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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The battle between Frankenstein and Gilligan and the Law of Increasing Reservoir Complexification: What matters in three-dimensional reservoir characterization modeling?
D. K. Larue
AAPG Bulletin
... and visualization techniques. Earlier studies of reservoirs relied on well logs and maps, both structural and isochore, and were essentially 2-D studies of the 3-D...
Evolution of fractures in a fold-and-thrust belt and the associated deformed foreland basin: an example from the northeastern Brooks Range and the eastern Colville Basin, Alaska - Abstract
Andrea Loveland
Alaska Geological Society
... because it will provide information about how fractures vary as a result of changing stratigraphic and structural position. Several different types...
Numerical modeling of microfracturing and primary hydrocarbon expulsion in the Jurassic Lower Tuwaiq Mountain Shale: A conceptual framework
Syed Haider, Tadeusz W. Patzek, Thomas Finkbeiner, and Ralf Littke
AAPG Bulletin
...). During a basin’s thermal maturation, its organic matter converts into a residue (bitumen/pyrobitumen) and compositionally different hydrocarbons...
Basin-Filling Models: Chapter 9
Charles L. Angevine, Paul L. Heller, Chris Paola
AAPG Special Volumes
... until now, this course has mainly focused on subsidence in sedimentary basins--how it occurs, and how it can be determined as a function of time over...
Deformation and Stratigraphic Models of the Bolivian and Argentinean Sub-Andean System: Evolution of Knowledge, Current Trends and the Importance of Dating; #30599 (2019)
Roberto Mario Hernández, Adolfo Rosales, Jaime Soria Galvarro
Search and Discovery.com
...-Andean of Bolivia and northern Argentina system show a thin-skinned deformation with different structural styles, which can be grouped into four...
Geological Limitations to Oil Law
William W. Porter II
AAPG Bulletin
... data have sufficie tly wide reliable application to form the basis for legislation. It should be obvious that no matter how much we know about...
Predicting Structural Permeability in the Deep Coal Play, Tirrawarra-Gooranie fields, Cooper Basin
C.J. Bowker, B.A. Camac, S.A. Fraser
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... faults and associated antithetic faults propagate steeply up into the Permian section which govern the structural highs of the field. Fault geometries...
Very High-Resolution Seismics as a Tool for Sequence Stratigraphy Applied to Outcrop Scale--Examples from Eastern Tyrrhenian Margin Holocene/Pleistocene Deposits
F. L. Chiocci
AAPG Bulletin
.../Pleistocene Deposits F. L. Chiocci 1994 378 395 78 3. (March) Three Eastern Tyrrhenian continental margin areas with very different depositional and tectonic...
Integration of Engineering and Geological Uncertainty for Reservoir Performance Prediction Using a Distance-Based Approach
Jef Caers, Celine Scheidt
AAPG Special Volumes
... confidence intervals for reservoir model selection techniques: Computational Geosciences, v. 14, no. 2, p. 369382, doi:10.1007/s10596-009-9156-8.Schoelkopf...
A Coupled Pore-Scale Modelling Approach to Capture Macro-Scale Stress-Dependent Permeability of Rocks
Keivan Khaleghi, Stephen Talman, Alireza Rangriz Shokri, Bauyrzhan K. Primkulov, Abel S. Juncal, Rick J. Chalaturnyk
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of arbitrary decision as to what accounts a pore or a throat in addition to how and where these pore-throat constrictions meet (Sahimi 2011). Given...
Applications of Thermal Maturity Studies to Energy Exploration; Frontmatter
Vito F. Nuccio, Charles E. Barker, Sally J. Dyson
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
.... The first is a methods section in which papers describe different techniques used to determine thermal maturity. The second is an applications...
Abstract: Modeling of Seismic Signatures of Carbonate Rock Types, by B. Jan and Y. Sun, #90188 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Paleogeography and Provinciality
Charles A. Ross
Special Publications of SEPM
... distribution of different species and t1len attempt to determine similarities and dif ferences in the distribution of each species in order to establish...
Convolution neural networks fault interpretation in the Brazilian presalt
Hugo Garcia, Edimar Perico, Ana Moliterno, Alexandre Kolisnyk, Michael Lowsby
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... are applying the latest in AI technology to interpret faults, to evaluate if these techniques can assist the interpreter to get a more detailed structural...
Kriging-based surrogate models for convergence acceleration of Markov chains: An example of magnetotellurics-dix joint inversion
Alejandro Quiaro, Mauricio D. Sacchi
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... exploration, depends significantly on using different geophysical techniques; however, using a single geophysical method can sometimes be insufficient...
Evaluation of New Geophysical Methods
W. M. Rust, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... that govern them can be de ermined and, in the first case, our seismograph computers taught Yogiism, and, in the second, our instrument makers taught...
State of stress in the Illinois Basin and constraints on inducing failure
R. W. Lahann, J. A. Rupp, C. R. Medina, G. Carlson, and K. M. Johnson
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... are approximated a priori to inform the feasibility of siting and developing an actual project. These factors all work in combination to govern how fluids...
Recent Sedimentation and the Search for Petroleum
W. C. Krumbein
AAPG Bulletin
... and more complete studies of sedimentary environments; application of the techniques to ancient sediments; and the development and improvement of methods...
Keep an Eye on Your Basement! The 3D Version
Search and Discovery.com
... and Peirce, 1999, for an example of the Hines Creek Fault). Conclusions Understanding how basement structural control influences the overlying section...
Application of Physics Informed Neural Networks to Compositional Modelling
Thelma Anizia Ihunde, Olufemi Olorode
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of these models to ensure that they honor physical laws. To this end, we generated one million different compositions with a space-filling mixture design...
Abstract: Gas Sorption on Coal, by D. Yee, J. P. Seidle, and W. B. Hanson; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Using New Techniques to Extract Stratigraphic Information from Seismic Data in Tight Gas Reservoirs
Heidy Correa, Fa Dwan, David Potter
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... relate to sand deposition. Different techniques need to be used to understand how the reservoir sands are distributed. Figure 10. Definition of Activity...
Abstract: Indonesia Set for LNG Expansion
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... energy Priyono stated within the period 2010- 2015 domestic consumption. "The govern ment have Indonesia is expected to have an additional LNG d emand...
Controls and Effects of Subaerial Exposure on Cementation and Development of Secondary Porosity in the Subsurface of Great Bahama Bank
David K. Beach
AAPG Special Volumes
... demonstrate how induration created during initial subaerial exposure played an important role in controlling fluid flow in shallow subsurface Pliocene...