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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Role of Relay Ramp Evolution in Governing Syn-Rift Sediment Dispersal and Petroleum Prospectivity
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Origin of Microseismicity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing; #90000 (2016)
Leo Eisner
Search and Discovery.com
... reservoirs. It is instrumental to see how the evolution of opinions on physics of seismicity induced by fluid injections evolved especially...
Clays and Production Problems
Eric Eslinger, David Pevear
Special Publications of SEPM
... in the Shannon Sandstone, Hartzog Draw Field, Wyoming, have characteristic P&P ranges, and that each range is characterized by a different amount of clay...
Thermodynamic and kinetic promoters/inhibitors for renucleation of methane clathrates: Halogenation in the presence of salts combined with injected carbon dioxide
Kason B. Malone, Russell LaRell Nielson, Matibur Zamadar
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... interchangeably in this paper) are type I structures, and formation is theorized through multiple mechanisms. Through specific nucleation techniques, type II...
Priorities for Future Australian Petroleum Research and Development
P. E. Williamson, D. Wright
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... Different petroleum companies also have differing exploration and production portfolios and different needs. Petroleum service industry compan ies try...
State of the Art in Visualization Tools; #120168 (2014)
Michael M. Heck
Search and Discovery.com
... adopted from the medical market allow multiple volumes from different “modalities” (imaging techniques), with different resolutions, to be co-rendered...
A New Parallel Fold Construction Method from Borehole Dip for Structural Delineation; #41969 (2016)
Tetsushi Yamada, Isabelle Le Nir, Eric Moscardi, Arnaud Etchecopar
Search and Discovery.com
... by an interpreter. This technique helps the interpreter identify the structure type (i.e. zones with same structural axis) at different scales. Based...
ABSTRACT Probing Heterogeneity in Carbonates via Multiple Resolution Imaging Tools, #90104 (2010)
Varslot Trond; Knackstedt Mark; Sok Robert; Senden Tim
Search and Discovery.com
... techniques and to characterize carbonate core material across many decades of length scale. Case studies on carbonate cores are used to illustrate how...
New Method for Seismic Identification of Fluid Conduits or Barriers Challenges Several Industry Paradigms; #120083 (2013)
Ralf Oppermann
Search and Discovery.com
..., Australia (Ralf.Oppermann@opptimal.com) Abstract During the last two decades, volume interpretation techniques have revolutionised traditional 3D...
AAPG Bulletin Super Basin Initiative
Charles A. Sternbach, President of AAPG /
AAPG Bulletin
... as these basins continue to have new life breathed into them by innovative geoscientists using new technology and an increased understanding of how rocks...
Volume Roaming and Volume Visualization of Large 3D Seismic Datasets
Antony John Marsh
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of how to visualize large 3D datasets? One solution has been to reduce volume size through decimation. Through decimation not all seismic information...
ABSTRACT: A Whirlwind Tour of Shell Seismic Technologies Employed in the NCMA Basin
Analiese Ferreira, Nwenna Crooks-Smith, Faria Badhal, Michael Koop, Paul El Khoury, Henning Kuehl, Ahmad Zamanian, Satyakee Sen, Jorge De La Torre Guzman, Tom Merrifield, Oriol Falivene, Neal Auchter, Patricio Desjardins, Pedram Zarian, Marianne Vissinga, Olga Rodina, Austin Boles, John Martin
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
..., 12, 13, 14 Shell International Digital Interpretation Team 15, 16 Shell International QI West Team 17, 18 Shell International Structural Geology...
Abstract: Gas Exploration in Southern Spain: a Successful AVO/DHI Application, by C. Garcia, A. Echanove, and A. Arrieta; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Modeling Matrix-related Heterogeneities in Carbonates with Non Process-based Geostatistical Methods: Real and Synthetic Examples, by Philippe Ruelland, Florent Lallier, Henk Kombrink, and Sophie Prat; #120034 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Extended Abstract: Defining a Geoscientist—Turning Wrong into Right
William Finley
GCAGS Transactions
... is how we integrate the relationships of structural and stratigraphic data in a three-dimensional space to understand a system model. KISS...
Experimental Work on Primary Sedimentary Structures
Lucien M. Brush Jr.
Special Publications of SEPM
... als that very lIttle IS known about the physics of the processes which govern A review of some of the more in OrmatlOp of n any nmary aVaIlable...
Optimization of the Proppant Placement Through the Perforations in Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing: A Laboratory-scale Experimental Investigation
Nadia Mouedden, Aimen Laalam, Harry Feilen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... how the proppant distributes and the key proppant & fluid parameters that affect the ability of the slickwater to transport and suspend the proppant...
Abstract: Estimating Reserves in Tight Gas Sands: Geological Complexities and Controversies, Creties Jenkins, #90098 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
Searching for Stratigraphic Traps
Jane Whaley, Robert Trice
GEO ExPro Magazine
... and subtle combination traps are those which cannot be defined by structural closure alone. They have a well documented track record as significant...
Imaging below Seafloor Canyons and other Rugose Features
Dominic Fell, Kiran Dyal, Tony Hallam, Sebastian Nixon
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... Cenozoic Unconformity interpretation (white) is overlaid on each section, highlighting how the structural distortions caused by unresolved lateral velocity...
Just How Uncertain is Our Interpretation of Deep Seismic Reflection Data From Passive Margins, and Does it Matter: A Case Study From the Argentina Margin
Search and Discovery.com
Strategies for Master Data Management
Search and Discovery.com
... basis. Some of these standards govern how data is captured and managed. Low level standards, such as departmental procedure manuals and vendor...
Seismic Exploration for Stratigraphic Traps: Section 2. Application of Seismic Reflection Configuration to Stratigraphic Interpretation
Milton B. Dobrin
AAPG Special Volumes
... for this interval at five of the wells, each showing a different kind of lithology within the interval. Pattern recognition techniques involving the use of fac...