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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: What's New and Exciting in Seismic Inversion?
Dennis Cooke
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... – and only then to as a guide to illustrate what the different inversion techniques are doing. ASEG-PESA-AIG 2016 639 August 21–24, 2016, Adelaide...
Abstract: Contaminant Fate and Transport in Gulf Coast Sediments: A Case Study
George Losonsky, Raymond Sturdivant, Jr., William M. Davis, Scott M. Bergeron, Michael B. Kyle, William H. Schramm
GCAGS Transactions
... of high-resolution site characterization (HRSC) techniques in order to determine how chlorinated hydrocarbons can continue to impact soil...
-- no title --
Search and Discovery.com
...-component seismic interpretation is compared for two very different gas plays. The first example, from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, illustrates...
Petroleum Resources Management System (PRMS) and the Importance of Analogs
Search and Discovery.com
-- no title --
Search and Discovery.com
...-component seismic interpretation is compared for two very different gas plays. The first example, from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, illustrates...
Abstract: Realities of Drilling that Geologists Need to Know; #90244 (2016)
Sam Noynaert
Search and Discovery.com
... AAPG-SPE Joint Forum Reality-Based Reservoir Development: New Teams, Techniques, Technologies, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, September 23, 2015 Realities...
Chasing Channel Sands in South East Asia
P. M. Lloyd, R. Koch, D. DesAutels, Amiruddin M. Zain, R. Davis
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 5Schlumberger Indonesia Abstract: With technical advances in surface seismic and downhole electrical imaging techniques...
Seismic reservoir characterization in a VTI anisotropic media: Case study in Malay Basin
Amir Abbas Babasafari, Deva Prasad Ghosh, Seyed Yaser Moussavi AlAshloo, Yasir Bashir, Chica Sambo, Ahmed M.A. Salim
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
.... The inherent anisotropy of shales should be considered, both for structural imaging of subsurface features and for more advanced techniques such as amplitude...
ABSTRACT: Understanding the Geological Record of Carbonate Platform Drowning: Examples from the Early Jurassic of Central Apennines (Central Italy); #90017 (2003)
Maurizio Marino
Search and Discovery.com
..., with an emphasis on regionally widespread vs. local features, on how and if drowning can be recorded by rocks, and on how different processes can produce similar...
Porosity and Pore Size Distribution in Mudrocks: A Comparative Study for Haynesville, Niobrara, Monterey, and Eastern European Silurian Formations
Milad Saidian, Lemuel J. Godinez, Saul Rivera, Manika Prasad
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... distributions measured by NMR, MI and N2 for these samples sheds light on how porosity values measured by different techniques can be correlated. Pore body...
Sandstone Injectites Record Pre-, Syn-, and Post-folding Deformation at Sheep Mountain Anticline, Wyoming; #51118 (2015)
Jennifer Beyer and W. Ashley Griffith
Search and Discovery.com
... Background Methods Results Conclusions Methodology • We used traditional mapping techniques to measure the orientation of structural elements Intro...
Importance of Deep Permeable Disposal Formations in Location of a Large Nuclear-Fuel Reprocessing Plant
Wallace de Laguna
AAPG Special Volumes
... WASTE BASIC PROBLEMS OF DISPOSAL The five major and one minor structural and sedimentary basins described in this book were chosen because they contain...
ABSTRACT: Principles of Reservoir Characterization and Geostatistical modeling; Applications for Early and Late Stage Field Development; #90007 (2002)
Jeffrey M. Yarus, Richard L. Chambers, David H. Zamora Guerrero
Search and Discovery.com
... development strategies. This presentation describes the basic workflows for each case and how geostatistical techniques are integrated into the reservoir...
Abstract: An Integrative Approach to Geochemical Production Allocation in the Northern Denver Basin Using Quantitative Chromatographic Fingerprinting; #91201 (2022)
Luke A. Arnsberger, Patrick Travers, Benjamin C. Burke, Megan Essig, Alexander S. Moss, and Michael P. Dolan
Search and Discovery.com
... of fingerprinting results across different studies and different laboratories. The case study demonstrates how correlating production data with mixing...
Resource Development/Utilization: Development and Utilization of Geopressured Geothermal Resources in the South-Central United States
David B. Lombard
Houston Geological Society
... to the ground surface, how can their energy content be harnessed? Most of the gas, of course, can be separated by conventional techniques...
Simulation of the Seismic Records (DAS) in a Borehole Throughout CO2 Storage Procedures
José Pulido, Yiyu Ni
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and using seismic techniques for seismic tomography, with the aim of bringing solutions for monitoring applications in CSS procedures. Following...
AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7: Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 1: Where Did We Come From? A 19961997 Hydrocarbon System Technology Benchmark Study
Marzi, R., and B. Crowley
AAPG Special Volumes
..., including basin modeling and its applications, is evolving rapidly, as is the way this technology is pursued in different companies. The recent wave...
Stratigraphic Response of a Carbonate Platform to Relative Sea Level Changes: Broken Ridge, Southeast Indian Ocean: Reply (1)
AAPG Bulletin
.... Clearly, more obse vations of carbonate margin stratigraphy are necessary to determine how these factors govern the stratigraphic response of carbonate...
Shaun O'Connell, Sebastian Bell
CSPG Bulletin
.... End_Page 1-------------------------- How can all these different studies be linked? Is it justified to attempt to do so? Is what we have...
Lengguru, Irian Jaya: Prospect Selection Using Field Mapping, Balanced Cross-Sections, and Gravity Modelling
D. T. Moffat, L. F. Henage, R. A. Brash, R. W. Tauer, B. H. Harahap
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... prospects and how the geology and gravity data were used to model the thrust-fold structural complexities of individual prospects. Aspects of other...
Geothermal Energy
Ellie Maccines
GEO ExPro Magazine
... a greater role in the Energy Transition. When I joined ConocoPhillips in 2004, after completing a structural geology PhD at the University of New Brunswick...
ABSTRACT Impacts of Diverse Fluvial Depositional Environments on Hydraulic Fracture Growth in Tight Gas Reservoirs, #90125 (2011)
Cuba Patricia H., Carr Mary M., Anderson Donna S., Miskimins Jennifer L.
Search and Discovery.com
.... Fracture diagnostic techniques, such as microseismic and tiltmeters, yield tangible illustrations of how hydraulic fractures propagate...
ABSTRACT Impacts of Diverse Fluvial Depositional Environments on Hydraulic Fracture Growth in Tight Gas Reservoirs, #90126 (2011)
Cuba Patricia H., Carr Mary M., Anderson Donna S., Miskimins Jennifer L.
Search and Discovery.com
.... Fracture diagnostic techniques, such as microseismic and tiltmeters, yield tangible illustrations of how hydraulic fractures propagate...
Abstract: Technology Applications in Unconventional Resources: A Case Study on Use of Microseismic and Supplementary Surveillance for Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring in the Jafurah Basin of Saudi Arabia; #90316 (2017)
Clay Kurison, Huseyin Sadi Kuleli, Ali Al-Sultan, Saad Al-Shehri, Ahmed Mubarak
Search and Discovery.com
... lateral spacing and targeted different stratigraphic interest zones within the TQMN. All wells underwent multistage plug-n-perforating completions...