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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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How Machine Learning is Helping Seismic Structural Interpreters in The Age of Big Data

Çağil Karakaş, James Kiely

GEO ExPro Magazine

...How Machine Learning is Helping Seismic Structural Interpreters in The Age of Big Data Çağil Karakaş, James Kiely New Technology How Machine...


A Reduced Physics Modeling Approach to Understand Multiphase Well Production Performance for Unconventional Reservoirs

Diego Molinari, Sathish Sankaran

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... data pre-processing and cleansing techniques. The resulting drainage volume (and associated instantaneous recovery ratio) can be correlated with rock...


Multiple-scale Geologic Models for Heavy Oil Reservoir Characterization

Clayton V. Deutsch

AAPG Special Volumes

.... This chapter is not aimed at reviewing and comparing different techniques; the best-practice geostatistical techniques, in the author's view...


Transform Faulting—An Unseen Problem to Resource Plays

Bruce J. Martin, Trevor Brooks

GCAGS Transactions

... different here-to-fore unrecognized or underappreciated structural geology workflows. The identification of transform faulting could be at the heart...


An Essay on the Development of Structural Geology in Wyoming

D. L. Blackstone Jr.

Wyoming Geological Association

... is the earliest statement recognizing the existence of two fundamentally different structural provinces within the central Rocky Mountains. This recognition has...


Numerical Climate Modeling, A Frontier in Petroleum Source Rock Prediction: Results Based on Cretaceous Simulations

Eric J. Barron

AAPG Bulletin

..., Lorenz, 1967). Even without a rigorous consideration of the balance requirements, different geographies appear to have considerable potential to alter how...


The effects of magnesium concentration in high-magnesium calcite allochems on dolomitization: Insights from high-temperature dolomite synthesis experiments

Chia Pei Teoh, Juan Carlos Laya, Katharine Rose, Stephen Kaczmarek

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Structural and compositional variations in some natural dolomites: The Journal of Geology, v. 66, p. 678– 693. Goodell, H., and Garman, R., 1969...


Chapter 1: The Importance of and Challenges in Studying Fine-Grained Sedimentary Rocks—Introduction and Overview

Kevin Bohacs, Remus Lazar

AAPG Special Volumes

..., their character and classification, and techniques for studying them; (2) chapters that cover the fundamentals and examples of fine-grained rocks...


Conducting Integrated Reservoir Studies in the Quartzite Hamra Reservoir-Tight Oil, Southern Periphery of Hassi-Messaoud Field, Algeria, #20392 (2017).

Ait Ali Zoulikha, Maâmar Djarir, Rafika Zenkhri, Abdellah Sokhal, Lounis El Hadi, Abdelkarim Aguenini, Gholamreza Zandkarimi, Philip Mosher, Donghai Xu, Fatmir Likrama, El Eraki Ahmed, Mahmoud Noaman

Search and

... geological static reservoir model cases of a tight oil quartzitic sand reservoir and how major uncertainties associated with structural modeling, facies...


Waters of the Oil- and Gas-Bearing Formations of the Rocky Mountains: Part VI. Oil-Field Waters

R. Clare Coffin , Ronald K. Deford

AAPG Special Volumes

... are individual sands of the Frontier group. In other structural basins where a different set of conditions prevails, different results are recorded even...


Prospects to Reservoir Models: Streamline the Workflow

Dylan Mair, Christi Gell, Noel Lucas

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., D.M., Lees, J.A., Payne, B.A., Zeitlin, M.J., 2000. Techniques for volume interpretation of seismic attributes. SEG International conference...


Use of Machine Learning Production Driver Cross-Sections for Regional Geologic Insights in the Bakken-Three Forks Play

T. Cross, K. Sathaye, J. Chaplin

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... are colored according to the geologic feature they represent. Though this cross-section shows how the different geologic variables impact the model...


Quick-Look Deterministic Approach for Evaluating Shale Distribution in Sandstone Reservoirs: Progress Report

James J. Willis, Duncan S. McIntosh, Jr., Gregory J. Ferguson, Jesse W. Zwennes, James Pasley, Garrett M. Goettel

GCAGS Transactions

... crossplot for analysis also allows visual comparison between the shale volume determination from different techniques (e.g., gamma ray, neutron...


Seismic Attributes for Fault/Fracture Characterization, #41539 (2015).

Satinder Chopra, Kurt J. Marfurt

Search and

... techniques available for characterizing faults and fractures, 3D seismic attributes have proven to be some of the most useful. One of the greatest...


Three-dimensional Geometry and Forward Numerical Modeling of the Sant Corneli Anticline (Southern Pyrenees, Spain)

J. Mencos, J. A. Munoz, S. Hardy

AAPG Special Volumes

... first generated the structural contours of the thrust surface, and afterward, a TIN surface has been created (Figure 9).Figure 9. (top) Different...


Chapter 118: Collection, Evaluation, and Use of Outcrop Data in the 21st Century — New Methods and Applications, with an Example from the Ainsa Turbidite System, Spain

John B. Thurmond, Tore M. Løseth, Jan C. Rivenæs, Ole J. Martinsen, Carlos Aiken, Xueming Xu

AAPG Special Volumes

... the reservoir model are beyond the scope of this paper, and different techniques could be used to generate multiple model realizations of an outcrop...


Integrating Multibeam Data in the Structural 2-D Seismic Interpretation Workflow: Examples from the Mexican Gulf of Mexico, #42182 (2018).

R. Dirkx, K. Goldsmith, J. Halliday, C. O’Reilly

Search and

... tectonic and softsediment processes affecting seabed • Demonstrated how multibeam data may be used to support a 2D structural seismic interpretation...


Triassic Fluvial Reservoir … Do You Know How to Find Your Sands?; #41443 (2014)

Tan Chun Hock, Lothar Schulte

Search and

.... Figure 6. Base case models with wells and area of interest for volumetrics of three different modelling techniques. Figure 7. Reservoir volume...


Predicting Hydraulic Fracture Injection Pressure Using Hybrid Model for Completions Optimization

Ruxin Zhang, Hardikkumar Zalavadia, Sathish Sankaran

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...𝑎 ∗ 1 + ∑8 𝑏8 𝑡 '& + ∑K 𝑐K 𝑞(' + ∑8,K 𝑑8,K 𝑡 '& 𝑞(' (13) In the following section, four different cases are established to demonstrate how ...


Driving a Quantum Leap in E&P Efficiency

James L. Etienne

GEO ExPro Magazine

.... ETIENNE, Halliburton As the E&P sector undergoes structural change to adapt to the new business environment, the need for disruptive gains in E&P e...


Climate Models and their Application

Eric J. Barron, George T. Moore

Special Publications of SEPM

... the detailed characteristics of specific time periods or can work towards the goal of assessing how specific climate-sensitive variables may govern...


Geologic Use of the Computer

Daniel F. Merriam

Wyoming Geological Association

...Geologic Use of the Computer Daniel F. Merriam 1966 109 112 GENERAL Agterberg, F. P., 1964, Statistical techniques for geological data...


Diagenesis of Sedimentary Rocks

D. N. Miller Jr.

Wyoming Geological Association

... permeability. In many places, it can be used to extrapolate or define subtle structural features, that are not evident using conventional techniques. Core...


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