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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 33,371 Results. Searched 198,253 documents.

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Process-based Knowledge Management: Overview and Application of Iterative 3-D Modeling Workflows

J. C. Herweijer, J. M. Yarus, M. J. V. Suana

AAPG Special Volumes

... for multidisciplinary project teams working with spatial modeling techniques. A process-based knowledge management methodology is defined that allows...


Detailed Seismic Characterization of a Heavily Karsted Zone; #10506 (2013)

Alfredo Fernandez and Kurt Marfurt

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... are the different formations and how this fractures will propagate through them.  Take into account the stress and strain regimes in the area...


Augmenting 1D conductivity depth sections to include information pertaining to 2D/3D conductors

Magdel Combrinck

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... also present decay constant values corrected for conductive background responses. Fraser filtered X-component data are used to indicate structural...


Abstract: Measurement of compressional--wave velocity gradients in seabed materials -- examples from the Beaufort Sea and the Sea of Japan

A. McKay

Atlantic Geology

... the observed reflected wavefield. Dynamic modelling of its amplitude and phase characteristics must be carried out, and may lead to quite different...


ABSTRACT: How Well Can Artifical Coalification Simulate the Natural Maturation Trend?

H.B. Lo

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...ABSTRACT: How Well Can Artifical Coalification Simulate the Natural Maturation Trend? H.B. Lo 6th Annual Meeting Abstracts and Program Copyright...


Pore Size Distributions by Analysis of Back-Scattered Electron and Fluorescence Images: ABSTRACT

Kenneth Ruzyla

AAPG Bulletin

... to a wide range of rock types and requires only conventional sample-preparation techniques. Back-scattered electron or fluorescence microscopy images...


1-D NMR Data Inversion

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ABSTRACT: An Assessment of the Late Holocene Record of Severe Storm Impacts from Lake Shelby, Alabama; #90021 (2003)


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... Lake Shelby, Alabama The historical record of severe storms on the Gulf Coast extends back only about 100 years. To better predict how the Gulf Coast...


ABSTRACT: Land Surface Waves: a Quantitative Geophysical Tool; #90051 (2006)

ADAMY Jerome, MOUTON Edouard, DURAND Gregory

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... at a very reasonable cost compared to other techniques. SISMOCEAN uses different types of seismic sources : hammer blow, dynamite or natural noise (micro...


ABSTRACT: Quantitative Assessment of Gas Generation and Gas Typing in Petroleum Systems; #90061 (2006)

Yongchun Tang, Geoffrey S. Ellis, and Martin Schoell

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... natural gas accumulation are distinctly different from those related to oil generation and accumulation and require new tools and strategies in support...


Abstract: Integrating the Secondary Data for an Improved Reservoir Characterization; #90171 (2013)

Sahyun Hong and Clayton V. Deutsch

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... calibration techniques are considered to find the data redundancy weights. Examples demonstrate different integration results depending on the calibrated...


Abstract: Shallow Subsurface and Deep Burial Hydrothermal Dolomitization: Examples From Devonian and Mississippian Reservoirs in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin; #90225 (2015)

Ihsan S. Al-Aasm

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... and other evidence. The composition and evolution of ancient sedimentary fluids have been successfully reconstructed using the techniques of stable...


Role of Microcomputer Geologic Work Station in Exploration: Case Study: ABSTRACT

Geoffrey W. Mathews

AAPG Bulletin

... an explorationist to produce interactively many different types of maps and to formulate and test multiple geologic models. Maps can be updated and reproduced...


Aeromagnetic Techniques and Interpretation Applied to Fold Belt Exploration - Bara Aeromagnetic Survey, Papua New Guinea

G. L. Scotford, D. A. Pratt, Z. Shi

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

.... Effect of shallow magnetic body on reduced to pole magnetic signal. were constructed along a mapped field traverse. Two different structural styles...


High Resolution Interpretation in the Llanos Basin, Colombia

Germán Rodriguez, Hermes Garzón, Jaime A. Stein, Scott Humphrey, Guillermo Fajardo

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... beds and their lateral terminations and small faulting. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the application of a novel bandwidth extension...


Seismic Techniques in the Cotton Valley Reef Play in East Texas

Wayne Tittle

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... the drilling target increases with greater structural dip and target depth. We have used borehole seismic techniques successfully to fine tune...


Structural Styles in Basin Formation: Chapter 6: Concepts

A. D. Gibbs

AAPG Special Volumes

..., 1967, Folding and fracturing of rocks: New York, McGraw-Hill, p. 568. Ramsay, J.G., and M.I. Huber, 1983, The techniques of modern structural geology, v...


Abstract: Reservoir Characterization Best Practices For Clastic And Carbonate Reservoirs - Evolution Through Time; #90315 (2017)

Subrata Chakraborty

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... development due to resolution but can help a lot in areal prediction particulary in small and marginal fields. Advanced geostatistics techniques...


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