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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Which Reservoir Layering for Carbonate Reservoirs? Depositionally or Diagenetically Driven?; #90051 (2006)

Catherine Javaux

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... stratigraphic settings (Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic and Permian) and different regions (Europe, Africa and Middle East areas). This review shows how...


Insights from Geomechanical Modelling of 2D Cross-Sections in Fold-Thrust Belts, #30672 (2020).

Reinaldo Ollarves, Samuel Fraser, Ken McClay,

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...; and (c) How mechanical stratigraphy controls the styles of faulting and folding that determine the structural evolution of fold and thrust belts...


Measurement of Dependent Variables - Petrophysical Variables

Alan P. Byrnes

Special Publications of SEPM

... which may be subtly or overtly different than the stated definition. Differences be­ tween how porosity is measured and how it is de­ fined can...


Abstract: Is the Workstation “Killing” Geology?

Cindy Yeilding

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... occasionally inaccurate, maps more quickly and than ever before—how do we test accuracy before we drill a “dumb” well? • Are all geologic views best...


Abstract: Geological Structural Data Collection & Application in Rock Engineering

Mogana Sundaram

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Geological Structural Data Collection & Application in Rock Engineering Mogana Sundaram PERTEMUAN PERSATUAN (Meetings of the Society...


3-D Reservoir Characterization and Integrated Completion Optimization for Understanding Horizontal Well Spacing and Frac Staging of the Niobrara Formation, DJ Basin

Meagan Stephens, Jack Wiener, Muthukumarappan Ramurthy, Pat Kundert, John-Bosco Tran

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... characterization for developing unconventional oil and gas assets is a critical component to understand where and how to drill horizontal wells, pinpoint...


Computer Applications in Geology, No.4, Chapter 7: On the Implementation of GIS for Petroleum Exploration and Development: Issues and Perspectives

Timothy C. Coburn

AAPG Special Volumes

..., the industry has been plagued with the enigma of how to get at these data, and how to package and deliver them in the forms that are most...


AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7: Multidimensional Basin Modeling - Abstracts

AAPG Special Volumes

... divided bar or needle probe techniques. These experiments can be made for different pore fluids and under different temperature conditions...


Abstract: A Database-Informed Investigation of the Signature of Environmental Change in the Aeolian Sedimentary Record;

Nigel Mountney, Grace Cosgrove, Luca Colombera, Na Yan

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... to explain how interlinked environmental factors acted to govern the nature of the preserved sedimentary record across multiple scales from basins...


What Makes a Play Unconventional?: Exploring for the Unconventional Play, #110221 (2015).

David J. Campagna

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... Author Series, p. 84-90. Holditch, S.A., and W.B. Ayers, 2009, How technology transfer will expand the development of unconventional gas worldwide...


Chronologic modeling of faulted and fractured reservoirs using geomechanically based restoration: Technique and industry applications

Laurent Maerten, Frantz Maerten

AAPG Bulletin

..., A critique of techniques for modelling normal-fault and rollover geometries, in P. G. Buchanan and D. A. Nieuwland, eds., Modern developments in structural...


Methods of Estimating the Volume of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources--Introductory Remarks

Michel T. Halbouty

AAPG Special Volumes

... or techniques for petroleum resource estimates that will give full credence to new exploratory tools and concepts, and to broader and greater efforts...


Optimum Use of Geophysical Tools in Exploration for Base Metal Ores: ABSTRACT

H. V. McMurry

AAPG Bulletin

... in prospecting for sulfide ore bodies are discussed. It is shown that entirely different circumstances govern the search for massive sulfide ore...


AAPG-SPE-SEG Hedberg research conference on The Geologic Occurrence and Hydraulic Significance of Fractures in Reservoirs

Peter Hennings

AAPG Bulletin

... reservoirs at a fundamental level to assess progress in the last decade. The participants addressed the following questions.What geologic controls govern...


Abstract: Oil Exploration from the Viewpoints of Government and Industry

Murray Johnstone

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... In contrast, the WAPET field camps were lavish, all the food and liquor being supplied by the company. The duration of the field seasons was different...


Quantifying the Effects of Prior Knowledge and Interpretational Methodology from the Creation of Structural Models

Clare Bond, Rebecca J. Lunn, Zoe K. Shipton, Alan D. Gibbs

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...! Midland Valley Structural geology software and consulting …other thing considered Interpretational style and techniques (features, horizons...


Understanding Fault Facies Improves Reservoir Modelling

Halfdan Carstens

GEO ExPro Magazine

... major built-in drawback with these tools that relates to how faults are treated. "Traditionally 3D reservoir modelling software tools emphasize...


Section Five: Use of Gravity Methods on Diapiric Structures

New Orleans Geological Society

... and has a different overall shape and amplitude. The examples illustrate how gravity can be used to detect differences in salt dome location, shape...


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