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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Seismic Damage Zones and Their Impact within Thrust and Fault Systems; #41017 (2012)
David Iacopini and Rob W. H. Butler
Search and Discovery.com
... tests (well log) are needed to constrain their interpretation; Compare results from seismic having different acquisition and migration techniques...
Big Geology for Big Needs
A. I. Levorsen
AAPG Bulletin
...-type field would be discovered unless there happened to be a structural anomaly overlying it! We may well wonder how many more such ingredients...
Abstract: Volume Interpretation in the Malay Basin: How to Leverage the Value of 3D Data by Using State of the Art Technologies to Better Understand Stratigraphical Plays (Poster 9)
Christophe Gonguet, Mike Ainsworth
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Volume Interpretation in the Malay Basin: How to Leverage the Value of 3D Data by Using State of the Art Technologies to Better Understand...
The 1987 PESA Lecture: PESA Australian Lecture: Australian Petroleum Resources Marketing is a Necessary Evil
Tom M. Savage
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... a different technique for the price calculation. However, the basic concept of IPP has remained. What has hap• pened has been more frequent Govern...
Economics--New Dimension in Geological Thinking
Michel T. Halbouty
AAPG Bulletin
... new well-logging and seismic techniques; third, he should be aware of and fight pending political actions and developments which are detrimental...
ABSTRACT: Shales as Unconventional Gas and Oil Reservoirs how useful are Conventional geochemical measurements and concepts?; #90122 (2011)
Andrew S. Pepper
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Shales as Unconventional Gas and Oil Reservoirs how useful are Conventional geochemical measurements and concepts?; #90122 (2011...
Geochemistry of Artificially Heated Humic and Sapropelic Sediments--II: Oil and Gas Generation
B. G. Rohrback , K. E. Peters , I. R. Kaplan
AAPG Bulletin
... to evaluate how thermal stress affects immobile organic residues (protokerogen) of humic and sapropelic material from different depositional End_Page 961...
Benefits from Pattern Recognition and Visualization; #41973 (2016)
Tao Zhao, Kurt J. Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
... between the attributes and a desired target property. There has been extensive research in adapting pattern recognition techniques to seismic facies...
ABSTRACT Relationship between Structural Deformation and Sediment Dispersal in the Western Niger Delta, #90123 (2011)
Amélie L. Leduc, Richard J. Davies, Alexander L. Densmore
Search and Discovery.com
... extraction techniques including amplitude and coherency maps we are analysing how sediments distribution is affected throughout this structurally complex...
Memorial: William Kennon McWilliams, Jr. (1922-1998)
C. H. Murrish, James R. Moffett
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... to the merger of McMoRan and Freeport in 1981 to become Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. which, following Ken's geological philosophies, led to significant...
Petroleum Industry Assesses Wake-up Call: The Game is High Jump, Not the Limbo
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... showed serious reflect ion on how t he industry President, David Payne, challenged industry t he United Kingdom, the United S tates, Brazil, has...
Inversion of magnetotellurics data with enhanced structural fidelity
Federico Golfré Andreasi, Simone Re, Federico Ceci, Luca Masnaghetti
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... and it is composed by three different regions. We propose two different methods for building the structural regularization term Φ; (𝐦). The first...
Quick-look techniques for evaluating two-dimensional cross sections in detached contractional settings
M. Scott Wilkerson, Connie L. Dicken
AAPG Bulletin
... and restored cross sections that illustrate how to detect common cross-sectional problems using the quick-look techniques (also available as AAPG Datashare...
Engineering an Impermeable Earthen Pit: U. S. Oilfield Stories from the 1860s to the 1950s
Mary L. Barrett
Petroleum History Institute
... losses in storage and similar measurement techniques to evaluate how much oil was being lost by evaporation and to emulsions. The remaining...
Simple Method for Oil Source Bed Evaluation: GEOLOGIC NOTES
Douglas W. Waples
AAPG Bulletin
.... Quantity, quality, and thermal maturity are measured by accepted organic geochemical techniques; these data are then scaled to reflect oil source...
Aquifer Characterization
John S. Bridge, David W. Hyndman
Special Publications of SEPM
... sediment types (facies) between boreholes; (3) use of geophysical profiles to assess the orientation and structural continuity of sequences of strata...
Abstract: Variability in Structural Interpretation: A Seismic Case Study from Industry, by Frank Richards and Nick Richardson; #120140 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Mapping the Natural Fracture Network in Utica Shale Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Shahab D. Mohaghegh
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., stochastic techniques are used to generate NFN to be used in numerical simulation. Among tools used to provide some indication of NFN in shale are wellbore...
Chapter 2: Basics of Reflection Seismology that Relate to Seismic Stratigraphy
Tom Wittick
North Texas Geological Society
..., stiffer rocks have higher acoustic impedances. Figure 2-1. Acoustic Impedance Graph Elastic Constants The properties of the rocks that govern...
Basics of Reflection Seismic Technology
Abilene Geological Society
.... Acoustic Impedance Graph Elastic Constants The properties of the rocks that govern the propagation of sound are the bulk modulus, shear modulus...
Environmental Significance of Salt
Joseph D. Martinez
AAPG Bulletin
... effective techniques for desalination. Paradoxically, major advances in this field will result in unusable quantities of salt which will constitute...
Integrated Seismic Processing Challenges in Karstified Terrain of Papua New Guinea Fold Belt, #42521 (2020).
Subhash Chandra, Michael Szczepaniak, Patrick Haltmeier,
Search and Discovery.com
... reflection energy apparent. Many experimental surveys have been performed since the late 1980’s using different parameters, techniques and hardware...
Kinematic and Thermal Modeling of Contractional Belts. An Example from the Colombian Eastern Foothill Belt, #41706 (2015).
Andres Mora, Richard Ketcham, Emili Carrillo, Wilmer Robles
Search and Discovery.com
... (Fetkin-prep) which allows tracking of the position of individual points in the different steps of a kinematic restoration. In our examples...
3-D Experimental Modeling of Megaflaps Developed During Differential Loading: Application to the Gulf of Mexico
Search and Discovery.com
Ethics in the Business of Petroleum Exploration: Chapter 27: Part V. Legal, Political, Ethical and Environmental Aspects of the Business
Robert W. Spoelhof
AAPG Special Volumes
... or how properly to greet people of different social stature. Mores constitute the protocol and etiquette of personal and business interaction. Still...