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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,371 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.

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Multiscale fault and fracture characterization methods

QiQi Ma, Taizhong Duan

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... prediction techniques for fractures of different scales: Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, 58, 766–772. Liu, Z., R. Qin, and Q. Hao, 2016, Seismic...


Chapter 6: Structural Interpretation of Seismic Geologic Reality, Perspective, and 3-D Thinking

Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, Graham Yielding

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the use of 3-D thinking in the geological literature. We then discuss how structural geology differs from mainstream science, and where it fits...


Inferring Stratigraphy from Seismic Data

R. E. Sheriff

AAPG Bulletin

... techniques to modern seismic reflection data: Paper presented at "New trends in seismic interpretation" seminar, Denver End_Page 541...


Modeling the Maturation and Migration of Petroleum: Chapter 5: PETROLEUM GENERATION AND MIGRATION

Alan K. Burnham, Jerry J. Sweeney

AAPG Special Volumes

... kinetic parameters. Although a variety of techniques are used, there are currently two principal schools of though on how to measure oil generation...


Cross Sections from Dipmeter Data (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... unstable, although it provides more accurate results. After a description and a comparison of the two methods, examples from different structural...


Abstract: Integration Of Borehole Image Log And Surface Seismic Data For Improved Characterisation Of Complex Fault Zones

J.A. Van Doorn

Search and

... that can provide high-resolution image logs over long rock sequences. The possibility to detect, orient and classify different sedimentary and tectonic...



David Blank

Search and

.... The primary goal of this study is to fit this structural model into a regional context, providing insight on how the crust might be responding...


Abstract: Which Curvature is Right for You? Part - 1; #90174 (2014)

Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt

Search and

.... Summary There are close to twelve different types of surface-based curvature attribute measures that have been introduced during the last few years...


Geophysical Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs Using Advanced Interpretation Techniques: Applications to Abenaki Formation, Penobscot Block, Nova Scotia; #42083 (2017)

D. Coronel, E. Villamizar, E. Illidge, S. Khurama

Search and

... of different advanced techniques of geological and geophysical data led to the generation of a quantitative geophysical model that accounts...


Geomorphic Exploration Used in the Discovery of Trap Spring Oil Field, Nye County, Nevada

Norman H. Foster

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Springs field misled explorers into searching for structural highs at the basin margins and within the .basins themselves. Figure 6 illustrates how...


Tuxpan and Artesa-Mundo Nuevo, Two Middle Cretaceous Reef Platforms in México: Similarities and Differences

Jaime Patiño Ruiz, Miguel Olivella Ledezma, Fernando Sánchez Lú, Víctor M. Chávez Valois, Amado Marín Toledo, Ramiro Ríos Rojas

GCAGS Transactions

... frequency seismic features. Below the top reservoir reflector, seismic patterns are related to different de­ positional facies. Reservoir facies...


Gippsland Basin, Australia: New Data Reveals Further Potential in a Mature Basin

Jarrad Grahame, Keat Huat Teng, Iain Burnie, CGG

GEO ExPro Magazine

... (right) shows improved imaging with different azimuth, longer offset and improved intermediate model. Map showing location and coverage of new Gippsland...


ABSTRACT: An Integrated Approach to Interpretation of Microseismic Data Including Source Mechanism Inversion, Structural Mapping of 3D Seismic Data, Geometric Attributes, and Production Data; #90122 (2011)

William R. Keller, B. J. Hulsey, and Peter Duncan

Search and

...ABSTRACT: An Integrated Approach to Interpretation of Microseismic Data Including Source Mechanism Inversion, Structural Mapping of 3D Seismic Data...


How Should We Measure Residual-Oil Saturation?

R. E. Wyman

CSPG Bulletin

... saturation that is actually observed in different reservoirs? As we have seen in other core analysis techniques, the fluid-fluid and fluid solid...


Rapid Refracturing Candidate Selection in Shale Reservoirs Using Drainage Volume and Instantaneous Recovery Ratio

Changdong Yang, Xu Xue, Jixiang Huang, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Michael J. King

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... is calculated based on pressure and production data, which measures how much reservoir volume is accessed by the well. Instantaneous Recovery Ratio (IRR...


How can Duplication of Names of Major Structural Features be Avoided?: DISCUSSION

Alfred H. Bell

AAPG Bulletin

...How can Duplication of Names of Major Structural Features be Avoided?: DISCUSSION Alfred H. Bell 1960 500 501 44 4. (April) During preparation...



R. W. Jones

Pacific Section of AAPG

... - and how the organic geochemist can help answer them - at three different levels of exploration intensity. Organic Geochemistry in Frontier Basins...


Comparison of Data Sources to Constrain Fracture Intensity in Static Fracture Models

R. A. Nelson

GCAGS Transactions

... parts of the section, and Outcrop and core or BHI in different structures and/or structural types. These attempts are obviously inadequate because...


Quantitative Seismic Interpretation … An Earth Modeling Perspective; #41348 (2014)

Damien Thenin and Ron Larson

Search and

... assumptions and limitations. The purpose of this article is to review the different ways of integrating advanced 3D seismic interpretation results to better...


Well Log Analysis Concepts in Clastic and Argillaceous US Gulf Coast Sediments

Walter H. Fertl

GCAGS Transactions

..., completion, and production problems. Clay minerals in reservoirs may occur as clay dispersion, clay lamination, or structural clay. Different clay...


A flexible and versatile joint inversion framework using deep learning

Yanyan Hu, Jiefu Chen, Xuqing Wu, Yueqin Huang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... framework when training the network. As shown in Figure 4, the upper part demonstrates how different discretized meshes are processed before inputting...


Underground Space--An Unappraised Resource

V. E. McKelvey

AAPG Special Volumes

... to know how much and what kind of artificial space can be created underground, but, for the present, perhaps it will suffice to focus on natural...


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