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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Chemical Tracers for Empirically-based Resources Assessment and Data Driven Valuations throughout an Assets Life; #91201 (2022)
K.C. Oren and Patrick Hayes
Search and Discovery.com
... techniques over time. Tracers provide a better understanding of the resource and changes in different completions technologies that are used to liberate...
Mobile or Immobile: Hydrocarbon Characterization from the Comparison of Various Extraction Techniques to Produced Oils
J. Alex Zumberge, Stephanie Perry, Kai Cheng, Catherine M. Donohue
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... different sample types to better understand the inherent fluid mobility within a given rock • How to link the corrected fluid-filled storage volumes...
Australian Competitive Energy Forum
Graham Collins
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
..., at a time when the steeri ng committee was concerned about how it wou ld convey to industry the sense of urgency that would be the cata lyst that ACE...
What WA Farmers want: A Slice of the Shale
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...What WA Farmers want: A Slice of the Shale PESA Staff T he influential WA Farmers Federation said the laws which govern US and Australian...
Active Tectonic Control on Alluvial Architecture
Jan Alexander, Mike R. Leeder
Special Publications of SEPM
... to the structural strike and he defined nine hypothetical, qualitative basin-fill models based on this idea and the style of coastal environment...
Dynamic spatial and temporal prediction of changes in depositional processes on clastic shorelines: Toward improved subsurface uncertainty reduction and management
R. Bruce Ainsworth, Boyan K. Vakarelov, Rachel A. Nanson
AAPG Bulletin
... from the Bay of Bengal (A) that illustrate how changing depositional process dominance results in different sand-body and coastal geometries (B and C...
Reconstructing the architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the preserved fluvial record as a tool for reservoir development: A reality check
Andrew D. Miall
AAPG Bulletin
... and development, much valuable work is now being conducted on modern rivers and their deposits, aided by such techniques as ground-penetrating radar...
Workstations Promise New Life for Geology
Ted Moon
GEO ExPro Magazine
... practices in the digital environment based solidly on the first principles of both structural geology and stratigraphic interpretation. were missing from...
Migration of Fluids in Sedimentary Basins
S. Neglia
AAPG Bulletin
... and hydrocarbons in sedimentary basins are related ultimately to basinal structural history, rock properties, compaction, and temperature regime, which themselves...
Origin of Oil: Abstract
A. L. Kidwell, Parke A. Dickey
Tulsa Geological Society
... indisputable answers as to how it was formed. The history of scientific inquiry on the origin of oil began with a period of limited observation...
Origin of Oil: ABSTRACT
A. L. Kidwell, Parke A. Dickey
AAPG Bulletin
... indisputable answers as to how it was formed. The history of scientific inquiry on the origin of oil began with a period of limited observation...
Abstract: Is There a Potentiality in the Turonian Source Rocks of the Eastern Cordillera Basin to Name Them Unconventional Reservoirs? How Can it Be Assessed?; #90212 (2015)
Elvira Pureza Gomez, José Miguel De Armas, and Clara Elena Escobar
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Is There a Potentiality in the Turonian Source Rocks of the Eastern Cordillera Basin to Name Them Unconventional Reservoirs? How Can...
Laboratory Experiments for Calibration of Petrophysical Properies for CO2 Sequestration Monitoring: CO2CRC Otway Project Case Study
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Quantifying the Efficiency of Sulfide-oxidizing Metabolisms for the Remediation of Sour Reservoirs; #90132 (2011)
Brendan Headd
Search and Discovery.com
... byproducts. However, a better understanding of how sulfide-oxidizing metabolisms operate in nature is still needed. The sulfide oxidation pathway (sox...
Abstract: The Illumination of Natural Fractures and Faults of the Muskwa Shale Play in Northeastern British Columbia: A Case Study; #90187 (2014)
Jane Ling and William Barker
Search and Discovery.com
... fracturing for 9 horizontal wells, 8 of them located within the Muskwa formation. Two different completion techniques were used affecting how the rock...
Abstract: The Mega-Merge - 45 Contiguous Townships of Seismic Data in Alberta; #90211 (2015)
Chris Heaver, Alberto Galleguillos, Josef Heim, and William Lok
Search and Discovery.com
... for the various vintages. Next we discuss the model-based wavelet processing and noise attenuation techniques required by the data. Then we show how...
The Importance of Understanding Diagenesis for the Development of Pre-Salt Lacustrine Carbonates
Search and Discovery.com
Key Aspects of Multi-Azimuth Acquisition and Processing
James Keggin, Ted Manning, Walter Rietveld, Chris Page, Eivind Fromyr, Roald van Borselen, Mazin Farouki
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... with no illumination i.e. that were in the shadow zones of structural ‘hills’ will remain low amplitude even after prestack depth migration. The only way...
Abstract: Architectural Analysis of Tectonically Influenced Shallow Water Mouth Bar Complexes, Lower Cretaceous Maestrat Basin, Spain: Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling; #90310 (2017)
Grant Cole, Matthew Watkinson, Rhodri Jerrett, Mark Anderson
Search and Discovery.com
... of field data, remote sensing data, structural restoration and validation techniques are being used to evaluate the controls on delta mouth bar sandbody...
Architectural Analysis of Tectonically Influenced Shallow Water Mouth Bar Complexes, Lower Cretaceous Maestrat Basin, Spain: Implications for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling; #11042 (2018)
Grant Cole, Matthew Watkinson, Rhodri Jerrett, Mark Anderson
Search and Discovery.com
..., structural restoration and validation techniques are being used to evaluate the controls on delta mouth bar sand body architecture in a superbly exposed...
Gravity Exploration on the Central Gulf Coast
Jackie D. Stewart
New Orleans Geological Society
... and different derivative operators. Detailed and semi-detailed control is also suited for modeling techniques and procedures that have been developed...
Subsurface Engineering of CCUS in Australia (Case Studies)
Mohammad B. Bagheri, Matthias Raab
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... the importance of uncertainty analysis and how to de-risk a CCUS project from the subsurface point of view. Finally, two different case studies...
Integrating geoscience and engineering approaches to improve our reserves estimates
Creties Jenkins
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... (MDD) techniques to relate geomechanics to production 10. InSAR for monitoring ground motion & deformation, and how this relates to our well activity 11...
The Problem of Paleotopography in Structurally Active Slope Basins, #41758 (2016).
Frank Peel, Gillian Apps, Esther Sumner, David Stanbrook
Search and Discovery.com
... of the structural template used in each case is different Our basic 2D proof of concept model Modeling software and underlying algorithm © patent...