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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Using Structural Restoration Techniques and Strain Tracking to Predict Fracture Distributions
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Insights from Geomechanical Modelling of 2D Cross-Sections in Fold-Thrust Belt Structures
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Abstract: Geophysical Applications Using Geophysics for Reserves and Resources Classification and Assessment; #90187 (2014)
Marian Hanna and Tooney Fink
Search and Discovery.com
... hydrocarbons generated, timing of generation relative to key structural events, probable migration pathways, and possibility of refill of traps after fault...
Perspectives on Stratigraphic Simulation Models: Current Approaches and Future Opportunities
W.Lynn Watney, Eugene C. Rankey, John Harbaugh
Special Publications of SEPM
... results philosophies and applications of computer simulation modeling Specific questions addressed at the Workshop included the following How can...
Using Structural Restoration Techniques and Strain Tracking to Predict Fracture Distributions, #42089 (2017).
Catalina Luneburg
Search and Discovery.com
...Using Structural Restoration Techniques and Strain Tracking to Predict Fracture Distributions, #42089 (2017). Catalina Luneburg PS Using Structural...
Integrating Structural Validity Checks At All Stages of the Mainstream Interpretation Process; #120156 (2014)
Steve Freeman, Simon Harris, and Jeremy Campbell
Search and Discovery.com
... developers is how to replicate the mental processes and the steps that an experienced structural-seismic interpreter applies and design tools...
Managing Escape, Evacuation and Rescue (EER) Risk on Aging Offshore Facilities
Nick Netscher, Jaime Thompson
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... of these offshore assets to date. For new-build offshore facilities, typical EER philosophies include the provision of an enclosed temporary refuge (TR...
Research and the Research Committee: DISCUSSION
Henry A. Ley
AAPG Bulletin
.... Uncoordinated facts are almost innumerable. These for the most part lack the synthetic thought and unifying philosophies so necessary to the advancement...
ABSTRACT: Experimental Study of Porosity, Pore-Size Distribution, and Permeability Change in Clay-Rich Sediments under Compaction; #90122 (2011)
Utpalendu Kuila and Manika Prasad
Search and Discovery.com
... of gas molecules. Microstructural alignments of clay particles also govern the low permeability measured in shales. To understand how gas transport...
Exploring Geophysical Exploration
Carl H. Savit
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Exploring Geophysical Exploration Carl H. Savit 1989 32 35 "How effective is geophysical exploration?' is a question often asked by management...
Abstract: A Historical Perspective Of Petroleum Exploration Philosophy, by E. A. Beaumont; #90928 (1999).
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Geomechanics to Solve Structure Related Issues in Petroleum Reservoirs, by Laurent Maerten, #40262 (2007).
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Introduction: Chapter 1: Part I. Overview of the Business
Richard Steinmetz
AAPG Special Volumes
... have different approaches and techniques that are equally valid for solving the same problems. Because the oil and gas business must adjust...
Acquisition and Interpretation of Horizontal Well Logs
Kyel Hodenfield, Bill Scanlan
Pacific Section of AAPG
..., the lighter flowing on top of the heavier, and the measurements are not easily interpreted. Techniques less sensitive to the way different phases coexist...
The Exploration Geologist in the Seventies
Michel T. Halbouty
GCAGS Transactions
... by employing current exploration methods. We must take a hard look at present-day exploration methods and philosophies and at ourselves, as petroleum...
Requalification of pipelines for CO2 transport giving new life to the Bayu-Undan and Reindeer pipelines
Nigel Lim, Bethwyn Green, Zakery Thomson
Australian Energy Producers Journal
... govern engineering activities between different aspects of CCS system design. projects should consider an ‘organic’ approach, where proj ects...
Abstract: Wireline Logging Conveyance Systems
Jeff Brami
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... a brief to directional drilling, various philosophies/strategies for logging those wells are reviewed from a “value-of-information” perspective...
Annual Review of Petroleum Geology: RESEARCH NOTES
A. I. Levorsen
AAPG Bulletin
..., new philosophies and new methods which are described in the geological and technical literature of the world and which find application to petroleum...
Abstract: Integrated Structural Geology Techniques and How They Constrain Exploration Risk, by Ronald A. Nelson; #90934 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Geophysics: Key to Understanding of Geologic Processes
Milton B. Dobrin
AAPG Bulletin
..., to obtain a structural picture, without much need to consider the processes that created the basins, brought the sediments into them, and established...
Abstract: Kerogen Maturity Determinations: New Techniques and Technologies, by Malleswar Yenugu; #90205 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Structural Diagenesis: The Integration of Structural Geology and Diagenesis, by Stephen Laubach, Kitty Milliken, Peter Eichhubl, Rob Lander, Linda Bonnell, Jon Olson, and Andrew Thomas; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Integrating Structural Validity Checks At All Stages of the Mainstream Interpretation Process, by Steve Freeman, Simon Harris, and Jeremy Campbell; #120140 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
New Approaches to Interpretation and Validation of Structures in 3-D: Abstract
F. Jaffri, C. Whitefield, P. Griffiths, A. Gibbs, J. Brown
Houston Geological Society
... guide through the decision making process and the application of the techniques to a number of different structural regimes. We believe the workflows...