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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Evolution of Structures above a Salt Diapir - Case Study from the Arabian Gulf Region, #50910 (2014)
Mohammed Al-Fahmi, Andreas Plesch, John Shaw, John Cole
Search and Discovery.com
... techniques that ... T t have proven useful in validating structural interpretations and defining trap geometries, ... but have generally proven to be poor...
The Escalation of Landowner Benefits in the Kutubu Petroleum Development Project
A. P. Power, P. C. Hagen
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... of a missionary and govern ment reprisals in the early 1900’s, the people have suffered from culture shock and disease and many of the inhabitants have migrated...
Innovative Inspection Techniques for Ultra Deepwater Drillships and other Floating O&G Production Assets Saving Costs, Enhancing Safety, while Assuring Operational Availability and Asset Integrity
Peter Davies, Danny Constantinis
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... hull inspection techniques and evaluating the results. This paper describes the new methodology, how it has been applied to FPSOs and UDW drillships...
Changing New Paradigm on HSE Perspective: The Transition from Project to Production Phase
Fakhrian Abqaria, Iyan Suryana, Hasanuddin Ritonga
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in safety during the project phase due to multiple stakeholders, different philosophies and insufficient coordination will require a strong platform during...
Discrete Fracture Modeling of the Tetuán Formation, San Francisco Field, Upper Magdalena Basin, Colombia
D.R. Richards, A. Kloppenburg, M.F. Doe, J. Pavas, L. Goyeneche
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... characteristics of the mapped horizons, and concepts of fracture development in this tectonic and structural setting. The objective was to model...
Lateral Mobility of Minibasins During Shortening: Insights From the SE Precaspian Basin, Kazakhstan
Search and Discovery.com
Chapter Twelve: Visualization and Visual Integration
David M. Roberts
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and interpretation quality control — followed by several examples of visual integration. I have largely avoided conventional seismic interpretation techniques...
Structure-Oriented Texture Model Regression for Seismic Structure Visualization and Interpretation
Dengliang Gao
GCAGS Transactions
... sections after processing by the current method using models with different frequencies, demonstrating the impact of model frequency on structural...
AAPG Studies in Geology 47: Geological Perspectives of Global Climate Change, Chapter 13 - Coral Reefs and Shoreline Dipsticks
Shinn, E. A.
AAPG Special Volumes
..., recrystallization, and vastly different suites of fossils make interpretation and comparison of older rock-forming environments with modern ones less certain...
Where's the Data? Acquisition and Processing of Seismic Data in the PNG Highlands
Subhash Chandra, Geoff Mansfield, Peter Carver
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... in comparison to other areas of the world. The main cause of eighties using different parameters, techniques and hardware to 256 W here’s the Data...
ABSTRACT: 3-D Poststack and Prestack Depth Migrated Seismic Data, An Advanced Interpretive Tool for Subsalt Exploration, by William M. House, John A. Pritchett; #91020 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Emperors New Clothes: Looking Beyond to New Ways of Thinking about Uranium Deposits; #90172 (2014)
Kurt Kyser
Search and Discovery.com
... new technologies that expand our knowledge about how uranium deposits form and are preserved, as well as why they don’t form. Introduction Uranium...
A Simple Guide to Seismic Horizon Interpretation
Gil Machado
GEO ExPro Magazine
... reflectors because they have different characteristics to those of the surrounding rocks. In mineral exploration, if the regional geology is not a sedimentary...
ABSTRACT: Large Volume Reconnaissance Using 3-D Visualization Software, Desert Springs Field, Sweetwater County, Wyoming; #90013 (2003)
Search and Discovery.com
... volume 3D seismic datasets. It is particularly useful for evaluating areas of poor data quality and areas with high structural or stratigraphic...
Extended Abstract: Shallow Hazard and Gas Escape Systems Modelling from 3D Seismic Data
Tom Wooltorton
GCAGS Transactions
... by the presence of amplitude anomalies (Fig. 3). In order to determine exactly how these migration pathways were operating, structural workflows using...
Abstracts: Evaluation of Conventional Stimulation Techniques in Mannville CBM Reservoirs; #90173 (2015)
Safdar Khan, Nader Khosravi, Natalya Ionkina, Fred Hyland, and Mike Yu
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstracts: Evaluation of Conventional Stimulation Techniques in Mannville CBM Reservoirs; #90173 (2015) Safdar Khan, Nader Khosravi, Natalya Ionkina...
Modelling and visualising distributed crustal deformation of Australia and Zealandia using GPlates 2.0
R. Dietmar Müller, Sabin Zahirovic, Crystal S. Williams, Samuel H. J. Russell, Simon E. Williams
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... tectonics. Users can explore how strain rates, stretching/shortening factors and crustal thickness evolve through space and time within deforming...
Virtual Flow Metering for Continuous Real-Time Production Monitoring of Unconventional Wells
Torgeir Vanvik, Johan Henriksson, Zongchang Yang, Gjermund Weisz
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... parameter(s) the analytics model should predict is done during an initial assessment. The assessment objective is to evaluate how well different analytics...
Reducing Cost of CCUS Associated with Natural Gas Production by Improving Monitoring Technologies
Mohammad Bagheri, Scott Ryan, David Byers, Matthias Raab
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
...: mohammad.bagheri@co2crc.com.au B Abstract. This paper examines how we can reduce the cost of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). The CO2CRC...
The Use and Limitations of Non-Seismic Geophysics in the Papuan Thrust Belt
A. J. Billings, J. H. Thomas
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
..., efforts have been made to use non-seismic geophysi cal techniques to provide that subsurface control. This paper describes examples which demonstrate how...
Roger W. Macqueen, Dale A. Leckie
AAPG Special Volumes
.... End_Page 7-------------------------- Gries, R., J. C. Dolson, and R. G. H. Raynolds, 1992, Structural and stratigraphic evolution and hydrocarbon...
Integrated Geological and Engineering Studies in Support of Producing Light Oil from a Frozen Reservoir: A Case Study from Umiat Oil Field, Northern Alaska; #20097 (2011)
C. Hanks, J. Mongrain, A. Dandekar, P. McCarthy, V. Godabrelidze, C. Shukla, K. Venepalli, O. Levi-Johnson, G. Shimer, R. Wentz, J. Davis
Search and Discovery.com
... production by selective well placement and orientation. Ongoing reservoir modeling attempts to capture both sedimentologic and structural reservoir...
An Automatic Point-Counting Method for Mineralogical Assessment
Mary Margaret Minnis
AAPG Bulletin
... the volume and spatial distribution of the different minerals in rocks is becoming increasingly important. Two techniques are commonly used...
The 3-D Seismic Revolution
Bruce S. Hart
Special Publications of SEPM
... data types are often used as the basis of structural and stratigraphic interpretations in the acade ic world (fault kine atics, sequence stratigraphy...
Regional Seismic Interpretations and Structural Modeling of the Onshore Northwestern Gulf of Mexico Basin
Search and Discovery.com