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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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How to Model and Improve Our Understanding of Liquid-Rich Shale Reservoirs with Complex Organic/Inorganic Pore Network

Mohammad Khoshghadam, Aaditya Khanal, Neda Rabinejadganji, W. John Lee

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...How to Model and Improve Our Understanding of Liquid-Rich Shale Reservoirs with Complex Organic/Inorganic Pore Network Mohammad Khoshghadam, Aaditya...


Chapter 17: The Use of Radarsat-1 and Sentinel-1 Images for Seepage Slick Detection in Support of Deep-Water Petroleum Exploration in the Santos Basin, Brazil

C. H. Beisl, M. R. Mello, V. Elias, S. Becker, G. Carmo, Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... accumulations are present in the carbonate pre-salt reservoirs. These four structural domains determine different petroleum habitats that depend on salt...


Geological Development, Origin, and Energy Mineral Resources of Williston Basin, North Dakota

Lee C. Gerhard , Sidney B. Anderson , Julie A. Lefever , Clarence G. Carlson

AAPG Bulletin

.... Geologists, p. 90-100. Ballard, F. V., 1963, Structural and stratigraphic relationships in the upper Paleozoic rocks of eastern North Dakota: North...


What is the Wasatch Line?

William Lee Stokes

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., this structural trend connects directly with the Garlock fault system of southern California. The implications of this discovery by the writer...


Innovative Modeling to Quantify the Impact of Natural Fractures, Optimize Well Spacing and Increase Productivity in the Marcellus Shale

Farid Mohamed, Dolapo Otulana, Ivan Salazar, Han Xue, Li Fan, Dan Shan, Jim Bennett, Kabiru Abubakar, Kyle Barrie, Bryce Yeager, Marcia Simpson, Creties Jenkins

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...? Is there production contribution from the Upper Marcellus, and if so, how much? What is the role of open tectonic natural fractures in stimulation and production...


Austin Chalk Exploration

John F. Harris

Tulsa Geological Society

...) production techniques. Logging techniques and recognition of these potential horizons are quite different from exploration for the more recognizable porous...


X-ray Radiography in the Study of Structures in Homogeneous Sediments

Wm. Kenneth Hamblin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... by stereoradiographic techniques is shown in figures 5 and 6. Figure 5 is a photograph of a core of the Beria Sandstone. Little or no structural detail is apparent...


Managing the Impact of Characterization and Modeling Uncertainties on EUR Assessment in Unconventional Plays

Mariano F. Raverta, Olusegun Osadiya, Frederic Brigaud, Arnaud Rostagno

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... parameters of various models, as well as the intrinsic limitations of the models themselves, still generate widely different Estimated Ultimate Recovery...


Extended Abstract: M. King Hubbert, “Peak Oil,” and U.S. Energy Policy

Peter R. Rose

GCAGS Transactions

... for their particular philosophies, and it is becoming increasingly clear that objective science and advocacy in the same field are incompatible. What...


Impact of Multi-Scale Characteristics of Heterogeneous Pore Structure and Mineralogy on Mechanical Properties of Shale; #41917 (2016)

Hongkyu Yoon, Joseph Grigg, Thomas Dewers, Peter Mozley, Alex Rinehart, Jason Heath, Mathew Ingraham

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... perpendicular and parallel to bedding on the core samples from the different macrofacies using unconfined and triaxial compression tests...


Fatigue Recognised as Top Priority across Petroleum Industry

PESA Staff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... to person- what patterns in a very different environment. At how you get there- in fact, you have to aim your body can deal w ith is different...


Unlocking the UK North Seas Hidden Wealth

Henry Morris

GEO ExPro Magazine

... calibrated basin a different and new perspective It should be noted that all of these models have provided a more detailed is required to push our play...


ABSTRACT: Reappraisal of Fulmar Formation Correlation and Impact on Reservoir Quality Distribution: Elgin and Franklin Fields, UK Central North Sea; #90007 (2002)

Wonham, Jonathan, Jeffrey Suiter, Jean Gerard, Pau, France Fred Walgenwitz

Search and

... the reservoir through the application of new stratigraphic techniques has resulted in the need for a re-evaluation of how the seismic data can be used to help...


Development and Application of Sedimentary Rules in Stratigraphic Prediction of Deepwater Reservoir Presence and Architecture, #40995 (2012)

Michael H. Gardner

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... illustrates how the composite effect that results from combining different parameters generates variations in sedimentary architecture. Because a common set...


Oils Have the Answers — Defining Petroleum Systems Using Geochemistry

Craig Schiefelbein and Rick Requejo

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and/or Paleozoic oil types? ”When applied on a basin-scale, other questions such as, “How many different oil types are present in the Ucayali Basin and where do...


Cognitive Interpretation

Jonathan Henderson

GEO ExPro Magazine

... and juxtaposition. With an understanding of vision it is possible to select when to use these techniques, and very importantly, how...


Next-Generation Interpretation Workflows

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Extended Abstract: Regionally Connected Structural Systems: The Power of the Big (Continental-Scale) Picture

James Granath, William Dickson

Africa Energy and Technology Conference, 2016

...Extended Abstract: Regionally Connected Structural Systems: The Power of the Big (Continental-Scale) Picture James Granath, William Dickson 2571578...


Spatiotemporal Gyration from Microseismicity in the Permian Basin

Scotty Tuttle, Vladimir Grechka, Ismot Jahan, Zhen Zhang

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... how changes in stimulation parameters, primarily the slurry rate and proppant concentration, govern the locations of groups of ruptures, either...


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