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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Appendix 1: High-Risk Volcanoes: Mitigating Volcanic Hazards in Developing Nations Through a Program of Integrated Communications, Training, and Field Studies

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... and monitoring techniques, the pro­ motion of exchange visits for observatory personnel for in4 5 623 service training and experience, and increasing...


Using outcrop geology to constrain uncertainties in three-dimensional structural models of sub-seismic scale fault networks?

J.L. Long, R.H. Wightman, J. Imber, R.R. Jones, K.J.W. McCaffrey, R.E. Holdsworth, N.S. Holliman, N. De Paola

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... Constraints on rules 14 Constraints on rules 15 Rules 16 Constraints on rules • Different structural geologists may disagree on choice...


Correlation of Oils and Source Rocks--A Conceptual and Historical Perspective: Chapter 15: Part IV. Identification and Characterization

Joseph A. Curiale

AAPG Special Volumes

... A. Curiale 1994 251 260 M 60: The Petroleum System--From Source to Trap Techniques and concepts of oil-source rock correlations have developed considerably...


Machine learning applications to seismic structural interpretation: Philosophy, progress, pitfalls, and potential

Kellen L. Gunderson, Zhao Zhang, Barton Payne, Shuxing Cheng, Ziyu Jiang, and Atlas Wang

AAPG Bulletin

...) seismic image with different structural features labeled. 1: fault, 2: salt body, 3a: four-way anticlinal trap in reservoir facies, 3b: four-way...


The RCRA Exemption for Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production Wastes—What You May Not Know

David L. Hippensteel

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... 1978, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was putting the final touches on a series of regulations designed to govern hazardous waste...


Application of horizontal wells in three-dimensional shale reservoir modeling: A case study of Longmaxi–Wufeng shale in Fuling gas field, Sichuan Basin: Discussion

Zhijun Yin, Y. Zee Ma, Ernest Gomez, and Shengli Li

AAPG Bulletin

.... Daly, and T. Zhang, 2018, A comparative study of reservoir modeling techniques and their impact on predicted performance of fluvial-dominated...


Structural Geology and Fracture Analysis of Grotto Canyon, Alberta

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... the best circle size to use in a variety of different structural environments. This study has increased our understanding of the deformation style...


Linking Channel Dynamics to Deposits: How Does Process Understanding Change With the Scale of Observation?; #41675 (2015)

J.C. Rowland, W. Dietrich, M. Stacey, G. Hilley, A. Fildani, E. Shele

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... at the distal ends of rivers and submarine channels. These insights have served to elucidate how balances in lateral sediment transport and jet dynamics govern...


What Can Multiscale 3D Imaging Do for Energy Geoscience?

Kevin G. Taylor, Lin Ma

GEO ExPro Magazine

...-scale (e.g. geophysical) and traditional petrographic techniques have continued to evolve over the last three decades or so, the last ten years has also...


Anatomy of a Fringing Reef Around Grand Cayman: Storm Rubble, Not Coral Framework

Paul Blanchon , Brian Jones, William Kalbfleisch

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... that govern the siting of in-place coral growth. Yet more ephemeral processes, such as storms and hurricanes, assume much greater importance over longer...


Quick 3D Formation Model for Unconventional Carbonate Reservoirs by Resistivity Imaging While Drilling in Horizontal Wells; #41326 (2014)

Da-Li Wang, Zong-Gang Lv, Hai-Run Peng, and An-Fu Zhou

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... the structural information and the properties of horizontal sections through a thin (approximately 2-m thick) carbonate gas reservoir in a field...


Responding to New Discoveries: Workflow and Strategies for Conquering the Data GapŽ and Overcoming Stuck-In-Rut ThinkingŽ; #70176 (2014)

Susan Smith Nash

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... • Implications & key questions – How are the deposits at the unconformity different than the ones lower in the section? – Intercalated siltstones? – Any...


Abstract: Integrating Geologic and Geophysical Data in Geostatistical Inversion; #90187 (2014)

John V. Pendrel

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... requires a Team approach wherein disparate pieces of information from different disciplines need to be integrated toward the estimation of reservoir...


Constructing a Technical Article

Julian W. Low , Jules Braunstein

GCAGS Transactions

..., no matter how well planned and organized it is. Handbooks devote many pages to the reiteration and application of rules of grammar that govern...


Chapter 6: Using Outcrop Data in the 21st Century

Tore M. Løseth, John B. Thurmond, Jan C. Rivenses, Ole J. Martinsen, Carlos Aiken, Xueming Xu

AAPG Special Volumes

... implications for the future application of outcrop data. First, we review different techniques that can be used to collect digital outcrop data. We especially...


Quantitative Geometry of Thrust and Fold Belt Structures

Peter B. Jones

AAPG Special Volumes

... model of a fold belt overlying a thrust belt shown in Figure 16. Each erosional level exposes a different structural style, giving different impressions...


Theoretical Errors Lead to Practical Errors

P. Ya. Antropov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... the newest techniques will permit the geologists of the USSR in the shortest time to reveal large mineral raw material reserves for the oil...


Velocity Modeling with Complex Tectonics; Example from the San Joaquin Forearc Basin, California; #41950 (2016)

Lisa Alpert, Josué Rosas

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... block is captured Velocity modeling with reverse faults • Typically, at this point, no matter how beautiful the structural model is, the velocity...


What will it take to improve the characterisation of deep mineral deposits in order to assess economic valueŽ early in the discovery process?

Joe Cucuzza

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... dispersive field techniques as well, is the non-unique problem associated with inversion. So how do we overcome the intrinsic deficiencies of geophysical...


Extended Abstract: Case Studies from the Gulf of Mexico and the Andes - Integrating Quantitative Structural Geology into the Interpretation Workflow

Nathan Eichelberger

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... the Peruvian Subandes, we examine how syn-kinematic growth strata can effectively constrain the timing of structural development. By interactively fitting fault...


Abstract: The Topographic Expression of Oil and Gas Fields in the Gulf Coast

L.W. Minturn

GCAGS Transactions

... and breadth of anticlines, it follows that these techniques should be useful in ascertaining how much oil and gas remain to be found in the United States...


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