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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstracts: Microseismic Event Models from Finite-differencing with Corrections; #90173 (2015)

Peter M. Manning

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... be used within detailed layered or structural models to show how reflections tend to interfere with each other. Sgfd models may be readily initiated...


Autoregressive and Machine Learning Driven Production Forecasting - Midland Basin Case Study

I. Gupta, O. Samandarli, A. Burks, V. Jayaram, D. McMaster, D. Niederhut, T. Cross

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... (2013), Gupta et al. (2018) methods were specifically developed for unconventional-shale reservoirs. Gupta et al. (2018) summarizes the different methods...


Modeling Matrix-related Heterogeneities in Carbonates with Non Process-based Geostatistical Methods: Real and Synthetic Examples, #120088 (2012)

Philippe Ruelland, Florent Lallier, Henk Kombrink, Sophie Prat

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... of the interaction between sedimentary facies and diagenesis. 3D modeling techniques that are available today enable to build structural models, which...


Abstract: Spatial and Temporal Fault Analysis and Prospect Quality Evaluation Using Automated Interpretation and Solid Modeling Techniques

Laura Evins, Antony J. Marsh, Julio Gomez, Gladys Gonzalez, John Tyrrell, Franco Spano

GCAGS Transactions

... relationships are established early in the interpretation cycle in order to understand structural evolution of fault systems and how these may impact trap...


Stratigraphic Exploration Symposium--Summary: ABSTRACT

Robert E. King

AAPG Bulletin

... unless a direct method of oil finding is discovered. Contributors to this symposium have shown how improvement of the techniques of stratigraphic...


Geologic Structures and Horizontal Stresses--Their Impact on Petroleum and Coal Production in Illinois Basin: ABSTRACT

John B. Lizak

AAPG Bulletin

.... Underground mine mapping, however, provides a unique opportunity to measure these local features and to determine how they affect petroleum and coal...



David Nymberg

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... tectonic environments, but there is still much that is unknown about how they form, particularly with regard to the fault and fold kinematics...


Significant Impact Using Integrated 3D Sandbox Modeling and Palinspastic Reconstructions of Fold-Thrust-Belt for Exploring Hydrocarbon Prospect in Eastern Indonesia

Benyamin Sapiie, Meli Hadiana, Tery Alfa Furqan, Lisnanda Alam Perdana, Afif Saputra

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... The proposed method lies in the integration of seismic interpretation techniques, structural restoration using balancing cross-section (palinspastic...


Advanced VSP modeling for efficient data acquisition in deepwater subsalt well

Manish Lal Khaitan, Rafael Guerra, Francesco Miranda, Emmanuel Spadavecchia

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... (east of well ) E Source from 8km (west of well) to 2 km (east of well ) Conclusions We have shown how a combination of advanced modeling techniques...


Preface to this Volume

AAPG Special Volumes

...Preface to this Volume 1991 XIII XVII TR: Source and Migration Processes and Evaluation Techniques The science of petroleum exploration geology...


First IAS/SEPM Meeting on Environmental Sedimentology, Venice 27-29 October 1997 Environmental Sedimentology in the Coastal Zone: Fluvial Processes, Sea-Level Changes, Coastal Erosion, Sea-Floor Instability, and Pollution

Andre Strasser, Paolo Billi, Albina Colella, Richard A. Davis, Brent Mizayaki, David B. Prior, Ken Pye, Fabio Trincardi, Maurizio Bonardi

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... the main results of each workshop. Despite the different scientific backgrounds of the topics, several common points can be identified: (1) need...


Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Potential of the Inland Basins of Nigeria: An Example of an Integrated Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical and Remote Sensing Study of Frontier Basins; #11223 (2019)

Mazadu Baku, Zeev Berger, Henri Ohen, Luigi Clavareau

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... structures in different parts of the basins that are not covered by seismic data. The results of this project are being presented here with selected...


Relations with the Community: A Proactive Approach for the Resource Industry

David Henton

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

...), a special relationship is needed with the community, and that this will not come about by chance. Why get involved? Why is PNG different, and why...


New Frontiers in Salt Research; #80706 (2019)

Peter A. Kukla, Janos L. Urai, Frank Strozyk

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... the fact that salt research is more than 100 years old, there is much research need on how anisotropic salt successions behave under varying stress...


South American Shales: A Regional Assessment

Steve Osborne

GEO ExPro Magazine

... of the relationships of shale characteristics, what priorities govern each basin, region, environment, and how the geomechanical parameters increase or decrease long...


New Insights on Natural Hydraulic Fractures Induced by Abnormally High Pore Pressures

Terrell W. Miller

AAPG Bulletin

... examples to show how fracture potential and orientation are affected by the host rock's mechanical properties and different geological processes...


Abstract: Visualising Sweet Spots on 2D Seismic Data through 3D Volume Interpretation Techniques - CBM Case Study in Botswana; #90234 (2015)

Ralf Oppermann and Michael Scherer

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... were met and how new information and value was generated by simple application of the very latest fault processing techniques to older, pre-existing 2D...


Four-dimensional analysis of the Sembo relay system, offshore Angola: Implications for fault growth in salt-detached settings

David M. Dutton, Bruce D. Trudgill

AAPG Bulletin

... in Figure 12, which summarizes the fault trace patterns for different structural levels reconstructed back to 2.5, 3.75, and 5.0 Ma. Note how as increments...


Change and stability in Permian brachiopod communities from western Texas

Thomas D. Olszewski, Douglas H. Erwin


... to the relationships among collections, ordination techniques like correspondence analysis also provide a measurement of how much of the total information...


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