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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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E. A. Eckhardt

AAPG Bulletin

... a greater familiarity with the background and basic facts of geophysical techniques. The paper points out that in addition to localizing acres to lease...


Promising Recent Developments in Geological Exploration Technology. Can They Help Find Oil?

William R. Walton

Tulsa Geological Society

...-dimensional imagery. Furthermore, a sister instrument, the scanning electron microprobe, has the amazing ability to scan a rock section for different...


How Plate-forming Processes Explain Structure and Shortening in Fold-thrust Belts, #41523 (2015).

Frederic Mouthereau

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...How Plate-forming Processes Explain Structure and Shortening in Fold-thrust Belts, #41523 (2015). Frederic Mouthereau How Plate-forming Processes...



Eric Eslinger, David Pevear

Special Publications of SEPM

... and Morgan (1981), Gast (1977), Dreyer (1982), and Bohn et al. (1979). Charge Structural versus Surface Charge The structural layers (tetrahedral...


The role of the geophysicist in supporting the economically viable and sustainable hydrocarbon business

Dan Maguire, Maria Angela Capello

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... on the seismic interpreter and how they can adapt their classical tools and techniques to support both extraction of hydrocarbons and injection / sequestration...


Beyond Sight of Land

Quentin Morton

GEO ExPro Magazine

... Oil exploration moved from the land to the sea only a few years after Titusville. Here we take a look at how offshore oil exploration in the Gulf...



AAPG Special Volumes

... the reader with the opportunity to see how different research groups go about their correlation work, and focuses attention on unsolved problems of Alaskan...


Reduced Manning with Improved Safety and Reliability: How Classification Societies and Digital Solutions can Support Operators

Mark Tipping

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...Reduced Manning with Improved Safety and Reliability: How Classification Societies and Digital Solutions can Support Operators Mark Tipping The APPEA...


Reduction of Gross Rock Volume Uncertainty in a Salt Flank Structure Using Dipmeter and Image Log Data

Carmen Garcia-Carballido, Aadam Styles, Michael Poppelreiter

AAPG Special Volumes

... imaged areas. We show how structural scenarios were derived and reconciled with actual drilling results. This example demonstrates the usefulness...


Polycyclic Rifting - An Interpretation of Gravity and Magnetics in the North West Shelf

V. Anfiloff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... be severe when different surveys are merged together. Onshore, gravity surveys can be divided into two distinct groups; the barometrically-levelled...


Data fabrics in exploration geology: Transforming global basin analysis and discoverability with AI-driven semantic graph computing

Nishant Gupta, Puneet Saraswat, Audrey Cisneros, Ansh Joshi

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

..., relationships between them such as rock types and structural features, and how they relate across different geological periods. 2) Demonstrate the effectiveness...


Hiding in the Basement

Jane Whaley

GEO ExPro Magazine

... hydrodynamic fracture network.” block or hybrid structural trapping template’ to aid in predicting their The classic definition of basement mechanisms...


Potential Field and Gradient Component Transformations and Downward Continuation: New Space Domain Techniques and their Applications

Bingzhu Wang

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...Potential Field and Gradient Component Transformations and Downward Continuation: New Space Domain Techniques and their Applications Bingzhu Wang...


Potential Field and Gradient Component Transformations and Downward Continuation: New Space Domain Techniques and their Applications

Bingzhu Wang

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...Potential Field and Gradient Component Transformations and Downward Continuation: New Space Domain Techniques and their Applications Bingzhu Wang...


Some Speculations on the Genetic Geochemistry and Hydrology of Roll-Type Uranium Deposits

H. C. Granger, C. G. Warren

Wyoming Geological Association

... hypothetical vertical sections through terrane during genesis of rolltype uranium deposits. A, Source rock being deposited with structural unconformity. B...


Interpretation Of Coherence Cubeô Processing In The 3-D Workspace

John D. Arenson, Evelyn A. Medvin, and Steven J. Maione

GCAGS Transactions

... the spatial understanding of the exploration/exploitation objectives and encourages interpreters to interpret multi-dimensionally. This paper discusses how...


Comparison of potential fields inversion techniques for basement relief recovery: A case study from the Taubaté Basin, Brazil

Fernanda C. M. Hermes, Guilherme Lenz, Leonardo Miquelutti, Marco Cetale

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Comparison of potential fields inversion techniques for basement relief recovery: A case study from the Taubaté Basin, Brazil Fernanda C. M. Hermes...


Front Matter: Memoir 111: 3-D Structural Interpretation: Earth, Mind, and Machine

Bob Krantz, Carol Ormand, Brett Freeman

AAPG Special Volumes

...Front Matter: Memoir 111: 3-D Structural Interpretation: Earth, Mind, and Machine Bob Krantz, Carol Ormand, Brett Freeman 2016 i x Memoir 111: 3-D...


Challenges and opportunities in Australian greenhouse gas storage legislation: insights from the CarbonNet project

Victoria Mendes Da Costa, Victoria Fitzgerald

Australian Energy Producers Journal

... role for both Australian and State govern­ ments in providing the enabling legislative and regulatory framework for CCS projects. Keywords: carbon...


Overlapping faults and their effect on fluid flow in different reservoir types: A LIDAR-based outcrop modeling and flow simulation study

Atle Rotevatn, Simon J. Buckley, John A. Howell, Haakon Fossen

AAPG Bulletin

... overlapping faults affect fluid flow in reservoirs formed in different depositional environments?How do overlapping faults affect fluid flow...


Effective Knowledge Transfer in a Rapidly-Developing Play: New LearningsŽ or FindingsŽ Reports; #70143 (2013)

Susan Smith Nash

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... the same objectives, and, in Lloyd Bitzer’s words, the “rhetorical situation” is completely different. For that reason, it is very important to develop...


Three-Dimensional Modeling Of Complex Geological Structures: New Development Tools For Creating 3-D Volumes: Chapter 19

Raphael Mayoraz, Carol E. Mann, Aurele Parriaux

AAPG Special Volumes

... for the geologist and geophysicist attempting to understand geologic history and structural relationships, but also for the civil engineer who must...


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