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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Towards Development The Long History of Petroleum Exploration in Papua New Guinea
F. K. Rickwood
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... was done in the interior. Govern m ent patrols and missionaries made sketch maps suitable for their needs but such maps were of very lim ited use...
Evaluation of Optical and X-Ray Techniques for Detecting Source-Rock-Controlled Variation in Detrital Potassium Feldspars
Thomas G. Plymate, Lee J. Suttner
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of southwest Montana have been analyzed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of optical and X-ray techniques of K-feldspar structural-state...
How Much Do Natural Fractures Matter in the Permian Basin? Systematic Study Using Cores, Image Logs, Physics Based Models, RTA, and Offset Well Fiber Data
Deepen Gala, Leonel Gomez, Mary K. Johns, Piyush Pankaj, Rodrick Myers, Holger Meier, Darren McLendon
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...How Much Do Natural Fractures Matter in the Permian Basin? Systematic Study Using Cores, Image Logs, Physics Based Models, RTA, and Offset Well Fiber...
M. King Hubbert and the rise and fall of peak oil theory
David Deming
AAPG Bulletin
..., and then decline asymptotically to zero…there is an infinity of different shapes” (Hubbert, 1949, p. 105). The article in Science also revealed Hubbert...
A Geologist Looks at the Oil Industry
R. E. Rettger
Tulsa Geological Society
... a recent convention of Funeral Directors in one of our local hotels. The title of one of their speeches was "How to Look Sad at a $10,000 Funeral." You...
ABSTRACT: Structural Interpretation in the Upstream Petroleum Industry: Application of Global Experience and Key Technologies, by CLIFFORD J. ANDO; #90916(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Faulting and fracturing in shale and self-sourced reservoirs: Introduction
David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Peter H. Hennings, and David E. Haddad
AAPG Bulletin
.... Variations in mineralogy, porosity, and degree of cementation influence the rock strength and stiffness (i.e., competence), and govern how a rock layer...
Imaging of the Guando Field Colombia in Time and Depth
M.A. Hall, V. Avramovic, J.T. Basick, I. Novianti, D.T. Maucione, P.Kroshko, J.C. Garzon
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... techniques will be described. Particular emphasis will be placed on the use of tomographic and scanning techniques for pre-stack depth migration...
Oil-Based Dipmeter and Imaging Tools: Implications for Determining Structure and Fractures in Different Logging Conditions
Paul Heffernan
Search and Discovery.com
... in their usefulness for measuring structural and stratigraphic bedding, fractures and drilling induced features. Also, it is helpful to look at how they respond...
Oil-Based Dipmeter and Imaging Tools: Implications for Determining Structure and Fractures in Different Logging Conditions
Paul Heffernan
Search and Discovery.com
... in their usefulness for measuring structural and stratigraphic bedding, fractures and drilling induced features. Also, it is helpful to look at how they respond...
Abstract: The Application of Hydrocarbon System and Play Fairway Analysis for Unconventional Resource Plays: The Case for Shale Gas and Shale Oil Reserves, by Barrie Wells and Jay E. Leonard; #90081 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Understanding Frequency Decomposition Results Using Forward Modeling to Correlate Geology With Frequency Responses
Search and Discovery.com
Accelerating AI in Your Enterprise
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sedimentology, Environment of Deposition, and Rock Mechanics of the Montney Formation: Outcrop Study in the Kananaskis area, SW Alberta; #90321 (2018)
Simon Poirier
Search and Discovery.com
... objectives are to differentiate and describe the subtly different offshore environments and observe how these affect the natural fracture networks...
Tectonics of North-Central States
Dorsey Hager
AAPG Bulletin
...- and east-trending folds and faults are the important features governing oil production. In Missouri, northwest- and north-trending folds govern the gas...
Chapter 3: Introduction: Atlas of Deep-water Outcrops
Roger D. Shew, Gary S. Steffens, Joseph R. J. Studlick
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Other papers are on selected topics that summarize the types of deep-water deposits, seismic modeling of outcrops, current outcrop study techniques, use...
Seals: The Role of Geomechanics
Gary D. Couples
AAPG Special Volumes
... the role of lithology (dolostone is quite different than limestone, for example) and how grain size, sorting, packing, cement, and porosity affect...
Reducing Uncertainty in Subsalt Interpretation: A Non-Seismic View from Integration; #40508 (2010)
Markus H. Krieger and Oliver Geisler
Search and Discovery.com
... no information for that area. Our approach followed a different path: Since 1996 we have designed sensitivity studies and forward modeling techniques...
Applying Microseismicity to Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring as a Tool to Improve the Understanding and Development of Tight Gas Reservoirs, by Joël H. Le Calvez, Les Bennett, Kevin Tanner, Dee Grant, and Frank Peterman
Search and Discovery.com
New Velocity Model Building Techniques to Reduce Sub-Salt Exploration Risk
Stephan Petmecky, Martin L. Albertin, and Nick L. Burke
Search and Discovery.com
...New Velocity Model Building Techniques to Reduce Sub-Salt Exploration Risk Stephan Petmecky, Martin L. Albertin, and Nick L. Burke New Velocity Model...
Abstract: Guidelines and Strategies for Model Building and Interpretation in 3D Space, by Roddy Muir, Alan Gibbs, Colin Dunlop, J. Ryan Shackleton, and Gareth Johnson; #120140 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: New Plays in the Himalayan Foreland Revealed by Kinematic Forward Modeling and Structural Restoration: An Example from the Ratana Field, Potwar Plateau, Northern Pakistan;
Khalid Shoaib, Nathan Eichelberger, Steven Tobias, Zaheer Zafar, Stuart Burley
Search and Discovery.com
... intervals. In this presentation, we show how coupling kinematic forward modelling (including fault-bend-fold and trishear models) and structural...
Energy Resources for Human Settlement in the Solar System and Earth's Future in Space
William A. Ambrose, James F. Reilly II, Douglas C. Peters
AAPG Special Volumes
... and the asteroid belt. Propulsion systems that use nuclear and ion technologies will provide greater specific impulse, defined as how many pounds...