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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,371 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Niobrara Horizontal Well Planning and Execution: The Other Half of the Equation
Jack Wiener, Mohamed Elfedawy
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... range from building the curve in the Sharron Springs, changes to structural dip and extensive normal faulting along the length of the lateral...
Determination of Source-Rock Thermal Maturity by Direct Measurements and Predictive Modeling—Application to Upper Cretaceous Cody Shale, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Vito F. Nuccio
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
... Basin, Wyoming Vito F. Nuccio 1990 167 175 Five techniques of determining thermal maturity, using the same core samples of the Upper Cretaceous...
Quantifying the Impact of Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Heterogeneities on Flow in Carbonate Reservoirs through Integrated Flow Simulation Experiments, #120049 (2012)
Peter J.R. Fitch, Matthew D. Jackson, Gary J. Hampson, Cédric M. John
Search and Discovery.com
... permeability and capillary pressure models may alter how geologic heterogeneities impact on flow. Additional simulations, incorporating different production...
A Comparison of Popular Neural Network Facies Classification Schemes*
Christopher P. Ross, David M. Cole
GCAGS Transactions
..., and the seismic facies prediction can be scored or judged as to how effective the learning has performed. Both techniques have merit in seismic...
Subsurface High-Grading in CSG/CBM Provinces: Implications and Illustrations for Appraisal and Development; #40927 (2012)
Arnout J.W. Everts and Laurent Alessio
Search and Discovery.com
... and mapping of data at different scales. Manufacturing model for coal-seam gas development still remains adequate and necessary; however, we can...
Exploration Targets on the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin
Frank B. Conselman
Tulsa Geological Society
... is best defined in structural terms based on the contour gradient westward into the Basin from the Bend Arch, but for practical purposes it may...
ABSTRACT: Structural diagenesis, resource plays, the Highlands of Scotland, and curriculum development; #90136 (2011)
Stephen E. Laubach
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Structural diagenesis, resource plays, the Highlands of Scotland, and curriculum development; #90136 (2011) Stephen E. Laubach Structural...
Chapter 12: Increasing Interpreter Capability in Structurally Complex Settings through Combined Fieldwork, Interpretation, and Geocellular Modeling
John G. Solum, Stephen J. Jolley, Benjamin D. Meyer
AAPG Special Volumes
... both manual QA/QC rule application as well as demonstrations of how to use any automated QA/QC tools that might be available. The five different...
Structural segmentation in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea: Insights from analogue models and implications for hydrocarbon exploration
Gengxiong Yang, Hongwei Yin, Jun Gan, Wei Wang, Jitian Zhu, Dong Jia, Xiaofeng Xiong, and Wenqiao Xu
AAPG Bulletin
... developed. Figure 16. Comparative analysis of the structural styles between experiment 3 and the Qiongdongnan Basin. (A–C) Different structural styles...
Section V: Erosional and Depositional Forms Related to Turbidite Sedimentation
New Orleans Geological Society
... from essentially the same principles which govern the products of subaerial fluvial systems. If this fundamental concept is grasped, the understanding...
The Paradox Basin Revisited – New Developments in Petroleum Systems and Basin Analysis; Frontmatter
W. S. Houston, L. L. Wray, P. G. Moreland
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... drilling and completion fluids and techniques) Reinterpretation of structural and stratigraphic trends opening up new prospects (undiscovered algal...
The “Hands-Off” Approach to Seismic for the 21st Century: A Case Study in the Use of Very High Channel Recording Systems
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: EdGeo workshops: continuing earth science assistance for Nova Scotia teachers
Jennifer L. Bates, Howard V. Donohoe Jr., Iris Hardy, Henrietta Mann, Kathy Silverstein, Graham L. Williams
Atlantic Geology
...) the importance and methods of mineral production, and (3) different techniques and strategies for running field trips. During Day 2 the teachers learn about...
Abstract: Seismic Attribute Analysis
Chris Lewis
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... lot techniques can be, and how much can be missed by simply interrogating vast numbers of correlation coefficients. With few we ll s and many...
ABSTRACT: Improving Primary Oil Recovery from a (DOE Class 1) Fluvial-Dominated Deltaic Lacustrine Reservoir Uinta Basin, Utah, by C. D. Morgan; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Seismic Detection of Onondaga Patch Reefs, by Morris, James R.; #90031 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Search and Discovery.com
Sandtrak: a new tool to further the understanding of sands within reservoir systems
Search and Discovery.com
Contaminant Fate and Transport in Gulf Coast Sediments: A Case Study
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Seismic Attribute Optimization for Deep-Water Facies Classification in SOM Analysis;
Karelia La Marca Molina, Heather Bedle
Search and Discovery.com
... that while machine learning techniques are a powerful tool for geological interpretation, user control on initial input attributes and testing of different...
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Olive Kernel Biochar and Charcoal in-fusion in Coke Matrix vs. Biocoke Quality
Małgorzata Wojtaszek-Kalaitzidi, Michał Rejdak, Michał Książek, Sten Y. Larsen, Stavros Kalaitzidis
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... is a result of the different biomass components’ structural character. The quality of the obtained coke depends on the built-in mechanism. Figure 1...
From Facies to Flow Units: Getting from Theory to Practice, by Charles T. Feazel, #90029 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Learning From the 2013 3-D Interpretation AAPG Hedberg Conference: How Geoscientists See 3-D
Search and Discovery.com