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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,371 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Developments in Seismic Processing for Geologic Interpretation: ABSTRACT
Mark K. Smith
AAPG Bulletin
... emphasis has been on the development and application of new signal-processing techniques through the utilization of communication-theory concepts...
Dipmeter Errors and Reliability: ABSTRACT
Daniel H. Horowitz, Harry M. Buchner
AAPG Bulletin
... to recognize structural anomalies and may yield valuable stratigraphic information provided one can distinguish valid dips and comprehend...
Abstract: Geologic and Geophysical Survey of Hydrocarbon Traps and Resource Potential in the Galisteo Basin, New Mexico, by R. Ashu; #90094 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
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Search and Discovery.com
... interpretation of the dataset, shallow and deep structural targets are readily imaged, even beneath 1.5km of terrain. This project represents state...
3-D Trishear: Parameters and Possibilities
Search and Discovery.com
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Search and Discovery.com
... interpretation of the dataset, shallow and deep structural targets are readily imaged, even beneath 1.5km of terrain. This project represents state...
Abstract: Estimating Accuracies and Uncertainties of Quantitative Stratigraphic Predictions, by M. A. Lessenger and T. A. Cross; #90956 (1995).
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3-D Printed Reservoir Sandstone: How Accurate Are Pore System Copies?
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How to Obtain Reservoir Pressure and Fluid information in Low Permeability to Tight Reservoirs: Case Study from Malaysia
Search and Discovery.com
Interactive Reservoir Geomodelling from Uncertainty, #41309 (2014)
Ronan Amorim, Emilio Vital Brazil, Daniel Patel, Mario Costa Sousa
Search and Discovery.com
... to different interpretations from domain experts. Currently techniques used by geophysicists and geologists for interpretation at the appraisal stage...
Using 3-D Earth Modeling Technology to Revitalize Development in the Gulf of Mexico's West Delta 117 Field
Luzietti, Eugene A., Cheryl J. Lukehart , Keith J. Radecker
GCAGS Transactions
... and horizon are hand smoothed to honor fault and structural horizon picks. Precise fault-surface intersections Figure 1. A geologic-type log showing...
Abstract: Following the Pre-Salt Play to its Outermost Extent in the Campos and Santos Basins, Brazil — An Analog for Gulf of Mexico Presalt?
Cian O'Reilly
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... Basin: source, reservoir, trap and seal and how the evolution of these elements through the different depositional and structural domains can be seen...
Enhancement of the Three-Dimensional Seismic Method through the use of Well Control and Seismic-Modeling Techniques in the Resolution of Fourth-Order Depositional Sequences within the Grayburg Reservoir, Foster Field, Ector County, Texas - Part I
W. Hoxie Smith, James J. Reeves
West Texas Geological Society
...Enhancement of the Three-Dimensional Seismic Method through the use of Well Control and Seismic-Modeling Techniques in the Resolution of Fourth-Order...
Using Freehand Three-dimensional Drawings to Clarify and Verify Subsurface Structural Interpretations
Donald S. Stone
AAPG Special Volumes
... on at least two different stratigraphic horizons, and intersecting structural cross sections oriented in several different directions across...
3D Seismic Visualization Using Multiple Volume Data Sets
Antony J. Marsh, Andy Furniss, Gerald Kidd
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... is a relatively new technology that blends different volumes into the same 3D space. We review several interesting examples on how multiple volume...
2009 Napa AAPG Hedberg Research Conference on Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling
Marek Kacewicz, Kenneth E. Peters, David J. Curry
AAPG Bulletin
... for further forward magnetic modeling. The author showed how this HRAM model improved structural interpretation, including strike-slip lineaments...
Abstract: Aspects of 3D basin modeling of the Dutch Central Graben area, by J.M. van Buggenum, F.F.N. van Hulten, and P.W. Gibson; #90066 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Construction of Geological Model Scenarios in a Highly Faulted Reservoir: Finding the Appropriate Model That Best-Fit Reservoir Simulation Objectives
Search and Discovery.com
Toward consistency in petroleum exploration: A systematic way of constraining uncertainty in prospect volumetrics
David G. Quirk, Richard G. Ruthrauff
AAPG Bulletin
..., facies changes, and presence and position of thief zones.Figure 13. Illustration of how different assumptions in only the distribution...
Critical incidents: what the psychologist sees
Zara Hart
Australian Energy Producers Journal
..., we ask dreadful, important questions: Was there a fatality? How many were injured? How many witnesses? What is their medical status? Sometimes...
Peering into the Abyss: Scientists, Oil Companies Work Together to Unlock Secrets of the Deep
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... drilling rig in we think about how we might want to manage Team members usually spend about 4-8 days 2004. The ri g has been involved in most...
ABSTRACT: Advanced Automated Faults and Horizon Interpretations Improving E&P Prospect and Field Structural Definition, by Le Turdu, Caroline; Bejarano, Gaston ; Laver, Rod; Schulte, Lothar; Warner, Stephen; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Interplay Between Extension, Salt and Pre-Existing Structure, Offshore Angola
Search and Discovery.com
The Geophysicist Communicating with Seismic Processing
R. E. Sheriff
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... become more complicated and as the data volume grows. Tomorrow we will have available an increasing array of techniques which the geophysicist will want...
An Integrated Coalbed Methane Exploration Model: Defining Coalbed Methane Sweetspots - Workshop Summary
Andrew R. Scott
... operators. CMB well completion and stimulation techniques are very different from traditional natural gas or oil technologies and require new strategies...