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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The Compressional Off-Structure Problem
R. E. Bischke
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...The Compressional Off-Structure Problem R. E. Bischke 1994 29 34 This brief review of simple structural styles found in fold-and-thrust belts...
ABSTRACT: Quantitative Visualization of Spatial Uncertainty in 3-D Structural Models; #90013 (2003)
Robert Smallshire, Simon Stewart
Search and Discovery.com
... demonstrate how novel uncertainty visualization techniques can deliver an appreciation of the positional uncertainty inherent in their geometric model...
Strike-slip fault control on karst in ultra-deep carbonates, Tarim Basin, China
Lianbo Zeng, Jinxiong Shi, Qingyou Ma, Wenya Lyu, Shaoqun Dong, Dongsheng Cao, and Hehua Wei
AAPG Bulletin
... survey area of the Tahe oil field, two fault systems of different structural styles have been recognized in the Paleozoic strata. In the Cambrian–Middle...
Adaptive Dip Estimations on Post-Stack Seismic Data
Search and Discovery.com
Taphonomy of Cambrian phosphatic small shelly fossils
Jessica R. Creveling,Andrew H. Knoll, David T. Johnston
..., showing evidence of selectivity with respect to shell size, shape, and orientation. Both the biological and physical factors that govern phosphorus...
M. D. Hubley
Wyoming Geological Association
... studies of stratigraphy, correlation and structural trends. In contrast to the 1948 setting, we return in 1957 with a very different point of view. During...
Meeting Societal Resource and Environmental Requirements into the Twenty-First Century: A Conference Report
Lee C. Gerhard
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... of Agriculture, presented a second keynote addressing the agricultural aspects of resource production impacts on environment, and specifically, how are we...
Fusion of Airborne Gravity and Magnetic Images for Improved Detection of Structural Control; #41550 (2015)
Hassan Hassan, John Peirce
Search and Discovery.com
...Fusion of Airborne Gravity and Magnetic Images for Improved Detection of Structural Control; #41550 (2015) Hassan Hassan, John Peirce Fusion...
Abstract: Visualization, Interpretation and Cognitive Cybernetics, by James Lowell, Jon Henderson, Gaynor Paton, and Joe Valenti; #90206 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Depth Imaging a 2-D Saudi Aramco Seismic Line; #90051 (2006)
Mike Hall, Valery Miroshnikov, Svetlana Bidikhova, Yan Yan
Search and Discovery.com
.... It will also be shown how these techniques may be used together to build the interval velocity in an optimal manner. The effects of performing constrained...
Where, When and How a Field-Scale 4D Geomechanical Model Should be Built
Ahmadreza Younessi
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
...Where, When and How a Field-Scale 4D Geomechanical Model Should be Built Ahmadreza Younessi The APPEA Journal 2017, 57, 814–817 Extended abstract...
Extended Abstract: Detailed Interpretation of a Channel System Using Geological Expression Workflows: A Case Study from the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Hugo M. P. Garcia, Tom Wooltorton
GCAGS Transactions
... complex in the Moki Formation, offshore New Zealand, and show how using these techniques have helped to understand the edges, internal variability...
ABSTRACT: Predicting Fault and Top Seal Behaviour: Examples of Static and Dynamic Sealing from the Exploration to the Production Phase; #90061 (2006)
Paul Reemst and Gary Ingram
Search and Discovery.com
..., Netherlands Different techniques are required to predict fault and top seal behaviour during the hydrocarbon exploration and the production phase. We show...
Lacustrine Sandstone Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Systems
Olive W. Terry Baganz, Yuval Bartov, Kevin Bohacs, Dag Nummedal
AAPG Special Volumes
... to use for reservoir prediction?How can updip character be used to predict downdip reservoirs?What exactly do we need to know about tectonics...
Guidelines and Strategies for Model Building and Interpretation in 3D Space; #120153 (2014)
Roddy Muir, Alan Gibbs, Colin Dunlop, J. Ryan Shackleton, and Gareth Johnson
Search and Discovery.com
.... In this presentation, we will demonstrate various structural modelling techniques and tools that can be used to help reduce the uncertainty and risk in your...
First-Cycle Grain Weathering Processes: Compositions and Textures of Sea Glass from Port Allen, Kauai, Hawaii
Patricia L. Corcoran, Katrina Packer, Mark C. Biesinger
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... contain a secondary component of green glass. Figure 3. Abundances of different grain types, derived from point counting. Note how volcanic lithic grains...
Utility of Mechanical Facies for Rock Classification, Characterization, and Correlation: Reservoir Characterization: Petrophysical Formation Evaluation and Rock Description
K. A. Alhilali, G. Shanmugam
AAPG Special Volumes
... is needed at the wellbore and away from the well. Present techniques for reservoir characterization rely heavily on core description and logs...
Completion Management System for Smooth Project Commissioning and Start-up
Joko Mulyanto, Yan Silvia
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... record (ITR) This poster will elaborate on how the CMS is implemented in the project and how the system has driven the efficiency and work quality...
Parameterizing and Block-Averaging Electrical Characteristics of a Reservoir: an Essential part of Electrical/Electromagnetic Evaluation of Production Process: Reservoir Characterization and Modeling
A. J. Mansure
AAPG Special Volumes
... Three different scales are important to the interpretation of electrical and electromagnetic diagnostic techniques: (1) the core scale or the scale...
Rock-Fluid Interaction Impact on Geomechanical and Acoustic Properties in Shale Reservoirs: Anisotropic Grain Contact Adhesion Model
Binh T. Bui, Azra N. Tutuncu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... provides a quantitative evaluation of the influence of surface forces on the deformation and the micromechanics of the granular rocks and how...
ABSTRACT: Evolution of Structural Damage-Role of Geomechanical Simulations; #90013 (2003)
Gary D. Couples, Helen Lewis, Nigel G. Higgs, Peter W. H. Olden
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Evolution of Structural Damage-Role of Geomechanical Simulations; #90013 (2003) Gary D. Couples, Helen Lewis, Nigel G. Higgs, Peter W. H...
Abstract: Deep-Water Prospectivity Along The NW African Margin: An Integrated, Remotely Sensed Technique To Assess Hydrocarbon Potential
Pedro Barreto and Mike Oehlers
Search and Discovery.com
... domain data were added and compared to the structural trends and integrated into the GIS model. Similar techniques were used in the offshore where data...
Modeling Tectonic Structures by Synthetic Seismic Construction: Comparison with Local Fold and Thrust Front Development in the Permian Basin Province
Richard J. Erdlac, Jr., Douglas B. Swift
West Texas Geological Society
..., remains an under-used technique in the search for and production of oil and gas. Structural modeling techniques were used by us during a 3-year...
A Probabilistic Model of Oil and Gas Discovery
G. M. Kaufman , Y. Balcer , D. Kruyt
AAPG Special Volumes
... of hydrocarbon deposits and the way which this size distribution interacts with exploratory activities. These assumptions govern the behavior of additions...
Profile Analysis - A Geologically Oriented Gravity Interpretation
Clint F. Fagg, Daniel E. Herlihy
GCAGS Transactions
... of the examination of three different analytical methods of reducing gravity data to a form useful to the geologist is the presentation of the local gravitational...