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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Which Curvature is Right for You? Part - 2; #90174 (2014)

Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt

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... computation to real seismic data often shows different, and sometimes more detailed illumination of geologic features than structural curvature...


Effective Data Denoising and Imaging in the Sanga Sanga PSC Using CRS Approach

Michele Buia, Paolo Marchetti, Amalia Setoputri, Teguh Nugraha

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and 2D ) and increase the structural and stratigraphic interpretability of the area.. The CRS results were compared both with a preexisting Pre Stack...


Control of mechanical stratigraphy on bed-restricted jointing and normal faulting: Eagle Ford Formation, south-central Texas

David A. Ferrill, Ronald N. McGinnis, Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart, Zachary T. Sickmann, Michael Bentz, Daniel Lehrmann, and Mark A. Evans

AAPG Bulletin

...), which in turn govern how a rock layer or multilayer responds to natural tectonic deformation and human-induced hydraulic fracturing (e.g., Engelder...


Petrophysical Evaluation of Lacustrine Shales in the Cooper Basin, Australia; #41205 (2013)

Melissa Vallee

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... the Santos petrophysics team has adopted and adapted the different techniques and technologies in the market to evaluate a challenging and still...


Finding Remnants of the Tethys Oceans in Indonesia: Sutures of the Terranes Amalgamation and Petroleum Implications

Awang Harun Satyana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... there developed two different concepts of Tethys based on the fixist and mobilist tectonic philosophies. Most mobilists of the time regarded Tethys...


Integrated Seismic (IS) for Shale Gas Exploration and Management

Shastri L. Nimmagadda, Paola Andrea Cardona Mora, Said Hanafy

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... and seismic reservoir characterization. Castaneda et al. (2012) describe different workflows for exploring structural and stratigraphic traps, measures...


Abstract: Regional Offshore Interaction of Sediment and Salt, Gulf of Mexico

James F. Fox

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... relationships between different depotrough types and their main structural controls, it is possible to reconstruct the historical interaction between different...


An Interpreter's Guide to Improvements in Depth Imaging Through Model-Based Velocity Estimation and Refinement

Andy Furniss

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... moderate velocity variations, structural dips greater than 3 degrees or faulting, should use map migration techniques in place of the conventional scaling...


An Interpreter's Guide to Improvements in Depth Imaging through Model-Based Velocity Estimation and Refinement

Andy Furniss

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... velocity variations, structural dips greater than three degrees, or faulting should use map migration techniques in place of the conventional scaling methods...


ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic Analysis of the Lower Grayburg Formation in Last Chance Canyon, New Mexico: Utilization of High-Precision Geospatial Mapping and Surveying Technologies; #90129 (2011)

Sergio R. Ojeda, Seiichi Nagihara, and Peter Holterhoff

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... this "paradigm" model of how the Grayburg onlapping wedge developed during deposition at the flow-unit scale (100's m). The main objective of this study...


Laramide Paleostress Trajectories From Stylolites In The Big Bend Region

Richard J. Erdlac, Jr.

West Texas Geological Society

.... Because of different data gathering techniques, a comparison of σ1 orientation in each of the four areas of Big Bend may have inherent uncertainties...


ABSTRACT Calculating Formation Heat Reservoir Content In Sedimentary Rock, #90128 (2011)

Richard J. Erdlac, Jr.

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... that are sought include how large is the resource or how much of the resource can be produced? In the hunt for coal shallow coal has been strip mined...


Injection Wells and Operations Today: ABSTRACT

Erle C. Donaldson

AAPG Bulletin

... characteristics of the disposal formation often dictate the design of the underground disposal system and govern its operation. Because of the widely diverse...


Summary of the AAPGSPESEG Hedberg Research Conference on Fundamental Controls on Flow in Carbonates

Susan Agar, Sebastian Geiger, Philippe Leonide, Juliette Lamarche, Giovanni Bertotti, Olivier Gosselin, Gary Hampson, Matt Jackson, Gareth Jones, Jeroen Kenter, Stephan Matthai, Joyce Neilson, Laura Pyrak-Nolte, Fiona Whitaker

AAPG Bulletin

... be worthwhile for future conferences. The techniques encouraged delegates not only to think about the science and technology but also to consider how...


Introduction to Comparative Sedimentology of Carbonates

R. N. Ginsburg

AAPG Bulletin

... century founders of comparative sedimentology, and their philosophies and methods are the basis for most of the advances of the 20th century. A principal...


The Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Characterizing Sediments Under Transient Flow Conditions

Michael B. Kowalsky, Yoram Rubin, Peter Dietrich

Special Publications of SEPM

... and Paleontology, University of Tübingen, Germany ABSTRACT: Understanding how heterogeneous sedimentary deposits affect fluid flow and contaminant transport...


De-Risking Subsalt Exploration by Integrated Depth Imaging,

Oliver K. Geisler, Markus H. Krieger

GCAGS Transactions

... techniques to evaluate if a given initial model is in correlation with observed gravity, FTG, or magnetic data, or if—and how—it could be improved...


Abstract: Using pXRF to Assess Heterogeneous Sample Preparation Methods: Applications to Coarse-Grained Felsic Rocks; #90285 (2016)

Monica M. Estrada, Scott S. Fenner, Mark T. Ford

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... Understanding sample heterogeneity and how to process such samples to achieve representative geochemical analyses is of great importance. Heterogeneous samples...


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