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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,341 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Source Characteristics of Marine Oils as Indicated by Carbon Isotopic Ratios of Volatile Hydrocarbons

H. M. Chung , G. E. Claypool , M. A. Rooney , R. M. Squires

AAPG Bulletin

... in ^dgr13C values as a function of molecular size (i.e., isotope profiles) that exist among different oil types, and shows how this variation...


Spikes in Your Acquisition? Ž How to Minimize their Impact through Field and Processing Techniques.

Paula A.C. Barbosa, Jose A. Jaramillo, Jose H. Olaya

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...Spikes in Your Acquisition? Ž How to Minimize their Impact through Field and Processing Techniques. Paula A.C. Barbosa, Jose A. Jaramillo, Jose H...


Identifying Gas Channel Sweet Spots through Multi-Component Seismic Interpretation, #41536 (2015).

Murray Roth

Search and

.... In this case study, the effectiveness of multi-component seismic interpretation is compared for two very different gas plays. The first example, from...


Devonian Gas-Bearing Shales in the Appalachian Basin

Wallace de Witt Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

..., although only about 3 tcf (8.5 1010 m3) have been recovered to date. The enigma is how to devise techniques to profitably recover an appreciable part...



Alan Pennington

GCAGS Transactions

... short of the RA4 sand. The RA4 had never been penetrated at the structural high. TMRC selected a drillsite location different from Phillips' proposal...


Abstract: Using Enhanced HRAM Anomalies to Correlate Faults between 2-D Seismic Lines; #90213 (2015)

Serguei A. Goussev, Lisa A. Griffith, John W. Peirce, and Andreas Cordsen

Search and

... when seismic sections are of different vintages and processing quality. The ambiguity of this correlation can be significantly reduced by integration...


Characterizing (Oil Sands) Ore Body with Process Performance Indicators using Pattern Recognition, #40699 (2011)

Yang Wang, Dean Wallace, Leonard Slipp

Search and

... of the ore reveal very little about how the ore will process in the extraction circuit. The process is governed by the interactions of many factors...


Geologic Stereo Mapping of Geologic Structures with SPOT Satellite Data: Geologic Note (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... with the mapping capabilities of SPOT stereo, to assess the suitability of SPOT stereo mapping in different terrains, and to demonstrate how existing image...


Abstract: Geosteering Techniques in Thin Coal Reservoirs; #90171 (2013)

Christine Burinda, Jason Pitcher, and Dennis Lee

Search and

...Abstract: Geosteering Techniques in Thin Coal Reservoirs; #90171 (2013) Christine Burinda, Jason Pitcher, and Dennis Lee Geosteering Techniques...


Abstract: Geosteering Techniques in Thin Coal Reservoirs; #90171 (2013)

Christine Burinda, Jason Pitcher, and Dennis Lee

Search and

...Abstract: Geosteering Techniques in Thin Coal Reservoirs; #90171 (2013) Christine Burinda, Jason Pitcher, and Dennis Lee Geosteering Techniques...


Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphical Analysis of the NW Borneo Sedimentary Basins (Paper 9)

Kim Morrison, Wong Chung-Lee

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... Landmass and also the localised structural movements related to shale diapirism. In this paper we show how analysis of selected key wells in the main...


Carrier beds as reservoirs

John A. Breyer and Tristan Euzen

AAPG Bulletin

... in the Williston Basin, and illustrate how geochemical techniques can be used to better estimate mobile oil saturation in an unconventional hybrid play. Finally...


Investigating the Critical Geological and Completion Parameters That Impact Production Performance

E.A. Ejofodomi, G. Cavazzoli, J.D. Estrada, J. Peano

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... that efficiently enables full-cycle seismic-to-reservoir simulation of unconventional reservoirs. The software handles the impact of structural and property...


Domain Based Geologic Modeling of a Fractured Granite Reservoir

Joel J.Guttormsen, James M. Wade, Rita Achita

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... for reservoir simulation because it is a more realistic view of the reservoir. Both techniques require a detailed understanding of the structural...


Uncertainty Management: A Structured Approach Towards Recognizing, Quantifying and Managing Sampling Biases in Subsurface Unknowns

Laurent Alessio, Arnout Everts, Faeez Rahmat

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is the volumetric assessment of a gas discoveries portfolio, where geophysical techniques were instrumental in exploration and appraisal drilling. Finally ‘How...


Industry and Academic Consortium for Computer Based Subsurface Geology and Well Log Analysis

Jeffrey A. Nunn, Alan L. Brown, Stephen O. Sears

GCAGS Transactions

..., isopach, and isochore maps and different types of cross sections, including balanced, fence, and correlation. Then students learn how to construct...


Geological engineering criteria for deep solids injection

Muhammad Nadeem, Maurice B. Dusseault

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... waste placement are addressed. The most important criteria are permeability, porosity, reservoir thickness, depth, and structural geology (of the region...


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