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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 33,371 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.
Abstract: Interesting Directions Being Pursued in Seismic Curvature Attribute Analysis; #90187 (2014)
Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
... such 3D rose diagrams at different levels and how they indicate the changes in the orientation of the fractures therein. These rose diagrams can be vector...
Seismic Characterisation of Unconventional Plays in North America
Lee Bell, Mary Edrich, Alvaro Chaveste
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... dolostonesillstone-sandstone play Successful resource plays depend on a set of geolog ic characteristics that control the - richness of the play and how...
Seismic Imaging Technology: Part II: Lessons from Wide Azimuth Subsalt Imaging in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø
GEO ExPro Magazine
... image, so in this article we show how advances in imaging deepwater subsalt plays in the deep water Gulf of Mexico is a result of the way the industry...
Henry W. Posamentier
Special Publications of SEPM
... to emphasize what can be considered as stratigraphic "first principles7' on which sequence stratigraphy is based and to illustrate how they can...
Cretaceous Stratigraphic Patterns and Exploration Concepts on the Arabian Plate
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Steel Casing Effect on Land CSEM Monitoring; #90255 (2017)
Vladimir Puzyrev, Eloi Vilamajo, Pilar Queralt, Juanjo Ledo, Alex Marcuello
Search and Discovery.com
... has intensified the development of deep controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) techniques on land. In many applications, the deep source is located...
Abstract: Seismic Characterization of Tight Gas Reservoirs; An Integrated Approach; #90275 (2017)
Jalal Khazanehdari
Search and Discovery.com
... attributes or complex ones are used for rock property and quality delineation and mapping using attribute classification techniques. Such analysis could help...
ABSTRACT: Identifying Structural Styles in Colombia, by Wayne P. Wilson, Robert E. Van Nieuwenhuise, Mark R. Steuer, and German Ojeada; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Identifying Structural Styles in Colombia, by W. P. Wilson, R. E. Van Nieuwenhuise, M. R. Steuer, and G. Ojeda; #90951 (1996).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Late Cretaceous to Eocene Integrated Structural and Geodynamic Analysis of Five Colorado Plateau Uplifts, by A. P. Bump; #90925 (1999)
Search and Discovery.com
Communication and Exploration Synergism
John H. Silcox
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... explorationists must know what new enhancement techniques can best improve the seismic data they are using in order to recognize subtle structural traps...
Remote Sensing Underground
Dragana Todorovic-Marinic
GEO ExPro Magazine
... reservoirs. How does one map a three-dimensionally complex reservoir in order to position horizontal wells precisely and optimally...
Reducing fault and seal uncertainty through restoration and forward geomechanical modeling in a compressional regime in the Arabian Plate
Ahmed AlHawaj, Yaser AlZayer
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... is a valuable technique that can enhance both structural and geomechanical analyses of seismic sections. This work was applied to three different...
Semi-inverse relationship between critical angle and reflectivity coefficient, and its implication in seismic survey design, processing, and interpretation
Chen Bao
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... reservoirs. However, how far can we push? The maximum angle cutoff, as a key parameter in survey design, processing, and interpretation, is unfortunately...
Structural StyleBrooks Range Mountain Front, Alaska
R. C. Crane, C. G. Mull
Pacific Section SEPM
... structural techniques and procedures. There are four principles which must be followed in thrust The westernmost Howard Pass Domain (fig. 3) is belt...
Extraction and Interpretation of the Complex Seismic Trace
R. E. Sheriff, M. T. Taner, F. Koehler, D. Frye
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of three factors: better recording techniques, which distort the data less, and better processing techniques, which remove many types of noise...
A Bridge Between Two Worlds
Jane Whaley
GEO ExPro Magazine
... and gas industry. But what exactly is it, and how can it help? A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical object or process...
Abstract: Understanding Visual Salience Can Improve 3D Seismic Interpretation Software Design, by James Lowell, Jon Henderson, and Barbara Froner; #120140 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Subsurface-Driven Completion and Well-Design Changes to Maximize Value in the Marcellus; #41634(2015)
Ben Stephenson, Babak Nesheli, Karan Christopher, Abhijit Mookerjee, David Rampton, Nina Teff
Search and Discovery.com
... Abstract A fundamental conundrum common to Unconventional plays is how to understand the relative contribution of the subsurface versus the drilling...
ABSTRACT: Expanding Plays A Creative Approach (2 part discussion); #90111 (2010)
Robert Miller
Search and Discovery.com
... plays and fields in Texas. I will discuss how these concepts and techniques attributed to the great success in the following play expansions...
Basin-specific Optimization of an Automated Geosteering Algorithm Using Simulated Stratigraphy
Kenneth McCarthy, Andrew Pare, Levi Heintzelman, Marc Willerth, Alexander Mitkus, Tannor Ziehm, Timothy Gee, Paul Reynerson
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of interpretations though a stretchand-fit scheme, the ability for an expert to influence how interpretations are produced is retained using “control points...
Measurement of Effective Tortuosity in Unconventional Tight Rock using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Son Dang, Sanchay Mukherjee, Carl Sondergeld, Chandra Rai
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... studies have shown that diffusion can be a dominant transport mechanism in EOR in nanoporous media. Surface area and diffusion length govern diffusion...
Thermal Property Measurements of Methane Hydrate Using a Transient Plane Source Technique
Robert P. Warzinski, Eilis J. Rosenbaum, Ronald J. Lynn, David W. Shaw
AAPG Special Volumes
..., September 3, 1991.Gustafsson, S. E., 1991b, Transient plane source techniques for thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity measurements of solid...