log character...


Abstract: Dynamic Evaluation of Leaking Fault and Top Seals; #90211 (2015)

Andrew Aplin, Kuncho Kurtev, and Steve Larter

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... with very lo w permeabilities. Our models and data show that a full seal analysis should include dynamic seal properties as well as the commonly...


The competition of oil and gas for trap space and seal capacity

Martin Neumaier, Jan de Jager, Ben Kurtenbach

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... capillary entry pressures, making the accumulation seal-limited and therefore underfilled. Again, there can be two groups of naturally occurring cases...


Capillary Pressure Techniques: Application to Exploration and Development Geology

Jeffrey B. Jennings

AAPG Bulletin

... required as the pore throat becomes smaller. The size and distribution of pore throats within a host rock control its capillary pressure characteristics...


Hydrocarbon Seal Rocks: Chapter 8: Part II. Essential Elements

Marlan W. Downey

AAPG Special Volumes

... is an essential element of the petroleum system. Many stratigraphic horizons have properties of a seal; it is important to identify those that define...


Evaluating Seal Capacity of Cap Rocks and Intraformational Barriers for CO2 Containment

Richard F. Daniel, John G. Kaldi

AAPG Special Volumes

... is the capillary pressure (or column height) at which a trapped fluid commences to leak or move through a seal rock. Seal rocks are effective because of very...


Pressure Seal Permeability and  Two-Phase Flow

W. P. Iverson, Randi S. Martinsen, and Ronald C. Surdam

AAPG Special Volumes

... type) and geologically temporary. Conversely, the capillary seal is permanent up to the threshold displacement pressure, which is the observed...


The Determination of Seal Capacities for Highly Pressured HP/HT Traps: A Best-PracticeŽ Workflow

Stephen O'Connor, Richard Swarbrick, Richard Lahann, Alexander Edwards, David Scott, Sam Green

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is a function of two main processes, either:  Membrane leakage where petroleum buoyancy pressure exceeds the capillary entry pressure of the seal...


Mechanics of Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment

Tim T. Schowalter

AAPG Bulletin

... incrementally beyond the pressure needed to stablish a connected filament of nonwetting fluid across the sample, then the entire capillary properties...


Probabilistic risk and resource evaluation of CCS assets using PVT, fluid and seal properties

Martin Neumaier, Ben Kurtenbach

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... and lateral seal properties (leak-off pressure, capillary entry pressure with respect to CO2 fluids) are specified. 5 – CO2 overpressure against top...


Application of petroleum systems analysis to resource assessments

Lukasz Krawczynski, Martin Neumaier

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...-down approach differs from the standard bottom-up approach, in that it uses the information of the PVT data and seal properties at the trap to define...


Theoretical Considerations of Sealing and Non-Sealing Faults

Derrell A. Smith

AAPG Bulletin

... capillary properties. Theoretical studies show that the fault seal in preferentially water-wet rock is related to the displacement pressure...


The Mechanics of Secondary Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment

Tim T. Schowalter

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

... of the stratigraphic trap and therefore not at critical seal capacity. Resistant Forces to Secondary Migration In a previous example we discussed how...


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