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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,371 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.

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3D Contrast Property Mapping to Enhance Subsurface Mapping Visualisation

Robert Van Eykenhof, Etienne Wildeboer Schut, Vincent Aubin

GEO ExPro Magazine

... structural information to the displayed properties. A recent study of a prospective field in the Dutch North Sea illustrates the technique’s effectiveness...


A Review of Three North American Shale Plays: Learnings from Shale Gas Exploration in the Americas; #80214 (2012)

David Waldo

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... ( Key Comments                  Shale Gas in North Americas has caused a paradigm shift. Shale Gas is very different from...


Finding Sydney the Final Battle

PESA Staff

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... ca me the support of the federal govern ment: sai lors. important and it was one of the cata lyst s for the governemnt to support us·: Graham...


Technology for Virtual Boreholes

GEO ExPro Staff

GEO ExPro Magazine

... of penetration of ground-borne EM methods, but still using high frequencies to maintain high resolution. He moved out of GPR and started researching how...


Organic Geochemistry--Perspectives and Projections: ABSTRACT

Colin Barker

AAPG Bulletin

... evolved from an academic discipline into an important and useful tool in exploration. The development of experimental techniques for analyzing complex...


Fundamental 3-D Seismic Survey Design

Stuart Wright

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... techniques. Seismic energy responds to changes in rock velocities and densities. Inferences of how those changes relate to other geologic properties...


Reply to Discussion by Peter J. Haman (Vol. 23, No. 4)

E. A. Babcock

CSPG Bulletin

..._Page 311------------------------ azimuth distributions will arise when different data-plotting techniques are used. Increasing the azimuth interval...


Abstract: Introduction and discussion on surface and subsurface geophysical method/Guidelines on site investigation for road projects/Preparation of engineering geological assessment report

Wong Ting Kun, Lee Eng Choy, Ng Chak Ngoon

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... and some guidances in the planning stage, such as what techniques to be use, the advantages, limitations and accuracy of the techniques, how much need...


Understanding Organic Matter Structural Changes with Increasing Thermal Maturity from Oil Shale Plays through SEM Imaging

Leo Alcantar-Lopez

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Understanding organic porosity and its structural development in source rock reservoirs is essential to understanding how it can influence flow...


Structure of the Tokai segment from the integrated high-resolution seismic imaging: A case study from the eastern Nankai Trough

Andrzej Grszczyk, Rafael Almeida, Romain Brossier, Ludovic Mtivier

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... geologic region. We show how the structural information extracted from the wide-angle and reflection data correlate and complement each other. This makes...


Geostatistics and its Application for the Evaluation of Tin Deposits

L. Sandjivy

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., the distribution of the core grades is different from that.of block grades. Blocks are mined but not cores and the recoverable tonnage estimation must be made...


Complex Structural Domains and Their Impact on the Design of Development Plans. Case Study Vaca Muerta Fm. in a Shale Oil Core Area, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Julia Elena Bouhier, Franco Vittore, Carolina Bernhardt, María Florencia Rincón

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and properties of the reservoir was analyzed. The structural activity between the different fault systems could have affected the depositional...


Gippsland Basin Exploration: Recent Results and Outlook for Australia's Oldest Producing Offshore Area

K Evans

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... potential remains in the conventional play types. Exploration in the 1990s will centre on utilising new technology and interpretation techniques...


Extended Abstract: Borehole Image Log Interpretation: Making the Most of Your Data and Understanding its Limits; An Illustration Using Shallow and Deep Marine, Fluvial, and Carbonate Depositional Environments

A. A. Bal, K. A. A. van Noord, P. V. Grech, J. D. Prosser

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... sedimentological and structural studies remains under utilised by the petroleum industry. Too often we restrict our enquiries to locating and quantifYing...


Chapter 6: Seismic Modeling

Tom Wittick

North Texas Geological Society

... the final economic result of the project will be for the set of conditions we gave the model. A second use of modeling is to see how varying the given...


Seismic Modeling

Abilene Geological Society

... are trying to determine how the seismic process will respond to a complex structural situation we often use ray-trace modeling. Figures 6-6 and 6-7...



Roger Slatt, Sandra Mark


..., determine how the reservoir will perform and should guide well spacing and type of well. Chronostratigraphic correlations can significantly improve...


Hild East (North Sea, Norway): How Geosciences Integration Led to the Re-Birth of an Old Discovery; #20128 (2012)

Christian H. Mathieu, Rune Hope, and Louis Bruckert

Search and

...Hild East (North Sea, Norway): How Geosciences Integration Led to the Re-Birth of an Old Discovery; #20128 (2012) Christian H. Mathieu, Rune Hope...


Where Did the Proppant Go?

Jonathan P. McKenna

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... be difficult to quantify. Therefore, different techniques for modeling proppant distributions must be applied to the same dataset for validation purposes...


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