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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Micromodel Study of the Impacts of Fracture Connectivity and Wettability on Matrix Sweep Efficiency

Yujing Du, Ayaz Mehmani, Ke Xu, Matthew Balhoff, Carlos Torres-Verdin

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... properties for each of the 18 experiments. Figure 4 shows an overlay of experiments conducted in this work over a capillary number – viscosity ratio phase...


Seal Potential of the Talang Akar Formation, BZZ Area, Offshore NW Java, Indonesia

J. G. Kaldi, C. D. Atkinson

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... extent of the lithology) and 3) seal integrity (rock mechanical properties such as ductility, compressibility and propensity for fracturing). Seal...


Regional Top Seal Capacity Analysis in JS-1 Ridge, Offshore Madura Involving Seal Geometry, Capilary Seal, Hydrofracturing Analysis, and Natural Fracture Modelling

Khadafi, Agus M. Ramdhan, Riszky B. Risyad, Andri Akbar, Ghufron Fauzi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... estimation of pore pressures, capillary seals, hydrofracturing seals, seal geometry, and natural fractures modeling. The data used in this study include 41...


Abstract: Identifying and Quantifying Pre-Production Imbibition: An Example from a Carbonate Field in the North of the Sultanate of Oman; #91204 (2023)

Naeema Farsi, Jeppe Gavnholt

Search and

.... The paper demonstrates how the magnitude of the imbibition can be quantified through careful comparison of primary drainage capillary pressure curves...


Less is more … uncertainty in rock properties

David Rajmon

GEO ExPro Magazine

... varying range Capillary entry pressure How detailed modelling work can still result in a fairly random estimate of the key parameter. 86 | GEO EXPRO...


AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7, Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 8:  Integration of Capillary Top-Seal Leakage with Map-Based Fluid-Flow Modeling

Michael, G. E., P. D’Onfro, and F. Eilertsen

AAPG Special Volumes

...AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7, Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 8:  Integration of Capillary Top-Seal Leakage with Map-Based Fluid...


Constructing Oil/Gas Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability Curves From a Distribution of Pores in Shale Reservoirs

Brian C. Stimpson, Maria A. Barrufet

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...othermal line from high to low pressure on this phase diagram, we see how capillary pressure between oil and gas phases changes as the reservoir ...


Effects of Exhumation on Gas Saturation in Tight Gas Sandstones

Alton Brown

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

.... Mechanisms controlling gas migration (buoyancy, capillary pressure gradients, etc.) control charge to and gas saturation in the reservoir. Methane...


Fault control on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the Tertiary Dongying depression, Bohai Basin, China

Carolyn Lampe, Guoqi Song, Liangzi Cong, Xing Mu

AAPG Bulletin

... (Yielding, 2002).Fluid Flow and Fault Seal PropertiesThe fault properties relevant for migration vary in space (lateral facies variations) and time (fault...


Fault-Zone Seals in Siliciclastic Strata of the Columbus Basin, Offshore Trinidad

Richard G. Gibson

AAPG Bulletin

... the column heights are known to be limited by the capillary properties of a spatially continuous seal. The equation does not hold for charge-limited...


Seal failure assessment of a major gas field via integration of seal properties and leakage phenomena

M. Foschi, and J. A. Cartwright

AAPG Bulletin

...Seal failure assessment of a major gas field via integration of seal properties and leakage phenomena M. Foschi, and J. A. Cartwright 2020 1627 1648...


Shale Fluid Transport in Nano-Scale Networks: The Competing Roles of Fluid Properties, Interfaces and Network Geometry

Shaina A. Kelly, Carlos Torres-Verdín, Matthew T. Balhoff

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and extracting relevant petrophysical properties such as permeability and capillary pressure.1 Ultimately, we seek to meet the following goals: (1) demonstrate...


2-D Basin Modeling of Secondary Petroleum Migration in the Sakala Timur PSC, Indonesia

Alwyn Vear, Duncan Macgregor

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in the evaluation of key prospect risks such as communication with source and seal effectiveness. It illustrates how visualization of potential patterns...


Structural Trapping of Buoyant Fluids

Search and


Laboratory Study of Gas and Water Flow in the Nordland Shale, Sleipner, North Sea

J. F. Harrington, D. J. Noy, S. T. Horseman, D. J. Birchall, R. A. Chadwick

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the Lower Seal Cuttings and CoreThe lower seal forms the immediate cap rock to the Utsira reservoir, and its properties are expected to be of key...


Testing Hydrocarbon Saturation Models For Use in Original Oil-in-Place Estimation: South Dome of Oregon Basin Field, Park County, Wyoming: Chapter 9

Michael J. Heymans, Douglas A. Steed, David E. Hamilton, Barbara A. Pavlov

AAPG Special Volumes

... average oil saturation from capillary pressure curves, are combined to create a grid of hydrocarbon pore thickness for each reservoir. The average-oil...


Effect of Faulting on Fluid Flow in Porous Sandstones: Petrophysical Properties

Marco Antonellini, Atilla Aydin

AAPG Bulletin

..., permeability represents a proportionality constant that links Darcy's law to rock properties. Capillary pressure, which is related to pore throat...


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