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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Singing Songs of Expectation
D. Henton
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
..., starting on or even before the first day of exploration and continuing for the life of the project. It requires management tools, techniques and p e rc e p...
Abstract: Exploration and Development Challenges of the Lacustrine Petroleum System in the Songkhla Basin, Thailand
Huw Evans
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... to the position within the lake setting. Structural, stratigraphic and combination traps exist in close proximity although many reservoirs are at the limit...
Issues Concerning Application of Horizontal Well Data in 3-D Modeling of Shale Reservoirs
Search and Discovery.com
Application of Volume Interpretation Techniques to Deepwater Reservoirs: Examples from Nigeria, by Olugbenga Famurewa and Isaiah Okunlola; #90037 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Quantitative biostratigraphy of the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand: A deterministic and probabilistic approach
Roger A. Cooper, James S. Crampton, J. Ian Raine, Felix M. Gradstein, Hugh E. G. Morgans, Peter M. Sadler, C. Percy Strong, David Waghorn, Graeme J. Wilson
AAPG Bulletin
... section. (D) RASC scaled probable sequence and GRAPHCOR composite section. The figures show how the taxa compare under the various techniques; see text...
Ultra-Deep Permian Coal Gas Reservoirs of the Cooper Basin: Insights from New Studies
Erik C. Dunlop, David S. Warner, Prue E. R. Warner, Louis R. Coleshill
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... for two different structural provinces; the Moomba Field area and the Patchawarra Trough respectively, are shown in Figs 13–14 with respect...
Extended Abstract: Quantifying Natural Fracture Spatial Organization in Horizontal Image Logs: Application in Unconventional Reservoirs
John Z. Li, Julia F. W. Gale, Randall A. Marrett, Stephen E. Laubach
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of fracture picks in the log. We use a normalized correlation count method to identify different types of spatial arrangement, including periodic...
Using Measurement Uncertainty to Calculate Reservoir Volumes and Reduce Risk in Prospects, #41324 (2014)
Garrett M. Leahy, Emma Howley, Wenxiu Yang, Arne Skorstad
Search and Discovery.com
... and grid. Structural modelling algorithms can typically incorporate different data types – horizons, faults, isochores, zone logs, and well picks...
Fracture Identification and Geomorphic Structures Applied to Hazardous Waste Disposal and Other Environmental Projects
Santiago M. Reynolds
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... influences in our projects, we next face the problem of how best to identify and map them in the field. Different techniques have been used: Surface...
Validation of seismic attributes as hydrocarbon indicators
Natt Srisutthiyakorn, Katy Wei, Antoine Vial Aussavy, Ahmad Zamanian, Olga Rodina, Stephan Gelinsky
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... attributes, the primary challenge is then how to validate them efficiently and to determine which ones are most suitable for different geological...
ABSTRACT: Outcrop Characterization with Digital Geologic Mapping, by David S. McCormick and Peter S. Kaufman; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Federal “All Appropriate Inquiry” Rule: A New Phase in Phase I’s
Don Grauer
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
..., the developing federal standard will be promulgated into federal law, changing the forces that govern the way environmental due diligence is conducted...
ABSTRACT: (Keynote): Intrinsic Time Scales in Fluvial Basins, by Chris Paola, Ben Sheets, Dan Cazanacli, Tom Hickson, and Nikki Strong; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Exploiting the High Frontier: A Framework for Stateless Space
Search and Discovery.com
Host 2500 Development Program - the Answer to Future Cost Effective Subsea Developments for Shallow, Medium and Deep Water Applications
Bjørn Sættenes
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
..., there exists some 16 different development tasks. These tasks are managed by a project group of 20-25 experienced subsea engineers, mainly from KOS...
Lift Forces on Suspended Sediment Particles in Laminar Flow: Experiments and Sedimentological Interpretation: NOTES
John B. Southard
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... how closely this models the lift force in the natural flows. The results suggest that this lift-force effect is not important in natural sedimentary...
G. Non-Normal Incidence Reflections and the Determination of Lithology - Use of Shear Waves and Amplitude with Offset
Norman S. Neidell
AAPG Special Volumes
... traces quite well and under a wide variety of circumstances. Indeed, the usual field techniques for acquiring seismic data are geared toward...
Application of Regional Geochemical Data to Uranium Exploration: ABSTRACT
Ralph D. D'Andrea, Jr., Don L. Shettel, Jr., Richard J. Zinkl
AAPG Bulletin
... kilometers in size. Examples from the Colorado Plateau and other areas illustrate how the interpretive techniques are used. Both the data and data...
Unravelling PNG’s Frontier Basins: New Structural-stratigraphic Insights in Analogous Subduction Margin Settings
Search and Discovery.com
Basin Characteristics, Tectonic History, and Grain Size are Main Influences in the Transport and Deposition of Turbidity Currents
Arnold H. Bouma, Anne M. Delery, Alfonso Benavides-Iglesias
GCAGS Transactions
.... A compilation of detailed seismic layering and lateral changes of sediment types should be produced. Structural studies should infer the original shape...
Hydrocarbon System Analysis for Methane Hydrate Exploration on Mars
Michael D. Max, Stephen M. Clifford, Arthur H. Johnson
AAPG Special Volumes
... be offset laterally by dipping porous strata or secondary porosity zones in a structural framework quite different from that of Earth. Because plate...
ABSTRACT: Land Electromagnetic Techniques for Prospect Identification, Evaluation and De-Risking; #90061 (2006)
David G. Peace, Andrea Zerilli, Ransom Reddig, and Arnold Orange
Search and Discovery.com
... are they very thick and thin? What is their structural shape? How regionally and vertically extensive are they? What is under them...high resistivity other nasty...
An approach for quantifying structural interpretation uncertainty
Kellen L. Gunderson and Chris A. Guzofski
AAPG Bulletin
... where red represents structural highs and purple represents structural lows. Faults are represented by the black polygons. Note the different...