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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,371 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Abstract: Learnings from a Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) Programme, by Saeed A. Al-Yarubi, Shadia F. Al-Farsi, and Nasser T. Al-Touqi; #90077 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Facies Analysis and Permeability Estimation in Late Cretaceous Giant Carbonate Reservoir using LWD Technology: A Case Study in Sabriyah Field, North Kuwait, #41842 (2016).
Ahmed Elsherif, Kais Gzara, Hossam Ibrahim, J. Krafft
Search and Discovery.com
... types as defined in terms of the relationship between their porosity and permeability. Figure 6. Vertical resolution for different imaging techniques...
Environmental Genomics Applications for Environmental Management Activities in the Oil and Gas Industry: State-of-the-Art Review and Future Research Needs
Michael Marnane, Marc Skinner, Catie Young, Mary Murdoch, Jordan Angle, Jeffrey Pollock, Thomas Merzi, Nicolas Tsesmetzis, Paola Maria Pedroni, Ane Kjølhamar, Anita Skarstad, Cyril Mickiewicz, Felicite Robertson, Harvey Johnstone
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... of govern ment organisations, with the remainder being equally distrib uted amongst academia, industry and service providers, as well as a single...
Bruce Walker and Anton Ziolkowski
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... in interest in surface EM surveying methods has brought a range of different techniques to the forefront. Amongst Active EM methods, the best established...
ABSTRACT: New Directions for Marine Three-Dimensional Surveys, by Javaid A. Durrani, William S. French, and Lynn B. Comeaux; #91035 (2010)
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Abstract: Focusing Stochastic Simulation for Effective Problem-Solving in Reservoir Engineering, by R. J. Norris; #90951 (1996).
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ABSTRACT: Modeling of Bayu-Undan Field, by Scott C. Balke and John C. Currie; #90913(2000).
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Abstract: Difficutleis in Estimating Resources and Reserves in a Probablistic Framework, by David MacDonald; #90072 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Application of Alternative Correlation Techniques (Chemostratigraphy) in the Terra Nova Field, Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
John Gordon
Search and Discovery.com
... there are different areas of reservoir rock provenance and fault block-specific (to determine if shale beds between wells are correlative). Several examples of how...
Quantitative Compositional Characterization of the Biosiliceous Miocene Lark Formation, Danish North Sea and Norwegian Margin
Search and Discovery.com
Application of Alternative Correlation Techniques (Chemostratigraphy) in the Terra Nova Field, Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
John Gordon
Search and Discovery.com
... there are different areas of reservoir rock provenance and fault block-specific (to determine if shale beds between wells are correlative). Several examples of how...
Restorations of faulted domes
Mohammed M. Al-Fahmi, Andreas Plesch, John H. Shaw, and John C. Cole
AAPG Bulletin
... developed techniques of three-dimensional (3-D) geomechanical structural restoration applied to resolve the kinematics of deformation in the sedimentary cover...
Gulf Coast Oil and Gas Board Hearings: Credibility of Geological Expert Witnesses
William E. Pritchard, III
GCAGS Transactions
...) revealed that each state agency has adopted its own set of rules and regulations that govern the permitting and spacing of wells, and the establishment...
A Compilation of Articles on Shale Plays and Unconventional Resources: The Role of Access and the Making of Normative Standards; #70135 (2013)
Susan Smith Nash
Search and Discovery.com
.... Discusses how and why shales are all different. What do you need to know? Parameters and Optimal Targets: Source Rock Quality – TOC- 2 – 5...
Influence of Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Heavy Oils On Their Recovery
J. Connan, H.R. Coustau
Circum Pacific Council Publications
..., pressure, presence of waterbearing beds, etc.) govern recovery. However, the 777 CONNAN, COUSTAU the reservoir may also be of prime importance...
A Comparative Study of Wave Equation Multiple Suppression to Conventional Tau-p Deconvolution and Radon Multiple Attenuation Methods
Kriyanti Setiyono, Ken H. Matson
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Suppression (WEMS) method was conducted. We present the results of applying these three multiple suppression techniques to a data set with a moderately...
Multidisciplinary Data Integration for 3D Geological Outcrop Characterization, Jackfork Group, Hollywood Quarry, Arkansas, #50597 (2012)
Richard J. Brito
Search and Discovery.com
...’s walls. The purpose of these two geophysical techniques was to image two different geological features: stratigraphic distribution and structural...
Refining the Tactics: Current Approaches to Exploration and Development of Shale Plays in the U.S., #70173 (2014).
Susan Smith Nash
Search and Discovery.com
... to hydrocarbon that has migrated there from a different source. How can we work with the clay minerals to “condition” them to make them more likely...
New Zealand Energy: Security in Diversity
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... meeting of govern ment, science and areas that were set aside for competitive blocks 90% across a broad base ... geothermal, solar indu stry prom...
Abstract: Energy and Minerals: A Technology and Education for the Future
George S. Ansell
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
..., no, or negative growth in demand for petroleum products. Present events, including world-wide over-capacity, appear to be part of a genuine structural...
Can We Keep Exploration Alive: Abstract
Merrill W. Haas
Tulsa Geological Society
... exposures, more sample examination, improvement of rock classifications, new subsurface mapping techniques, use of magnetic and gravity data...
ABSTRACT: Computer Modeling of Balanced Sections in Exploration, by A. Gibbs, A. Bell, and J. Wheeler; #91022 (1989)
Search and Discovery.com
Procedures for Prospecting Highly Explored Areas: ABSTRACT
Phillip S. Kistler
AAPG Bulletin
... prospect lead. How do discoveries result in highly explored areas? 1. Refinement of, or finding, new structural details. 2. Reinterpretation...
Abstract: Seismic Modeling of the Rose Run Formation, Eastern Ohio, by B. L. Roth; #91005 (1991).
Search and Discovery.com