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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Well Space Modeling, SRV Prediction Using Microseismic, Seismic Rock Properties and Structural Attributes in the Eagle Ford Shale of South Texas

Robert Meek, Bailo Suliman, Hector Bello, Robert A. Hull

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... could change with different well spacing we used the microseismic data and seismic structural and rock properties to estimate a microseismic density...


Unconventional Gas Sources and Carbon Sequestration Interplay in Mui Basin, Kitui County, Kenya

Achoki Obwocha Dennis

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of the coal seams as seen in the central and southern part of block C where coal seams have been downthrown. Stratigraphic and structural traps...


Abstract: Delineation of Structural Trends in Caldwell County, Texas; #90311 (2017)

Vsevolod Egorov, Robert Neese, Jonathan Neese

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...Abstract: Delineation of Structural Trends in Caldwell County, Texas; #90311 (2017) Vsevolod Egorov, Robert Neese, Jonathan Neese AAPG Datapages...


Bed Configurations

J. C. Harms, J. B. Southard, D. R. Spearing , R. G. Walker

Special Publications of SEPM

... of different kinds of bed geometries can result, depending on the nature Study of these bed geometries, of the flow and the nature of the sediment...


Integration of Geological Understanding with Geophysical Techniques for Better Reservoir Characterization A Case Study in Ravva Block, India, #51557 (2019).

Arnab Ghosh, Harsh Vardhan, Shashank Singh, Siddharth Kejriwal, Harshul Khandelwal, Kaladhar Sharma, Bhawesh C. Jha, Monosvita Chaliha

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... from one another Unconformity 16 Questions on the Table WHY HOW WHAT Why is Field B different from A ? How do we approach to find a solution...


CAD Systems for the Explorationist

Sam Flarity

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... tops can be assigned to different layers, thereby allowing the explorationist to superimpose different maps, or layers, for structural analysis...


The Springer Shale: A Sleeping Giant?

Susan Nash

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... • Implications & key questions – How are the deposits at the unconformity different than the ones lower in the section? – Intercalated siltstones? – Any...



Testing 3D Seismic Attribute Strategies for Subtle Fault Mapping; #41232 (2013)

J. H. McBride, R. William Keach, II, and Clayton K. Chandler

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... to demonstrate how deep faults at the target sequestration interval may initially appear to propagate vertically through the Paleozoic (and uppermost...


Particle-based model for 2D sandbox/structural forward modelling using game engine

Epo Prasetya Kusumah, Pasaribu Sutra Dumex

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... simulate structural deformation in varying structural setting that includes extensional and contraction, and in different basement configuration...


Post-migration seismic data conditioning through merged datasets: Enhancing accuracy and insight

Pamela Blanco Dufau, Heather Bedle, Kurt Marfurt

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... of Spectral Balancing We discussed the impact and how the data changed after applying seismic data conditioning when we analyzed different seismic aspects...


Unconformity-related chert/dolomite production in the Pennsylvanian Amsden Formation, Wolf Springs fields, Bull Mountains basin of central Montana

Glen A. Luebking, Mark W. Longman, W. Joseph Carlisle

AAPG Bulletin

... reservoir quality. The Wolf Springs fields are unconformity-related combination structural and stratigraphic traps. The fields are located...


Description of Natural Fracture Systems for Quantitative Use in Petroleum Geology (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... are measured and then summarized in density and distribution functions. These raw data, in turn, are combined using Monte Carlo techniques to estimate fracture...


What are the Consequences of the Cenozoic Glaciation Events on the Petroleum Systems in the Norwegian Barents Sea?; #30306 (2013)

Krzysztof J. Zieba, Matthias C. Daszinnies, Arnt Grøver, Ane Lothe, and Stephen J. Lippard

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... expansion and leakage caused by these events? How much petroleum has leaked and how much is left? In order to address these questions SINTEF Petroleum...


Abstract: PESA Visiting Lecturer: Oil and Gas Reserve Estimation

Dr W. John Lee

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... of basic rock and fluid properties and basic reservoir mechanics) provided a deepened understanding of why recoveries from different types...


Cost Effective Geochemical Techniques for Observing Fluid Patterns and Compartmentation in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs: Lessons from the San Juan Basin: Abstract

Anthony W. Gorody

Wyoming Geological Association

...Cost Effective Geochemical Techniques for Observing Fluid Patterns and Compartmentation in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs: Lessons from the San Juan...


Sandstone Diagenesis„The Hole Truth

John B. Hayes

Special Publications of SEPM

... govern mineral reactions and fluid flow rates Diagenetic processes determine porosity in terms of origin amount subsurface distribution pore size...


Glacio-Eustatic Origin of Permo-Carboniferous Stratigraphic Cycles: Evidence from the Southern Cordilleran Foreland Region

William R. Dickinson, Gerilyn S. Soreghan, Katherine A. Giles

Special Publications of SEPM

..., their lateral extents would be quite different. Structural or autogenic controls would produce cyclothems of only local extent, confined to just some affected...


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