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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Geological Observations and Parameterizations
Marten A. Perlmutter, Poppe L. De Boer, James R. L. Syvitski
Special Publications of SEPM
... remain Are the overall objectives fundamentally different and do they require different philosophies and param eter inputs Will modeling intended...
J. R. Allan, W. D. Wiggins
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Part I consists of chapters on different geochemical techniques, with guidelines on how best to apply them, interpret the data, and recognize...
Geothermal Reservoir Characterization And Power Production Estimates Of The South Swan Hills Reef Complex, Alberta
Search and Discovery.com
Building a discrete fracture network based on the deformation history: A case study from the Guaduas Field, Colombia
A. Kloppenburg, J. C. Alzate, G. Rodriguez Charry
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... as well as the change of shape (strain) throughout its geological history. We test and determine parameters for modeling based on the structural...
Summary and Conclusions: Chapter 16
Roger W. Macqueen, Dale A. Leckie
AAPG Special Volumes
... in this volume is characterized by different structural styles (Table 3). Structural complexities of the Western Canada foreland basin are relatively minor...
Application of Bayesian Networks for Estimating Risk in Shale Operations
Pedram Fanailoo, Jeffrey Clemens
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... is the adoption of new technology and innovation in fracking techniques. To continue the pace of efficiency the fracking industry will need to address...
ABSTRACT: Improving Curvature Analyses of Deformed Horizons Using Scale-Dependent Filtering Techniques; #90013 (2003)
Stephan Bergbauer, Tapan Mukerji, Peter H. Hennings
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Improving Curvature Analyses of Deformed Horizons Using Scale-Dependent Filtering Techniques; #90013 (2003) Stephan Bergbauer, Tapan...
Abstract: Modeling Complex Reservoirs with Multiple Conditional Simulation Techniques; A Practical Approach to Reservoir Characterization, by H. Beucher, B. Doligez, and J. M. Yarus; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Modeling Complex Reservoirs with Multiple Conditional Simulation Techniques; A Practical Approach to Reservoir Characterization, by H. Beucher, B. Doligez, and J. M. Yarus; #90928 (1999).
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Introduction to the structure and stratigraphy of rift systems
Bruce Trudgill, John R. Underhill
AAPG Bulletin
...-exposed field examples, provide us with a new understanding of their structural and stratigraphic development. The AAPG Hedberg Conference "Integrated...
Manpower Development in the Petroleum Industry; Using Micro-Computers for Planning, Implementation and Monitoring
A. K. Soejoso, Peter G. Gibson
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... planning. The application of an electronic data processing system has made possible the development of techniques which efficiently collect, synthesize...
Abstract: Determining the Effectiveness of Isolation Techniques Using Completion Diagnostics and Production Analysis; #90309 (2017)
D. J. Snyder
Search and Discovery.com
... containment for these isolation techniques were evaluated, and the results demonstrate how different isolation techniques can affect production...
Abstract: Basin Modelling: Making a Sedimentary Basin is Not a Trivial Matter
Kerry Hegarty
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... quantitative descriptions of how to make a hole in the earth's crust, he probably had no idea how abused his concepts about sedimentary basin formation...
Uniformitarianism and Sedimentology: REPLY
James H. Shea
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...) Uniformitarianism has meant different things to different scientists at different times and different places. Hutton was not the first to conceive...
Abstract: Borehole Techniques for Fracture Evaluation; #90213 (2015)
M.A. Lamb
Search and Discovery.com
... of this presentation will be examining the different borehole techniques for fracture evaluation and how they can be used. As well, this presentation...
Using Geological Expression Techniques to Reveal Complex Regional Structural Information without Conventional Interpretation; #41206 (2013)
Tom Wooltorton
Search and Discovery.com
... different structural trends are present, we need to know about stress regimes in each section by analyzing faults. Also, we need to know how faults...
Abstract: Curvature for Visualization of Surface Morphology, by Bruce Hart and Justine Sagan; #90039 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Dolostone Reservoir Texture and Fluid Flow
H. M. C. Danielli, Scott M. Frailey, George B. Asquith
West Texas Geological Society
... pressure testing. Measurement techniques and philosophies are discussed at some length by Dullien (1992). Aspect ratio is the ratio of pore throat to pore...
ABSTRACT: 3D Visualisation and Interpretation of Geological Structures using Volume-Based Seismic Interpretation; #90017 (2003)
Robert M. G. Bond, Lucy Eastwood
Search and Discovery.com
... of seismic volume visualisation, showing how these are utilised to define geological structure in different tectonic and geographic domains. We show how...
Akaso Field, Nigeria: Use of Integrated 3-D Seismic, Fault Slicing, Clay Smearing, and RFT Pressure Data on Fault Trapping and Dynamic Leakage
B. I. Jev , C. H. Kaars-Sijpesteijn , M. P. A. M. Peters , N. L. Watts , J. T. Wilkie
AAPG Bulletin
..., methodology, and implications described herein may have an important bearing on reservoir management philosophies in similar structural settings. Allan, V...
Geodynamics and Synchronous Filling of Flexural Basins: The Northern Margin of the Levant Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sedimentary Infill as a Response to Tectonic Inversion in the US and Canadian Arctic, Identified by Regional 2D Geomechanical
Jordi Franques-Faixa, Irene Gomez, Robert Gruenwald, Manuel Gutierrez, Xavier Legrand, Raul Rodriguez, Gonzalo Ruiz, and Ricardo Veiga
Search and Discovery.com
... Method”, honors the physical laws which govern the rock deformation. This new approach has significant potential for petroleum applications as compared...
Abstract: Uncertainty in Geoscience Interpretation: Statistical Quantification of the Factors That Affect Interpretational Ability, by Euan Macrae, Clare Bond, Zoe Shipton, and Rebecca Lunn; #120140 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Oil is Found in the Minds of Men
Michel T. Halbouty
GCAGS Transactions
... boxes, small computers, big computers, first dimensional, second dimensional and third dimensional processes and techniques to tell him where to drill...